Venda camerjam mobile marketing masterclass retail




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Ivor Morgan Head of Marketing, EMEA

We now live in the age of new retailing, in a

multichannel world…Their high street, their

computer, their smartphone - all these offer

different ways of shopping [for consumers] and

all are converging.

Philip Clarke, Tesco Group CEO. 8 June 2011

Online retail is changing as customer behaviour is


From this

To this

Source: New Consumer Behaviours 2010, Krillion & the e-tailing group 2010

No longer a straightforward journey…

Multi-channel shoppers spend 50% more

than single channel shoppers

Satisfied multi-channel users have higher

attitudinal loyalty

Source: New Consumer Behaviours 2010, Krillion & the e-tailing group 2010

…creating significant opportunities for retailers

Customer behaviour is changing…retailers must

adapt and invest fast



Browse, select & find a Store

Venda announces LocalPoint

Utilise precise Geofences (cell, Wifi and GPS) to monitor

shoppers and consumer behaviours

Use time and location sensitive messages to drive store


Deliver specific promotions based on entry, check-in and


Use in-store actions to generate analytics to a deeper level

Queuing to make

a purchase

Checking In Rating Products

at a Sampling


Receiving an

Exit Survey


to Call an


Scanning a QR

Code offer

Receiving a

Store Alert

In Store


Web Enabled


New In Store Experience

Social is Mobile

Facebook drives traffic

•90% of consumers trust

recommendations from people they

know (eConsultancy)

•67% of consumers spend more online

after getting advice from their online

community of friends (Internet Retailer)