Understanding business finance


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Understanding businessfinance

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

Understanding business finance

Good commercial decision making lies at the heart of every business if it is to successfully create value for all of its stakeholders.

The foundation for this is that everyone has a thorough grasp of Business Finance and the concepts that lie behind it.

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

”To invite people to think like business owners…… so they can base their future decisions on sound business thinking.”

The purpose of the workshop

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

Participants form the incoming management team of A&O Inc. – an established company that is facing some tough business challenges.

As the team track the company on a journey from mediocrity to excellence they are able to see and understand via a series of exercises the key decisions involved in the process.

The goal is to achieve profitable growth

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

Understanding the growth strategy

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

Achieving an ambitious goal in tough and rapidly changing competitive conditions cannot be achieved without taking risks. Understanding the risks and balancing them against the potential rewards will be critical for A&O Inc. as it plans a strategy for the business going forward.

Business acumen for salespeople

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

Making a profit is one thing but being sufficiently profitable to create value is quite another. Sales people have a critical role to play in this area. Good business acumen enables them to not only qualify leads and present the business benefits of productsand services to customers but also to ensure that the business that they secure is consistent in commercial terms with the growth strategy.




Accounts receivableCash


Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

The workshop brings financial concepts and statements to life through its simple, visual hands on model of a company.

Enabling participants to understand

By seeing all the key elements

The company’s finances are represented by

value markers and value carriers.

Using these allow the teams to imitate the

circulation of capital during the financial year.

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

The workshop at a glance: the flow

Opening – Setting the Scene

Your own organization

What are we up against?

The Simulation experience


”From mediocrity to excellence in 3


Next Steps – the Way Forward

Back to your own real world

What is our potential for improvements?

What can we do to tap into them?

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

The workshop in a nutshell

Key concepts covered: Business finance


Balance sheet

Profit and loss statement

Cash flow

Working capital

Value drivers

Profitable growth

Value added services

Operations efficiency

Continuous improvement

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.

Benefits - What the business gains

• A common frame of reference is created –a shared model of how your business works

• People explore and discover the key value drivers –the main levers and their relative impact

• People identify the potentials for improvements –and have the desire to make a difference

Creating alignment around shared priorities –with a common understanding of the way forward

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.


Steve Hemmings

+44(0)7768 158576


Centrepiece is a Celemi Partner


For more information

“Knowing what you want to

achieve is one thing…

…knowing which buttons to

push is quite another.”

Copyright © 1992-2015 Celemiab Systems AB and C³ Services Ltd. All rights reserved.
