Turn your content into customers with paper share




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PaperShare turns your content into a meeting place for your brand and the audiences you want to reach.

All great marketing and communications begins with big ideas. And big ideas are only as good as the ability to bring them to life.Likely, you’re in the midst of doing that right now - turning your ideas into the content that will wow, surprise, engage, hook, and even make someone laugh on their journey to embrace your brand. You are likely creating, curating and publishing content. And you are likely frustrated trying to get the greatest reach so you can engage with audiences to turn them into customers. We’re betting today is your lucky day.

What if instead of channels and distribution, we focused on content? What if we could bond social context directly to that piece of content, not the channel? What if we could know who viewed the content? What if we could automatically empower our sales and marketing teams to engage with those potential customers around the content? And what if that content could be turned into actual customers?

With PaperShare®, you can. At PaperShare our approach is simple: put your content at the center of your customer acquisition process. PaperShare turns your content into a meeting place for your brand and the audiences you want to reach.

As marketing, communications and sales professionals ourselves, we’re pretty excited about how the PaperShare publishing engine solves these challenges. We invite you to join us and discover how you can turn your content into customers.

In this whitepaper, you will learn:

■ How to put your  content at the center of your customer acquisition strategy  and find publishing efficiencies across all channels and platforms, including – surprise! – your sales force.

■ How to socially surround your content and make each piece of content a meeting place for your customers and your brand.

■ How to leverage that connection point as the meeting place to nurture and establish meaningful relationships, and turn your content into qualified customers.



First, let’s frame the problemToday’s organizations can tap into a host of tactics, channels, and tools to connect with prospective buyers, including content marketing, social networking, and real-time analytics. Consider how content marketing alone is changing the B2B marketing landscape. Today it accounts for 26% of B2B marketing budgets, according to research conducted by the Content Marketing Institute. Moreover, the Content Marketing Institute found that 60% of marketers plan to increase their content marketing budgets over the next year.1 And Forrester Research projects the US interactive marketing spend (covering social media, email marketing, mobile marketing, display and search marketing) to climb from 21% of overall ad spend to 35% between 2012 and 2016.2

Even with the proliferation of channels and tools, companies struggle to take advantage of the power of content marketing, social networking, and real-time analytics. Why?

Marketing spends significant budget and grapples with manual, inefficient processes to develop, promote, and share content across multiple channels due to a multi-step process using disconnected tools. Once published, updating and tracking content across social channels, owned assets, partner sites and search engines is nearly impossible. And establishing return on content investment is abstract, at best.

We gate our content. Joe Pulizzi at Content Marketing Institute references statistics showing that by removing gates we can increase downloads by 20x to 50x.3 Web forms essentially shut the door on customers’ ability to engage directly with that valuable content.

At the same time, salespeople take extra manual steps to follow up with and engage prospective buyers because sales systems are disconnected from the content that marketing publishes and the rich social conversation happening around that content.

The New Marketing NormSo, With All Those Challenges, How Can Marketers, Social Marketers and Communications Professionals Amplify the Impact of their Content?

1 Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, B2B Content Marketing: 2012 Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends

2 Research, Inc., Interactive Marketing Forecasts, 2011 to 2016 (US).

3 Content Marketing Institute, “Tear Your Content Walls Down, Why Content Walls May Not Make Sense”, March 2009 http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2009/03/tear-your-content-walls-down-why-gated-content-might-not-make-sense/

Forrester Research projects the US interactive marketing spend (covering social media, email marketing, mobile marketing, display and search marketing) to climb from 21% of overall ad spend to 35% between 2012 and 2016.2



To overcome these challenges, companies need a solution that enables them to:

■ Free The Content – Centrally deploy, manage and promote content across all channels in real time: post once, deliver everywhere. Social. Web. Partners. Search. Even your Sales force. With just one click.

■ Surround Content with Social Insights – Establish a new model for customer acquisition that breaks the old web form model.

■ Connect At the Point of Customer Engagement – Be alerted when someone interacts with their content, enabling follow-up and engagement. Gaining insight into how their content is viewed and shared.

■ Deliver Social Selling – Push content published and insights gained directly into the hands of the sales team for informed follow up.

The Solution? PaperShare’s Real-Time Content Publishing EngineThe answer is a simple, yet audacious, solution. With PaperShare’s real-time content publishing engine, we’re turning customer acquisition on its head by optimizing for content at the center of customer acquisition, regardless of channel.

Put Content at the Center of Customer Acquisition

Content & context goes everywhere

Measure across all channels & engage with

viewers wherever they are

Social login connects viewers to content

(and kills web forms)



Our idea is built on three key concepts:

#1 – Real-time Publishing: Built on the power of the cloud, PaperShare’s real time publishing engine allows companies to upload an unlimited amount of content. Marketers, communications professionals and salespeople can now manage the deployment and updating of content. Users can also easily promote and distribute their content library on any website or blog.

And with one click, your content is published across all of your owned sites, your social sites, your blogs, search engines, your partner’s sites, and even places you’ve never been able to publish on before (including your Facebook company page!). At the same time, an email is automatically generated alerting your marketing and sales teams of new content, and with one click within an email they can share across their own social channels – amplifying the power of your content investment. And whenever content is updated, the content library is automatically and instantaneously updated on every site where it appears.

#2. Lead Generation Via Innovative Use of Social Login (#DeathToTheWebForm): Any piece of content published by the platform on any channel can be secured (and then accessed) by placing a social login (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) in front of the content. This enables one-click frictionless lead collection without the need for long lead generation forms that often have large drop-off rates. Social login also provides authenticated viewer information (versus one-off information that cannot be verified), and opens up new ways to engage with prospects using social networks.

#3. Social Sales Through Content Analytics & Engagement: Information about content views and shares is presented within a broader context that includes other content viewed, as well as viewer and company connections, recommendations and reviews by their peers. Companies can automatically feed this information into their marketing and sales automation system. Additionally, sales teams can be immediately updated when content is published and insights are delivered on the social graph of the content for more contextual engagement with potential leads. This allows sales teams to take timely follow-up action on the actual social channels that customers are viewing the content on – all from a central dashboard.

With one click, your content is published across all of your owned sites, your social sites, your blogs, search engines, your partner’s sites, and even places you’ve never been able to publish on before.



The Benefits of a Real-time Content Publishing Engine:With PaperShare’s vision of content as the disruptive force, marketers and communicators can now:

Drive efficiencies and increase content marketing ROI through real-time publishing. By storing, updating, and distributing content from one spot, with one click, businesses can now publish with greater reach and ease to places never before possible. Reach is boosted by automatically — and intelligently — promoting content across to all relevant owned, social and search channels, including internal sales and marketing teams.

Make the web form obsolete with social login (yes, your customers are cheering!). And by socially enabling all published content, we’re delivering new insights and opportunities for engagement with qualified leads.

Turn your content into customers. With your content at the core, PaperShare’s engine allows you to make meaningful connections with the audiences you want to reach. At the same time, marketing and sales teams are updated as content publishes and is consumed, delivering qualified leads at the moment customers engage.

Our Customers Are Saying… Case StudiesAccording to Candyce Plante, Director of Marketing at GreenBytes, “PaperShare has given us an integrated and automated work flow that spans from content publishing on our social networks and website all the way to our employees, partners, prospects and their social networks. We are thrilled to have a new way to create and nurture customer and partner interest using content.”

Another customer, Scense, a high-tech company in the Netherlands, gained the following results from using PaperShare:

■ 30% increase in white paper and document downloads.

■ Overall increase in reads and a sizable uptake in web traffic, leading to a large influx of qualified sales leads and multiple connections to a new ecosystem of partners.

■ Heightened awareness of Scense outside of the Netherlands due to the global reach and community on PaperShare.

“PaperShare has given us an integrated and automated work flow that spans from content publishing on our social networks and website all the way to our employees, partners, prospects and their social networks. We are thrilled to have a new way to create and nurture customer and partner interest using content.”- Candyce Plante, Senior Director of Marketing, GreenBytes



The Payoff: From Content to CustomersAt its core, content marketing is about delivering the right information to the right people at the right time. But it’s easier said than done with today’s empowered buyers conducting research online and turning to their peers instead of vendors for information and advice.

PaperShare’s real-time publishing engine combines the promise of content marketing with the power of social networking and real-time analytics, making it possible for marketers to:

■ Put your content investment at the core of your customer acquisition strategy and drive amplified distribution and consumption.

■ Socially surround your content  and make your content a meeting place. Leverage content as a bridge to meaningful customer relationships and empower your sales teams at the point of content.

Easy To Get Started - 30 Day Free TrialTo understand how your business can benefit from the PaperShare real-time publishing engine and get started, please visit www.papershare.com to begin your 30 day free trial today. This offering features support for unlimited content uploads, the ability to publish once and update everywhere, premium analytics about prospects and influencers, tools to engage with users, integration with social networks and marketing automation software, and real-time alerts to amplify your content reach via your sales and partner team.

For more information, Contact PaperShare at:

■ info@papershare.com

■ 425-803-0962

1-Click Publishing Everywhere

One click automated publishing to websites, social networks, blogs, partner pages, search, sales and marketing teams.

Premium Contextual Analytics

Know who is reading your content, which channels they came from, what else they have read and any insights they share.

Sales Force Amplification

Automated alert system for sales and marketing teams, allowing amplification of content across their social networks.