Top 17 Technological Trends that Led to the Rise of Cloud Call Center Industry


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Top 17 Technological Trends that Led to Rise of Cloud Call-Center Industry


“A cloud call center is a network-based service in which a provider owns and operates call center technology and provides its services remotely to businesses in a monthly subscription model.” • Cloud solution have the primary benefits: lower TCO and predictable monthly costs, increased uptime, no upgrades or maintenance, and immediate access to features. • It’s the unique business requirements of the call center that maximize the intrinsic value of the cloud.

Top Technological Trends

Personalize the InteractionClean the AirGive them Time and SpaceDon’t Refer to the Past ExperiencesChange Your ApproachRestart the ConversationTry Looking for the Other Decision-Maker

Presentation Agenda:

Omni-Channel ServiceCloud ServicesSelf-Service for CustomersWork from Home FacilitiesBetter Regulatory Compliance MeasuresGrowth of Other Means of CommunicationSocial Media as New FrontVirtual Customer Care

Video CallingCallback ServicesBetter Data ResourcesA Personal TouchSupport for Mobile DevicesAll-time SupportAppealing ContentAnalytical Support SystemBetter Data Analysis

Omni-Channel Services

• Omni-channel is a concept in which customers can use a variety of channels to contact the same organization. • Email, web chat, live chat, texts and call services are just some of the channels available to customers to communicate with the call-centers. • It helps to serve the customer better.

Cloud Services• Cloud-based call-centers are more efficient and prompt in their service than their traditional counterparts.• Benefits of using Cloud services are:(i) Highly flexible and adaptable(ii) Use minimum resources to get the maximum result(iii) Reduce costs(iv)  Improve the rate of development of both client and company

Self-Service for Customers

• Cloud call-centers now distinctly prefer those call center cloud software, which, is driven by self-service features and this has hugely influenced the way call-centers work today.

Work-from-Home Facilities

• Nowadays, there has been an increase in the number of call center cloud solutions.• Due to the vastly improved internet and communication systems, it is very easy to provide required customer support.• There has also been a huge increase in work-from-home employees.• Work-from-home helps to offer great services without compromising on quality.

Better Regulatory Compliance

• Every call center cloud software needs to be protected with better security measures by incorporating better and improved regulatory compliance measures. • This is absolutely essential in order to protect the assets of both the customer and the call-center business.

Growth of Other Means of Communication

• Electronic communications have opened a number of new avenues of communication for the employees of a call center in the cloud.• Some of them include live chat, texts, email and a lot more.• This helps the businesses to use their resources better and help their customers with greater efficiency.

Social Media As New Front

• Social media is a huge tool for business expansion.• Call-center companies can use the social media as one of the best platforms to reach out to their clients quickly and provide the required assistance that the customers need.

Virtual Customer Care

• Virtual agent is an automated service which helps cloud call-centers provide customers with quick and robust service support to the most frequently asked questions. • It helps cloud call-centers save valuable human and other resources and utilizes them elsewhere in order to realize the enterprise’s true potential.

Video Calling

• Video calling helps in serving better customer service.• It helps customers to interact with call-center agents virtually face-to-face.• They can also get the answers to their problems and queries from the call-center employees.

Callback Services

• Callback is a very innovative and time saving service.• Callback is a service in which a cloud call-center company calls back those customers who would need to hold the line to talk to a call-center agent. • Instead, when the right call-center employee is free to attend to calls he/she can callback the customer and attend to their problems.

Better Data Resources

• Cloud services help to monitor huge amount of data from recording services, online customer feedback and call monitoring services.• This helps the enterprise reduce the overall cloud call center pricing.  • It also improves their efficiency both financially and performance-wise.

A Personal Touch

• Nowadays, it is possible for the agents to offer a more personalized service to every customer.• This helps build the reputation of the call-center • It also allows the employees of the cloud call-center to cater specifically to the needs of the customer whom they are providing their service to.

Support Mobile Devices

• The improvement and the advancement in the mobile technology have helped to garner a greater customer base.• It is crucial for cloud call-centers to have software and solutions which can be used on mobile devices across all platforms.

All Time Support

• Cloud technology helps to provide customer service 24*7.• This all-time support must also be coupled with continuous performance and should be able to provide the required solutions to the problems of the customer.

Appealing Content

• It is vital for cloud call-centers to promote content which will attract potential customers towards the company.• A proper and engaging content in promotional emails or social media status updates can create the required attention in customers so that the customers avail their services.

Better Data Analysis

• Collection of data only is not enough to serve the purpose of improved services.• The data collected needs to be analyzed properly and quickly in order to help improve the performance of the call-center company.

Analytical Support System

• Support systems help cloud call-centers cater to the growing and evolving customers who avail their services.• One such support system is the Predictive support system.• It uses prior interaction logs of the customer and the call-center company to help select a service which will help the problem of the customer swiftly and properly at the same time.

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