The Step-by-Step Process to Generating Leads from Webinars


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The Step-by-Step Process

for Generating Sales Leads

from Webinars

The Step-by-Step Process

for Generating Sales Leads

from Webinars

Hosted by Laura MacPherson, LeadG2

Blog Manager


The Step-by-Step Process

for Generating Sales Leads

from Webinars

And Jason Zimmermann, LeadG2

Inbound Marketing Specialist


We literally wrote the book

on B2B Lead Generation…

And are a HubSpot

Platinum Agency partner

and know a thing or two about sales!

Since 1983.

Turning Sales Talent into Sales Performance is our reason for being. As a sales performance consulting company since 1983 we help B2B sales organizations attract, retain, and develop the highest performing sales people.

The Step-by-Step Process

for Generating Sales Leads

from Webinars

Featuring: Brian Hasenbauer, LeadG2

Inbound Marketing & Sales Consultant


Why Are We Here Today?

How to Generate Sales Leads from Webinars

The 10 Steps for Generating Sales Leads from Webinars

Today’s Webinar Will Cover

Step 1: Know Who Your Target Audience Is

Step 2: Choose Your Topic & Title


Aligning your target persona’s needs and desires with your need to generate leads regarding a

specific product line or service makes for the best topics. It benefits both your target persona and

your lead generation efforts.

Expert Tips

Step 3: Choose Your Day & Time

Step 3: Choose Your Day & Time


Step 4: Develop the Presentation

Step 5: Structure Your Presentation

As much as this is a sales presentation and you are trying to sell something, DON’T SELL SOMETHING! Focus on being educational and persuasive, not on selling. Follow up emails, calls, and your offer are

where you do your selling.

Expert Tip

Step 6: Decide on

Your Presenters

Hosted by Laura MacPherson, LeadG2

Blog Manager

Featuring: Brian Hasenbauer,

Inbound Marketing Consultant

Your host and presenter have enough going on during the webinar. Find another person at your company that can act as the “Q&A person” and refer to them during the question and answer

portion. Simply reference their name and ask if there are any questions from the audience.

Expert Tip

Step 7: Promotions Part I

Step 7: Promotions Part I

3 ways to promote your upcoming webinar include:

1. Email Marketing (clients / prospects)

2. Blogging

3. Social Media

If you don’t have much content to share and are are not blogging, use graphics that accentuate the

challenges your webinar helps attendees overcome.

Expert Tip

Examples of Social Media Promotions

Step 8: Promotions

Part II

Step 9: Conduct Webinar

The special offer should somehow be related to the main argument or case that you are stating during your presentation. A special offer will be better received by your webinar attendees if it’s

relative to what you have been discussing for the past 30 or so minutes.

Expert Tip

Step 10: Follow Up

1Expert Tip

Step 10: Follow Up 2


Build a Landing Page with Webinar Recording /


Contact each person signed up (can segment message

by who attended / did not)

Include Your Special Offer on the Landing Page

1 Develop Your Target Audience2 Choose Your Topic / Title3 Choose Your Day / Time4 Develop the Presentation5 Structure Your Presentation6 Decide on Your Presenters7 Promotions Part I8 Promotions Part II9 Conduct Webinar10 Follow Up

The 10 Steps for Generating Sales Leads from Webinars

Want to Learn More?

Download our e-book

The Step-by-Step Guide to Generating Sales Leads from Webinar





Thank You!

Laura MacPhersonBlog Manager

Brian HasenbauerInbound Marketing & Sales


Jason ZimmermannInbound Marketing

