The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project



The Hit and Miss of Google+ provides helpful information on the good and bad side of the search giant’s latest social network project.

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The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project


The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

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The online buzz continues to spread on the web about the search engine giant’s new social network project, Google+.

We all know that it has been out for days and still in its initial testing phase.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

However, some early users are now assessing on what Google+ can actually bring to the table.

Let’s take a closer look on where the search giant’s newest social layer is hitting the right marks and where it misses against its rivals.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

Hit: Streamlined User Interface

Most of the early users are admiring Google+ for its clean and sleek user interface.

It’s easy to use, streamlined and free from clutter.

It has its own character and personality which is way better than other products from the search giant.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

Miss: Too Noisy Stream

While the use of Circles is designed to minimize the noise, it is still too noisy for the users.

Another concern is that posts are not in chronological order and are pushed on top whenever there is a new comment.

There are also no options available on how to view the stream feed.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

Hit: Circles

This feature has one of the most positive reaction overall.

Users find it a very easy and convenient system to put their contacts into groups.

It also allows them to share posts selectively that are relevant to a specific group.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

Miss: Cannot Be Used With Google Apps

One of the setbacks of Google+ is that it doesn’t work with other Google Apps.

Most users are attached to their email addresses which they use to link with Google Apps account.

This is one bad side that needs immediate attention and priority.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

Hit: Hangouts

Perhaps this can be considered as a stand out among all the features of Google+ Project.

Users can create their own Hangouts where friends can join them.

It allows a maximum of 10 users to simultaneously video chat with each other.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

Miss: Absence of Stream Search

Strange as it may seem, the search engine giant lacks a stream search for finding content that are worth sharing.

This is another miss that should not be taken for granted and must be implemented soon.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

Hit and Miss: It’s All Over the Place

Since this is a new project, Google+ is on every Google product.

Notifications appear almost everywhere from Gmail, Google Docs, etc.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

The purpose of the search giant is to reinforce this new project and for other product users to engage on it.

However, it needs to provide an assurance that the user’s email and search will still remain private.

The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project

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The Hit and Miss of Google+ Project
