Tell Me More About SEO - Version 1



Presented as part of a course at Pace University, in New York city, this beginner's level deck covers the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), including: - An Overview - The benefits of SEO - Top 3 Search Engine's Reach - Inbound Marketing and SEO Funnels - Off- and On-page analysis - Examples

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Tell me more about SEO Becky Livingston President Royal Apple Marketing


n SEO Overview

n The Details

n Examples


What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the organic way your web site appears on search engine results pages.

It is based on several factors, including the # of searches for your site, the content on your site, web site code, keywords, and so much more!



Key Benefits of SEO

n Increased, targeted traffic to the website

n Greater brand name awareness/recognition

n Lead generation through inbound marketing

n Effective ROI

n Supplements and may reduce the need for traditional marketing efforts







Top 3 U.S. Search Engines’ Reach

Google, Yahoo! and Bing together make up more than 95% of the U.S. search engine market share.

Source: Search Engine Land Feb. 2012

Search Engine’s Reach Internationally


Inbound Marketing & SEO Funnels

Building the program and combine that with web site changes to reflect the goals

SEO Funnel / Analysis

n Link Building & HTML n  Broken link review

n  Link popularity (ranking)

n  Meta tags

n  Site map, content, and design

n  Goal definition

n Keyword Research n  Top industry keywords

n  Identify top bidders (Pay Per Click – PPC)

n  Website analytics and review for searches within your site

SEO Funnel / Analysis, cont.

n Keyword Research, cont. n  Geographic, demographic, and behavioral search terms

online and within your site

n Competitive Analysis n  SEO Rankings

n  PPC campaigns (influence SEO)

n  Keyword analysis


Off-Page Optimization, cont.

n Building inbound links n  Off-page SEO – getting other quality sites to link back to


n XML Sitemaps n  Simply an .xml file containing a list of the site’s pages

and when they are updated

n 301 Redirects n  Rather than getting a 404 Error page (Page Not Found)

create redirects to fix the issue

Off-Page Optimization, cont.

n First impressions count, tips for great web design include: n  Proper use of color n  Animations, gadgets, & media usage (avoid unnecessary items) n  Layout n  Typography n  Maintain usage consistency (logo placement, colors, etc.)

n Imagery n  Use images that resonate with the client base. Stock images

are nice, but are they “real”?

n Navigation n  Good, solid navigation that supports search preferences

Off-Page Optimization, cont.

n Accessibility n  Mobile, tablet, online, old/new computer systems

n Shareable and Social n  Make content easily shareable

n Blogging n  Fresh content, conversation channel, valuable inbound links

n Content Variety n  Images, text, video, games, etc.

n Testimonials

On-Page Optimization, cont.

n Pick a primary keyword n  for each page

n  in the body content

n  in the file name of images

n  page URL

n  write for humans first, search engines second

e.g., “internet marketing”

On-Page Optimization, cont.

n Title & Meta Tags n  On the web page code, leverage the power of the meta


<title>Jim Stenerson’s SEO Course</title>

<meta name="Description" content=”Jim Stenerson’s course is about how to create effective web pages and increase SEO through…">

Jim Stenerson’s SEO Course Jim Stenerson’s course is about how to create effective web pages and increase SEO through…


Wikipedia Why: Content is unique. Specific, in-depth information. Well laid out. Title Tag. URL, page content, and alt text.

The Urban Spoon Why: Great in-bound linking, accessible, link-worthy content, incentives for others to link to them.

Mashable Why: Great in-bound linking, accessible, link-worthy content, incentives for others to link to them.


n Recognize the power of the Internet – your competition has

n Develop a realistic marketing budget

n Set achievable goals

n Evaluate your existing web site

n Define your target audience

n Identify your top competition

n Increase sales & revenue
