Task 5


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My magazine stuck to the popular colour scheme (red , black and white ) and layout that NME and Q has. There is no reason why mine would be less attractive to a buyer in terms of Colour scheme.

The logo , title and barcode is in the same position as the others and like NME , the images on my product are outline white.

The layout in my product is very similar to NME as everything is in the same position and I have included a band index , centre picture with title and similar positioning of article Numbers.

My text and images stand out alot because they are against a white background like in NME And Q. Ive went with black text as it contrasts most with the white background and makes theText stand out well like in the two real products.

Every article/DPS is different in terms of content (pictures , interview’s ect) so I decided to get a band photo of them in the recording studio then added pictures of them in practice while at the same time following the traditional , small text , columned text , Large band title and a Quote from the text like in the other two magazines.

I followed my rough idea well and create a real product from the plan. The audience feedback suggested I added abit more text.

This is the first rough product for the Cover. Audience feedback suggested I added more images , text and a bigger title.

The first obvious change is the title. Its much bolder and stands out alot more. I also changed the logo to a better , bolder font that suits the cover better then added images with text to give the fill the cover better and give more idea into what is in the magazine.

From the rough copy I drew up , people liked it and had nothing bad to say about it.

I decided to make a few changes myself when creating a real rough version in Photoshop. I decided the picture I had was good enough to take up have the page as a feature. I also added text to the background and left space for pictures.

The main change in the finished product is the band index which I decided to add last minute , it gave the contents a good resemblance to NME. I also made the logo bolder to stand out more and added a white background under the text to the right so it stood out more and could be easily read. I also added 4 images to the right to accompany the text.

I had good audience feedback with the plans and only said the more images could be added.

When it came to creating the real finished product I made some very big changes. First I kept the idea of a band photo but instead centred the image and left the text for the lower side of the pages. I then did what my audience feedback said and added 4 images which depict the band practicing which got good feedback. I added a quote to make it more authentic and made the text white so that it would stand out and be easy to read.

I changed idea’s when creating the finished product which is there is no rough Photoshop image.