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Olly Whittle@SWARM_Marketing


Social Media:Lets Get Serious


#1 marketing tool, why social media, your social media, strategy, case studies

#1Most important marketing tool




I’m not on Facebook

I don’t like Facebook

In less than 5 years, without social media your business will not be able to compete with those who are socially active.




Sales for companies with a high level of social media activity are up by 18%, while sales are down -6% for companies with little to no social media activity

↑ 18%




‘We don’t have a choice on whether we DO Social media…the question is HOW WELL WE DO IT’

Erik Qualman


Pepsi dropped TV advertising for the 2010 super bowl. Instead they’re investing in a $20 million social media campaign (after 23 years of super bowl ads)


9 of 10 (87%) small-to-medium-sized UK companies are going to maintain or increase social media spending in 2012.


Why Social Media?


•72% of businesses claim social media increases web traffic• 62% improved their search ranking•59% made new partnerships•48% achieved better sales•58% witnessed reduced marketing costs •(2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report)


Social Media uncovers the truth…..75% of people don’t believe that companies tell the truth in


78% of internet users in UK look online for goods and services70% trust online recommendations from strangers

90% trust online recommendations from friends

Social media changes the relationship between companies and customers...…from master and servant, to peer to peer.


91% of 16-24 years olds

76% of 25-34 years olds

58% of 35-44 year olds

1 in 5 65+ use social media


The Sun reports of 9.45% year on year, with the Independent down 28%

48% of people say they find out the news via Facebook


We no longer search for products and services, they find us


50% of UK mobile internet traffic is on Facebook


Is your company on Facebook or Twitter?

When was the last time you updated it?

Where would you rank it in importance?

Have you tried and left social media?

Are you thinking social media?


Is this your Social Media?


Are you hiding from social media?

It’s NOT going away!@SWARM_Marketing

Missing a trick?

Still new

Still not too late

Still unexplored

Still huge opportunities


People make negative comments

I don’t want to know their lives

Our customers don’t use it. I don’t

We don’t have time

I don’t understand it all



We get social media…..

Twitter done: We tweet every day about our product/ serviceYouTube done: Our CEO is on YouTubeFacebook done: We have a Facebook page that our employees likeGoogle+ done:We’ve launched a Google+ page because Google told us to!


Have a plan:

What do you want to achieve?What are your objectives?Where is your content going to come fromHow will the profiles be managed?How will results be assessed?

Don’t allow your social media to fail


No strategy = no results


Think before you jump

Take the time to plan

Social media works: How will it work for you?


Where will your content come from?

Plan your content

Will your content be shared?

Will you maintain interest?


Show off your knowledge and passion

Why should they follow you

What separates you from your competitors?

Don’t just Retweet

Be Engaging

Provoke questions and answers

Talk to people



Look after your community

Treat them exclusively

1st to get news?

Reward them

Encourage feedback

Get your customers opinion

Act on their suggestions



Be open/ transparent

Embrace your company’s personality

Encourage people to like you

Negative feedback is NOT bad

Act immediately

Interact with person

How will it be corrected?

What will your tone be?


Be active

Make it a centre of vibrancy

Enjoy meeting your customers

Help people


What results are you expecting?

Define a success

You will give up if no target

Be realistic



Number of followers/ likes is NOT main objective

Community is key


Are you talking to new clients?

Are people reacting to your content?

Are people recommending you/ supporting you?


Google alerts

Google analytics

Social Mention

Twitter search

Facebook insights


Advanced tools


Is each social networking site working for you?

Rethink content, input and activity?

Time to expand?


What happens in Vegas stays on………


Warren Buffet “it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it”

Your reputation is on the line- online


How you can #SupportJapan - http://binged.it/fEh7iT. For every retweet, @bing will give $1 to Japan quake victims, up to $100K.

“Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it.”– Erin Bury


Not replying to questions

Last update 2010

No pictures


71 percent of tweets to brands get absolutely no response from them


Can you help?

Going out of your way

Showing everyone you care


Use social media:

Customer service


Zappos loyalty

Every single individual has been empowered to create a mass movement

“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.”



Arab Spring communication internal and external

Libya cuts Facebook NOT Radio/TV


Social Media in public eye

Bad V Good

Power of social media


United breaks David Carroll's guitar and makes little effort to compensate him.

United Airline's stock price dropped 10%, costing stockholders over $180m in value. Today the video is a smash hit and has over 10m views.

Lesson:  Respond to customer complaints, quickly.

BP spills millions of gallons of its oil in the golf of Mexico. Shortly after, it finds its Facebook pages clogged with outraged environmentalists.  

Lesson: If you've already got a shoddy reputation, you've got to work three times as hard to fix the mistake.



Dell's reputation went up in smoke after tech blog Gizmodo published this photo of an exploding Dell laptop., causing Dell to eventually recall over four million laptop batteries. 

Lesson:  A single image can be powerful. Use social media to stomp out fires before they turn into wildfires.

A man discovers that he can pick the Kryptonite Evolution 200 U -with a Bic ball point pen.  New York Times ran a featured story.

Lesson: Listen to your customers, it could really help your product development team.


…..go and destroy america

Lesson: People are listening!@SWARM_Marketing


“Ok. We’ve heard loud and clear that you don’t like the new logo……we’re bringing back the Blue Box tonight.”

Lesson:  take note of your customers


Sainsbury- Tiger bread renamed

Waitrose- picture

19 million views

Boost sales by 55% in 3 months




PR agency results

Social media report

Which is wishy washy?


Serious about Social Media?


Do you want……

New leads?

Brand Awareness?

Increased Likeability

Great Customer Service


Take the plunge

Don’t get left behind

Make use of the opportunity

Olly Whittle@SWARM_Marketing

