Social Media Success: Inspire Your Audience, Build Your Business


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Social Media Success: Inspire Your Audience, Build Your Business.


Why You Should Leverage Social Media

• Different platforms, same business principles.

• Build stronger relationships with current and potential customers.

• No longer have to tell people how good we are, our clients/customers/followers gladly do it for us.

• No other medium allows you to target as specifically.

• Opens additional revenue opportunities.

We get to…

• Create new business models. • Invent new revenue streams. • Build stronger partnerships with

other businesses.

Jason Zook

Gary Vaynerchuck, Entrepreneur

• $3M to 60M in five years. • Investor in Facebook, Twitter,

Tumbler, Burchbox

Big Brands

Tell a Great StoryBuild an Audience

How Are You Building Your Audience?

Who is Your Audience?

• Who are your clients/customers?

• Who are your potential partners?

• What do they love?

• Where do they spend time?

• Targeted advertising.

Social Platforms

• Where is your audience spending time?

• Create different strategy for each platform.

• Repurpose content.


• 1.4 billion monthly active Facebook users.

• 71% of internet users are on Facebook.

• 56% of internet users ages 65 and older use Facebook.

• 76% female & 66% male

Source: Pew Research Center


• 350 million users.

• 28% of online adults are LinkedIn users.

• Popular among college graduates, those in higher-income households and the employed.

• It is the only platform where those ages 30-64 are more likely to be users than those ages 18-29.

Source: Pew Research Center


• 23% of online adults currently use Twitter.

• Particularly popular among those under 50 and the college-educated.

• Compared with late 2013, the service has seen significant increases among a number of demographic groups: men, whites, those ages 65 and older, those who live in households with an annual household income of $50,000 or more, college graduates, and urbanites.

Source: Pew Research Center

YouTube• Audience, reaching 81.2 percent of

Internet users in the U.S., according to comScore data.

• 30 hours of video uploaded per minute.

• In March, YouTube drew 31.8 million users aged 18 to 24 who spent an average of 10 hours, 15 minutes on the site. And19.4 million visitors 65 and older who spent an average of 3 hours, 54 minutes using the video-streaming service.

Source: Digiday


Source: Sprout Social

Reach Your Audience Through Advertising

Facebook Advertising

• Targeted page likes

• Boosted posts to fans or targeted audience

• Custom audience ads to email list

• Sweepstakes

• Retargeting

• Promote events


• Diamond Candles sells candles with real rings in the bottom, worth up to $5,000

• Submit their email

• In less than 6 weeks generated over 30,000 new fans

Twitter Advertising

• Sponsor tweets.

• Targeted follow ads (demographics, interests, etc.)

• App install ads - Target audience to download your app.

• Tailored Audience (custom audience).

LinkedIn Advertising

• B2B Targeting industries and professionals.

• Great for finding advertisers by running ads.

• Expanding audience.

• To grow distribution, send people to your subscription page.

How to Find Prospects

• Join the conversation in Twitter to specific industries.


• Use - tell what companies are coming to your website. Get sales people on it.

• Use - shows who read your emails.

• Join LinkedIn industry groups.

• Run FB ads.

How are you using your content to engage your audience?

Content & Posting Strategies

• Published on mobile optimized website.

• Leverage all content. Repurposing content that isn’t yet on the web. Then post and/or advertise on social media.

• Use amazing visuals.

• Use Hootsuite to schedule posts

• Use hashtags (up to 11 per post is ideal)

What Brands/Businesses Do You Follow?

• How are you different?

• What value are you providing?

• What kind of customer experience are you creating?

• Are you creating and sharing content that people will miss if you stop posting?

Create Shareable Content

Share Real Time Happenings

• It was retweeted over 81,000 times! • Several months later, Pharell auctioned the hat on

eBay to raise funds for a charity helping at-risk kids.

• Arby’s bought the hat for over $41k?

Create Shareable Content

• Mix of inspirational quotes, photos of new health food products, and shots of people exercising.

• Editor-in-Chief says, “Our staff is living the brand and is personally aligned with it.”

• Kalehoff said that Natural Health’s Instagram success is largely a by product of the magazine’s rethinking of how social media fits in with its overall editorial strategy. Rather than assign Instagram to a single social media editor, Natural Health made it the job of its entire editorial staff, which collectively adds photos from their own lives. She said that that this adds a level of authenticity to the product.

Inspiring, Real

Create Shareable Content

• Teaches natural wellness and nutrition and champions GMO-free food and products. • Hosted a FB party and gave away gift certificates & prizes to those who engaged with their


Thought-provoking & fun

Source: Social Media Examiner

Create Shareable Content

• Online store that creates art from books. • They sell posters, t-shirts and tote bags. • Drive sales, but also entertain.

Ask Questions

Source: Social Media Examiner

Video Content

The Economist currently produces two to three videos a week, and everything gets posted to its own website, Facebook, and YouTube.

Create Shareable Content

What’s Trending

• Use popular hashtags in a fun way. #OOTD

Need Help Coming Up with Ideas?

SocialStorming Sessions

• Leverage your current subscribers & advertisers. • Invite them to join the conversation about strategy.

Dusty Sorg and Michael Jedrzejewski

What Will My Audience Respond To?

Listen & Respond

• Your followers are not just a number.

• Comment on posts and keep the conversation going.

• Quality vs. Quantity.

• Be human.

Going Above & Beyond

Measure Results

• Decide what you are going to measure: Followers, leads, sales.

• Use to track performance of each link (shortens url).

Social Media Tools • Social Mention

• Monitors over 100 social networking sites •

• Schedule posts •

• Schedule posts & tracking• Skitch

• Editing images & screenshots •

• Creating images• Animoto

• creating videos

Feeling Inspired? What Are Your Ideas?


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