Regional Cooperation Council-overview

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• Representing the region• Assisting the SEECP• Monitoring regional activities• Exerting strategic leadership in regional cooperation• Providing a regional perspective in donor assistance, notably in EU

assistance under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

RCC Programming Role – complex inputs:

• 5+1 priority areas: Economic and Social Development, Energy and Infrastructure, JHA, Security Cooperation, BHC and Parliamentary Cooperation

• Categories of beneficiary countries: EU members, candidates/ potential candidates, one country covered by EU Neighbourhood Policy

• Diversified players: beneficiary countries’ institutions, regional initiatives and task forces, EU, IFIs, other international organizations, individual donor countries, private foundations, business sector, local communities’ networks, CSOs, etc.

1. Regional priorities for 2011-2013 - economic and social development:

• Consolidating and further developing the CEFTA 2006 and overcoming present challenges

• Transferring the SEEIC to regional ownership and developing its activity. • Exploring and developing ways to improve access to finance. • Integrating the social agenda into the economic reforms. • Pursuing the establishment of Information Society

1. Regional initiatives and task forces – Economic and Social Development

• SEE Investment Committee (SEEIC)• Central European Free Trade Agreement 2006 (CEFTA) • Business Advisory Council for SEE (BAC)• SEE Public Private Partnership Network (SEEPPPN)• Regional network of national investment promotion agencies in

the SEE Region (RNIPA)• The Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group of SEE

(RRDSWG)• SEE Regional Network of Policy Makers • SEE Women Entrepreneurs Network• SEE Employment and Social Policy Network (SEEESPN)• Centre of Public Employment Services of SEE Countries (CPESSC)• SEE Trade Union Forum (SEETUF)• Adriatic Region Employers’ Centre (AREC)• SEE Health Network • Centre for eGovernance Development (CeGD)• eSEE Initiative and bSEE Task Force

2. Regional priorities for 2011-2013 – energy and infrastructure:• Energy Community Treaty (ECT) will further develop regional electricity and gas market

and related investment• Transport - signing and entry into force of the Transport Community Treaty for the

Western Balkans (SEETO is expected to be foundation of the prospective TC Secretariat), as well as the entry into force and implementation of the ECAA Agreement.

• Environment - setting up of the Regional Environmental Network for Accession. • Better coordination of donor assistance for the development of regional infrastructure

through the operation of the newly established WBIF.• Danube area - elaboration of the Danube Strategy, by the EC with the participation of

relevant stakeholders, in order for the Commission’s Communication and Action Plan to be presented in December 2010.

2. Regional initiatives and task forces – energy and infrastructure• Energy Community Secretariat (ECS)• South East South-East Europe Transport

Observatory (SEETO)• Regional Environmental Network for Accession

(RENA)• Regional Environmental Center for Central and

Eastern Europe (REC)• International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC)• Network of Associations of Local Authorities of SEE


3. Regional priorities for 2011-2013 - JHA • Fighting organised crime, • Fighting against corruption• Migration• Protection of fundamental rights as well as cooperation in private and civil law


3. Regional initiatives and task forces - JHA

• Migration, Asylum and Refugee Regional Initiative (MARRI)

• Regional Anticorruption Initiative (RAI)• Southeast European Cooperative Initiative Regional

Center for Combating trans-border crime (SECI Center) in future, Southeast European Law Enforcement Centre (SELEC)

• Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group (SEEPAG)

• Southeast Europe Police Chiefs Association (SEPCA)• Future Women Police Officer Network (WPON) • Secretariat of Police Cooperation Convention for

Southeast Europe (PCC-SEE Secretariat)• Western Balkans Prosecutor Network (PROSECO)

4. Regional priorities for 2011-2013 - security cooperation

• Enhance regional dialogue and cooperation mechanisms on security issues,. • Develop a regional approach to disaster risk reduction, • Enhance regional cooperation in dealing with hazardous materials.

4. Regional initiatives and task forces – security cooperation

• Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC)• Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative

(DPPI SEE)• South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for

the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC)

• South East Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM)• Southeast Europe Clearinghouse – SEEC• Adriatic Charter - the US backed initiative

5. Regional priorities 2011 -2013 – BHC• Finalising the process for making ReSPA a fully operational

regional school.• Promoting higher education reform• Developing a Regional Strategy for Research and Development

for Innovation for the Western Balkans. • Transferring the coordination of the Ljubljana Process to the


5. Regional initiatives and task forces - BHC

• RCC Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital (TF FBHC)

• RCC Gender Task Force (GTF)• Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern

Europe (ERI SEE)• South East European Center for

Entrepreneurial Learning (SEECEL)• Regional School of Public Administration


5. Regional priorities 2011 -2013 – parliamentary cooperation

• Strengthening parliamentary dimension of the SEECP• Developing Cetinje Parliamentary Forum

6. Regional initiatives and task forces – parliamentary cooperation

• Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in South Eastern Europe (RSPC SEE)

• Conference of the European Integration Parliamentary Committees of States participating to the Stabilization and Association Process (Western Balkans COSAP)

• CETINJE Parliamentary Forum

RCC-EC MBIPA Programming Process

EU Assistance for IPA Beneficiaries: - Achievement of the EU standards

SEE efforts to achieve:- Regional development priorities- EU standards

SEECountries’ Regional Interests

EU interests


Cross border Cooperation


National Councils of European Movements in SEE Conference

• RCC to prepare an outline programme of joint future activities with the National European Movement Councils, with the aim of adding regional dimension to their work.


RCC Strategy and Work Programme2011 - 2013

• It is necessary to improve level of involvement of civil society in all segments of the RCC program, what is in line with the existing programmes of the European Commission.

• Developing supportive networks among civil society and youth organizations and their inclusion in BHC projects is of great importance for reaching set objectives.
