Regional Cooperation Position Papers

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  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies


    Delegate: Joycelyn Woo ([email protected]); DGS

    Argentina has always been poised to help regional disputes be solved within the region itself

    under various regional bodies. In one recent successful case, former Argentine President

    Nestor Kirchner, in his capacity as head of the regional body UNASUR, paved the way for

    dialogue to happen between two quarrelling nations. Colombia and Venezuela had cut off

    diplomatic relations over accusations that Venezuela was harbouring Marxist guerrillas.

    Colombia and Venezuela later announced they were re-establishing ties.

    Argentina demands respect for each countrys sovereignty and human rights. Therefore,

    Argentina believes that the best way to settle conflicts endangering international peace and

    security is to first seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry and mediation. The imposition of

    sanctions and the deployment of peacekeepers should only be used as the last resort when

    the situation deems it absolutely necessary.

    As stated in Chapter VIII of the UN Charter, member states should make every effort to

    achieve pacific settlement of local disputes through such regional arrangements or by such

    regional agencies before referring them to the Security Council. In addition, the Security

    Council shall, at all times, be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or incontemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance of

    international peace and security. This, Argentina believes, is the way to go. Though the

    Security Council continues to uphold the primary responsibility for the maintenance of

    global peace and security, the delegation of peace-making to regional bodies can lighten the

    burden of the Council as well as resolve regional conflicts in the most efficient and least

    costly way.

    Hence, Argentina believes that the peaceful settlement of conflicts such as mediation andnegotiation should first be carried out by regional bodies. In the meantime, there should be

    consultation between the regional body and the Security Council. Either formal consultation,

    in the form of periodic reports to the General Assembly, and less formal consultation, in the

    form of consultive meetings between the Secretary General and heads of the regional body,

    would both be suitable. Argentina hopes that the Security Council would also offer

    diplomatic support to regional organization if necessary.

    Drastic peace-making measures such as the the imposition of economic sanctions or thedeployment of peacekeepers should be avoided unless absolutely necessary and the attempts

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    of other alternatives are to no avail. Due to the severe nature of these measures, it must be

    ensured that economic sanctions and deployment of peacekeepers will not be exercised

    arbitrarily. Hence, Argentina believes that no single organization, be it regional bodies or the

    Security Council, should have the authority to deploy troops or impose sanctions without the

    others consent. The Security Council should actively seek ways to cooperate with regional

    bodies in the forms of operation support, co-deployment and joint operations, if drastic

    measures are deemed absolutely necessary.

    To end, Argentina endeavors to play the role of a regional bridge-builder in Latin America

    and promotes the regional settlement of disputes. Argentina urges all nations to support the

    closer cooperation between the Security Council and regional bodies such that peace-making

    tasks can be decentralized and regional efforts can be validated with the weight of the United


  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: People Republic of China

    Delegate: Samantha Ip ([email protected]), Gary Chen ([email protected]); HKIS

    Under the UN Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility for maintaining

    international peace. However, the influence of regional bodies has increased in recent years

    due to the complexity and urgency of problems that require focused resolution. The Peoples

    Republic of China believes that the UN can best cooperate with regional bodies through

    creation of a subcommittee to organize relations, increased resource sharing, and two-way

    communication and approval.

    As a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Asia Cooperation Dialogue, and

    Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China realizes the importance of multilateral

    organizations and has been taking an active role in promoting countries participation in

    such organizations since 1994. In the mid-1990s, China adopted a new security concept

    suggested by Asia Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which contrasts with Cold

    War security concepts and asserts that a country is more safe when its neighboring nations

    are safe. With this notion in mind, Chinas primary principle of its multilateral diplomacy

    has been, and will continue to be promoting regional security as a responsible superpower

    with expanding economic and military capabilities.

    Although China firmly believes in the importance of regional bodies exerting normative

    influence over their members, it is concerned with the lack of mechanisms and specific rulesthat will help to achieve such a goal. While China respects regional organizations

    independence, the UN should nonetheless remain as the supreme power when determining

    actions to be taken. Regional organizations must report their proposed actions - economic,

    military, or otherwise - to the appropriate UN committee for majority approval before

    implementation. Although these UN decisions are technically non-binding on the regional

    bodies, they lend legitimacy to the bodies actions, especially for peacekeeping missions.

    These proposals may also include requests for funding or personnel from the UNs much

    larger resource pool, which will enhance the success of proposed actions, and can also serveas a check on those organizations as only actions that are approved by the international

    community will be granted aid.

    In order to facilitate efficient cooperation between UN bodies and the multitude of regional

    organizations, China proposes the establishment of the UN Subcommittee on Coordination

    of Regional Bodies (UNCRB) responsible for organizing bodies requests, carrying out

    resource allocation, crafting project timetables, and coordinating joint workshops. Regarding

    peacekeeping and crisis resolution, the Security Council should oversee joint military

    workshops focused on enforcing a common code of conduct among regional and UNpeacekeeping forces and standardizing terminology in order to minimize possible

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    misunderstandings. In addition, regional bodies are highly encouraged to communicate the

    details of localized issues requiring international attention, in order to prevent and solve

    emergency crises. These organizations are more familiar with the nuances of regional issues,

    and are a valuable resource to the UN.

    In conclusion, the Peoples Republic of China sees the benefits of incorporating regional

    bodies into international dialogue under the UN. Through creation of the UN Subcommittee

    on Coordination of Regional Bodies to facilitate cooperation, along with increased two-way

    communication, China hopes that this goal can become a reality.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: French Republic

    Delegate: Brian Wong ([email protected]); Island School

    Positioned on the verge of a new technological era, the French Republic acknowledges the

    future as a double-edged sword: whilst technology certainly has its benefits; it may also

    result in catastrophic consequences, such as nuclear terrorism and warfare. The only

    solution to issues of such nature, as viewed by the French Republic, is via close collaboration

    between the United Nations and regional bodies.

    The French Republic readily acknowledges the United Nations as the crux to maintain global

    stability, but also the need for regional bodies to assist the UN in carrying out its duties. An

    example where regional entities have succeeded where the UN lacked was the African Union

    Mission in Somalia, which the French Republic strongly supported. With the fall of the

    dictator General Barre in 1991, Somalia descended into warlord anarchy that killed over 8

    million lives and threatened the regional political stability. Yet the response with the UN,

    aside from the failed US-led intervention, was horrifyingly minimal. The crisis was only

    mitigated in September 2012, when the African Union successfully intervened as a regional

    body to purge the remnants of terror in the nation. Another more recent example is the

    Libyan Civil War, where Gaddafis violent suppression of protestors and civilians was only

    resolved by the intervention of the Arabian League.

    Recognising the efforts of these regional bodies in fulfilling practical and regional duties

    otherwise deemed inappropriate or unsuitable to be conducted by the United Nations, the

    French Republic has been a strong supporter of the European Union economic constitution

    that has driven commercial and social progress in Europe. The Republic of Frances delegate

    to the UN, Gerard Araud, reaffirmed in the 6477th meeting of the Security Council that the

    European Union had been and remained a prime mover on the international stage,

    especially following the entry into the force of the Lisbon Treaty. This delegate fullyendorses the efforts of regional bodies such as the EU in maintaining social stability and

    health standards in countries such as Haiti post-disaster, and recommends the continuation

    of this responsibility.

    The French Republic welcomes and embraces all forms of economic co-ordination and

    humanitarian assistance that are managed by regional bodies, and celebrates the efforts of

    regional bodies in providing labour and manpower to realise international goals and aims.

    Certain internationally approved regional bodies may also be given moderate peacekeepingabilities. Yet the fundamental line lies in that the French Republic refuses all forms of

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    imperialistic exploitation of these regional bodies in meeting the vested interests of

    individual nations and powers.

    Overall, this delegate wishes for a peaceful and constructive conference that can truly

    address the practical concerns of the issues at hand.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: Germany

    Delegate: Laura McKeown ([email protected]); FIS

    The cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies has become important due to the

    increasing importance of regional bodies in managing regional conflicts, such as the African

    Unions aid in helping improve the instability in Somalia. Moreover, it is necessary for the

    UN to establish a framework in order to coordinate these regional bodies, to help ameliorate

    future action. Germany would not be averse to the UN setting up an international

    framework of regional bodies as Germany feels a need to cultivate old friendships more

    intensely as well as make new ones, and is a member of several regional bodies.

    As part of the European Union (EU), Germany has been indirectly part of many regional and

    Inter-regional organizations that cooperated with the United Nations in peacekeeping and

    peace-related activities. For example, the EU is involved with conflict prevention

    (/preventative diplomacy) and post-conflict development assistance and participated in

    many activities, examples being Peace-making in former Yugoslavia, and sanctions

    assistance to Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, the former Yugoslav Republic of

    Macedonia, Romania and Ukraine (1999). More recently, the EU has been involved in

    assisting UN mission in DR Congo, during the historic electoral process in 2006, the support

    of Union Mission in Darfur/Sudan (2005-2007) as well as assisting in many other areas ofthe world. Germany was also involved (and still is) in the Organization for the Security and

    Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which was involved in peace-keeping, humanitarian

    assistance, electoral supervision, and human rights monitoring, such as the Electoral

    supervision and human rights monitoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Germany is also a

    member of the Western European Union (WEU), which is comprised of 10 members, which

    overall operates as a forum for the coordination of matters of European security and defense.

    Around 1999, they had many successes in peace keeping and peace enforcement, such as the

    modernization of Albanias police force (1997-1999). Moreover, Germany, as part of theseregional bodies (EU, OSCE, WEU) had many successes, and is still a member in each of these

    bodies today. The European Union itself works across the globe, and thus already cooperates

    with other regional bodies, to help it achieve its mission. Moreover, in relation to this topic of

    cooperation between the UN and regional bodies, Germany has already participated in this

    participation in the past.

    Currently, Germany is a member of the EU, OSCE, and WEU, and is thus already

    participating in the cooperation with the UN, as part of these regional bodies. Germany hastherefore no aversion in cooperating with the UN as part of a regional body, and would be

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    prepared to establish a framework with other countries around the world. The EU is already

    in cooperation with other regional bodies, including Africa, the Middle East and contributing

    members of the ASEAN in the peace enforcement in Indonesia, further proving that

    Germany, as a member of the EU, would not refuse the coordination of regional bodies, and

    in fact would encourage it. Germany is keen to improve its existing friendships as well as

    establish new ones, due to the dramatic shifting of global power. Germany has therefore

    invested itself in several partnerships, such as the German African partnership, a result of

    the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelles new Strategy for Africa of the German

    government in summer 2011. Moreover, the cooperation between Germany and regional

    bodies within the African continent would be accepted. Furthermore, the delegates from

    Germany would like to propose the setting up of UNICORR, the United Nations

    International Committee Overseeing Regional Relations, which would act as a committee to

    oversee and facilitate communication between the UN and regional bodies, as well as

    communication between regional bodies themselves, and would encourage not only

    communication, but cooperation and unity. UNICORR would serve as the framework needed

    at this time when regional bodies are increasingly important in managing regional conflicts,

    to coordinate these bodies, to ameliorate the speed and efficiency in which future problems

    can be dealt with. We hope to include all members of the European Union in this committee,

    as well as regional bodies across the globe.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: Israel

    Delegate: Matthew Tam ([email protected]); CIS

    I. GeneralWhile Israel approves of the ideology behind cooperating with regional bodies to

    conduct effective and efficient and real-time responses to unexpected crises, or to monitor

    nations conducts in compliance with international laws, Israel believes issues arise when the

    UN relies too much upon such regional bodies and empowers them too much.

    Israel is concerned over reliance on regional bodies as such bodies are, in nature,

    separate from the United Nations itself. Thus, the agenda such bodies bear could differ and

    conflict with that of the United Nations itself. A clear example would be the Arab League in

    its boycott against Israel, which led to and embodies a deprivation of sovereign equality for

    Israel in its representation in the United Nations. The fact that a regional body can persecute

    a nation due to racial and religious differences can be likened to mob rule and should be

    looked down upon by the United Nations.

    Israel is excluded, for similar reasons, from its natural geographical UN regional

    group. Until 2000, Israel was not a part of any UN regional group. In 2000, the United

    States of America has helped Israel gain temporary membership in the Western Europe and

    Others Group, and eventually permanent renewal until Israel gains membership in its

    natural geographical regional group. Despite this, Israel has been denied full rights to

    operation in the UN due to its status as a temporary member to the regional group. Such is

    precisely due to the over-reliance on regional bodies and groups on the part of the UN.

    Cooperation with regional bodies may aid the UN in reacting and responding to crises

    and implementing international laws, but Israel is concerned with the legitimacy of regional

    bodies as fair and reliable representation of states, which the UN embodies.

    II. ParticularsFor decades, the Arab League has boycotted Israel in multiple areas including trade

    and tourism. This boycott has been banned by legislation in many other nations.

    In 2000, Israel was granted status of temporary member to the Western Europe and

    Others Group (WEOG), finally becoming a member of a UN regional group.

    In 2005, Israel gained permanent renewal of its temporary member status in return

    to its pledge to continue to seek membership in its natural geographical regional group (The

    Asia-pacific group).

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: The Russian Federation

    Delegate: Justin Lee ([email protected]); LPCUWC

    The continuous presence and manifestation of violent conflicts and humanitarian tragedies

    in large parts of the world demands a greater mechanism of conflict management needed to

    address such situations. The proliferation of regionalism in the form of regional and

    subregional organizations has played a dynamic role in such conflicts. From ECOWAS

    intervention in Liberia, Sudan, Cote D'ivoire to NATOs intervention in Libya, the different

    regional responses reach from low intensity peacekeeping to high intensity peace

    enforcement. It is pivotal that regional organization step up to continental manifold security

    challenges coupled with UNs current overstretch as well as the rising phenomenon

    regiosceptics. In addressing the UNs vision of global security as to construct a network of

    effective mutually-reinforcing multilateral mechanism there needs to be uniform judicial

    and resource capacity across all continents to be emancipate and complement global peace

    and security.

    The Russian federation believes that the simultaneous enhancement of strategic and regional

    stability is instrumental to international peace-making. It champions the close cooperation

    between the UN and regional organizations in elaborating concerted approaches to resolve

    conflict situations through constructive dialogue and broader partner relations between thetwo. As a result of this, Russia continues to play an integral role in the organization and

    development of regional peacekeeping organizations. Russias voluntary contribution to the

    mechanism of the Pan-African organization to finance peacekeeping operations in the region

    and the establishment of the African standby force will continue to facilitate the

    strengthening of African continent anti-crisis potential. The Russian federation has also

    bolstered regional stability in Somalia and western African states through supporting

    regional organizations with naval presence in the region to reinforce the international legal

    basis of combating piracy but acting in strict conformity to international law. In the socio-economic sphere, the Russian federation has continuously mobilized greater regional

    economic interaction. Shown through our active participation in activities of the UN

    Economic commission for Europe(ECE) and the UN economic and social commission for

    Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) In regards to major politico-economic regional organizations,

    the Russian federations strives to develop intensive, stable and long term cooperation with

    devoid of expectancy fluctuations. Particular attention should be paid to European unions

    developing integrated energy sector and attempts at pursuing artic extraction of resources.

    Furthermore its emerging political-military dimension should be constantly be undersurveillance as both actors should work persistently to mediate peace upon protracted

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    conflicts. Though on a number of parameters, NATOs present-day military and political

    guidelines lie in tension or even contradict the security interest of the Russian federation.

    The federation expresses its concern over the new strategic concept which does not exclude

    the conduct of use-of-force operations outside the zone of application of the Washington

    treaty. It expresses regret and concern over the expansion of NATO. In reflection of this, the

    Russian Federation wishes to maintain and progress the positive dynamism of its

    relationship with ASEAN countries and the shanghai Five in whose the creation the russian

    federation played a decisive role.

    In proposition of a new framework to improve greater fluidity in discussion and interaction,

    the Russian federation echoes the further expansion and revitalization of resolution 2033

    which was passed to improve coordination and consultation of regional organizations, most

    primarily the African union, through timely consultations and collaborative field missions of

    the two councils. The federation further encourages the reformation in the format and

    mechanism of consultations. Due to the restrictive nature of formative dialogue in the

    council, informative dialogue and interaction should act as viable format for two councils to

    engage in serious substantive discussion. Besides full reporting of information and

    discussion to the security council in the form of factual information to authorize peace

    operations, reportings should be capitalized strategically through the inclusion of strong

    recommendations to the security council. The Russian federation would also encourage theexploration of joint-field missions, such as a joint dispatch mission between the AU forces

    and United nations peacekeeping forces in conflict zones. The federation believes that the

    geographical proximity and political legitimacy of regional forces will only further fortify the

    success and sustainability of promoting peace and security. The federation of Russia regards

    sanctions as a definitive tool in achieving politico-diplomatic resolution of conflict situations.

    Sanction measures should not go beyond the scope of relevant security council resolutions

    and allow broad and arbitrary judicial interpretations. This reflects upon the federations

    hesitation upon granting full autonomy to regional organizations to enforce and dictate UNpeacekeeping due to their questionable impartiality and neutrality. The potential harm of

    regionalization leading to unilateralism should be an important consideration upon

    discussion. In conclusion, regional organization should seek to play an active role in the

    preservation of peace and security, but should not do so in the name of sacrificing the

    authority and dignity of the United nations.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: South Africa

    Delegate: Christopher Au ([email protected]); AIS

    Throughout the course of history regional bodies have been established for many reasons,

    but the main purpose of most regional bodies is to ensure peace during times of war. In cases

    such as the African union mission in Somalia, the role of the United Nations to assist

    regional bodies has been successful. This success was mainly due to the effective cooperation

    between the UN and the African Union, which allowed the UN to provide effective peace-

    building and to help establish a government.

    However events such as the Libyan civil war and its resulting casualties and the lack of

    assistance from the United Nations demonstrated the importance of improving the relations

    between the UN and the regional bodies.

    South Africa believes that the lack of effective communication by the UN and also the lack of

    effective financial management is the main problem to this issue. Many communication

    barriers currently exist between the UN and the regional bodies, examples of these include

    language barriers, lack of regular meetings and also differing stances towards issues have all

    hindered the efforts made to solving this issue.

    The financial aspect of UN peacekeeping missions with regional bodies has also been a major

    issue. UN peacekeeping missions have cost around 3.6 billion US dollars annually sometimes

    generating little success. Finance has affected the resolution of conflict between the UN andthe regional bodies, greatly with peacekeeping personnel dropping from a peak of 80000

    men and women in 1993 to 14500 in November 1998.

    Currently South Africa is a key member of the African Union (AU) and has worked hard to

    ensure peace and prosperity towards all countries in Africa. Issues such as the establishment

    of a government in Somalia have all been resolved successfully thanks to the effective

    cooperation between the AU and the UN.

    As a result South Africa believes that the UN can play a major role in resolving issues of

    conflict such as civil wars and regional disputes and offers its full support towards allpeacekeeping missions led by the UN in collaboration with the AU.

    South Africa believes that the issue can be resolved by establishing a separate committee

    within the UN, comprising of representatives from all regional bodies. This committee will

    allow regional bodies to report all incidents of conflict to the United Nations and its

    peacekeeping force, so that peacekeeping missions will be conducted more effectively.

    Another improvement that could be made in this area is to establish a training scheme

    involving both the peacekeepers and soldiers of regional bodies. This scheme will allowbetter communication between the two parties and thus greater outcomes during conflict.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    South Africa would like to express its appreciation towards all member states in their efforts

    to help improve the cooperation between the UN and the regional bodies and hopes that the

    issue will be resolved as soon as possible at the next United Nations Security Council to

    ensure global peace and security.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: The Republic of Turkey

    Delegate: Kevin Chen ([email protected]); Yew Chung International School

    In recent years, the involvements of Regional Bodies to assist in the maintenance of

    international political stability have been both wildly in success, or lack thereof. These

    Regional Bodies have been successful in certain cases, having achieved peace where UN was

    unable to.

    Most notably, in the case of Somalia - In 2012, in the lawless country of Somalia, a

    national government which once controlled only several city blocks in the capital of

    Mogadishu was successful in ejecting the Al-Shabab rebels from all major cities and towns,

    with the aid of the Regional Body, African Union Mission to Somalia troops. This is an

    achievement by the Regional Body; the African Union Mission to Somalia could not be made

    by the UN peacekeepers. Sadly, there was lack of success as well in this case, in September

    2012, although the African Union to Somalia mission appeared to have achieved their basic

    goal, it does not support the fact that an effective, long term governance in Somalia will be

    established to maintain long term peace.

    From this case, the Republic of Turkey believes that it can be seen that Regional

    Bodies conducting military action for peace is more effective than UN conducting military

    action for peace, but in terms of maintaining peace for the long term, it is UN who is the

    better supervisor. This is where the need for UN cooperation comes in, to help maintain longterm peace in a country. Therefore, one calls for the need to greater UN cooperation with

    regional bodies to maximize their contribution to world peace.

    We stand here today as the delegation of the Republic of Turkey. As a member of the

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Turkey would like to encourage the close

    collaboration of the two regional bodies, as well as cooperation with other regional bodies

    such as the European Union and the African Union to ensure world peace. The Republic of

    Turkey believes there is not enough dialogue between the United Nations and above

    mentioned regional bodies. The Republic of Turkey is a strong supporter of the collaborationbetween regional bodies and the UN, as the combination of these bodys efforts would help

    thwart any attempt to threaten peace.

    The Republic of Turkey would like to suggest assigning NATO an observer status

    within the UN to bring the two organizations closer. Other regional bodies such as the AU

    and EU have already been granted an observer status in the UN, and the Republic of Turkey

    believes that granting NATO the same would certainly help to combat terrorism that plaques

    many countries.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: Uganda

    Delegate: Sarah Ku ([email protected]); Heep Yunn

    The Republic of Uganda recognises the occurrence of existing conflicts in many parts of the

    world, especially in Africa and Asia in recent years. We are extremely concerned about the

    effectiveness of current attempts. In face of many arising conflicts, cooperation between

    regional and international bodies is vital to peacekeeping effort, as this is the key to reaching

    a tangible solution as soon as possible to resolve conflicts and reduce harm to the civilians.

    As a member of the United Nations and the African Union, Uganda emphasises the

    importance of regional and international bodies in peacekeeping efforts. Uganda has

    supported numerous campaigns and contributed to regional bodies, especially the African

    Union. For example, we have contributed personnels and resources for the Mission in

    Somalia, as there are 17,700 troops, primarily from Uganda, Kenya and Burundi, currently

    fighting al-Shabab militants in hope of maintaining long term stability. Ugandan troops

    account for more than a third of the U.N.-mandated African peacekeepers battling these al

    Qaeda-linked Islamist rebels in Somalia. We have also supported the African Unions

    campaign against the Lords Resistance Army. The African Unions hunt for the rebel leader,

    Joseph Kony, is mainly carried out by our military forces.

    Uganda believes in having mutual support and assistance between UN and regional bodies.

    As our vice president Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi said, in cases where nations cannot resolve

    conflicts by themselves, sub-regional organizations should take the initiative and step in so

    as to maintain peace and stability in the region. The use of regional bodies has comparatively

    more discerning knowledge of the conflicts as they are in close proximity with the regions

    and have a greater involvement in resolving conflicts. We have a strong preference for such

    homegrown solutions, as external influences or interventions from the international

    community may not always offer sustainable and effective solutions. In fact, in many cases,such as the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, international influence

    without cooperation with regional bodies has led to destabilising effect. Therefore, Uganda

    believes regional bodies should be the chief organisation in taking up the role of

    peacekeeping, whereas the United Nations international support and legitimacy to regional

    bodies is appreciated.

    We believe the United Nations involvement without proper cooperation might potentially

    create backlash, as seen in the recent wrong accusation in a leaked UN report about Ugandasupporting M23 rebels in fighting the Democratic Republic of Congo government. If

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    countries contributing to regional bodies are misinterpreted by the United Nations through

    false and unjust accusations that are not supported by any evidence, the United Nations

    would undermine the political and security gains in the previous years and create

    detrimental harm to relationship between nations.

    As more regional conflicts may arise in the near future, Uganda supports the creation of a

    framework concerning the cooperation between the United Nations and regional bodies in

    order to facilitate negotiation between countries, monitor agreements, protect civilians and

    maintain the rule of law. Regional bodies, who are often directly affected by the conflicts,

    should be involved in directing major tasks, such as distributing military and peacekeeping

    forces in affected regions, maintaining security in affected areas, and deciding the way to

    uphold peace and security. The United Nations can provide funding and jointly cooperating

    with regional bodies, such as AU, ECOWAS, and the EU.

    Uganda strongly believes that regional efforts would be more effective than external

    influence from international community, as problems are more well identified and countries

    of close proximity would be more capable of creating tangible and successful plans to target

    root causes and facilitate the resolve of conflicts.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: United Kingdom

    Delegate: Nicholas Tang ([email protected]); RCHK

    As a key member of several Regional Organizations, the United Kingdom conveys its utmost

    gratitude towards organizations that strive to improve our world. Many organizations

    around the world, such as the European Union (EU), African Union (AU) and the North

    Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have had significant impact on international relations

    and events. The United Kingdom firmly believes regional bodies play a significant role in

    maintaining world security and economy.

    Mistrust and doubt has weakened cooperation between regional bodies and nations. For

    example, the assassination of known terrorist Osama Bin Laden in the May of 2011. The

    United States of America entered Pakistan without attempting diplomatic channels.

    Cooperation between respective regional bodies through diplomatic means would eliminate

    any misunderstanding and improve relations between nations.

    Regional bodies must cooperate and coordinate with the United Nations. This link must be

    established to ensure that concerns and arguments of the different regional groups are

    addressed and received by the international community in a fair and open manner. This is to

    further ensure that regional organizations do not act rashly without first attempting rational

    discussions through the appropriate diplomatic means with the international community.

    Through the development and enhanced cooperation between regional organizations and

    connection and the United Nations, a international community of regional bodies is

    established. This International community can develop strong international ties between

    nations, resulting in greater levels of cooperation, discussion, understanding and friendship.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: Ukraine

    Delegate: Mark Law ([email protected]); KGV

    The United Nations Security Council was created to maintain international peace and

    security by determining the substance of a threat to said peace, and encouraging the

    appropriate parties to settle such disputes through peaceful means and other recommended

    methods discussed specifically during SC sessions. This calls for unbridled trust between the

    UNSC and the regional bodies who are able to influence the local situation directly, and

    uphold the peace. To quote Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, Article 54, The

    Security Council shall at all times be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or in

    contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance

    of internal peace and security.It is evident that in order to function to its full potential and

    achieve its goals, the Security Council must be able to rely on the respective regional bodies

    to carry out the duties assigned by the SC.

    In the past, in many situations that have resulted in threats to national sovereignty, the SC

    had enlisted regional bodies to serve as the medium for discussion in attempts to resolve the

    crises, which have shown to have had a much stronger effect than what the SC could have

    achieved on its own, without the need for force or economic sanctions which could result in

    heightened tensions. Formerly part of the USSR, the Ukraine has experienced first hand theinfluence of a regional body over the states that it governs. Currently being a country

    bordered by a trading bloc to the west, namely the European Union, the Ukraine clearly can

    understands the influence and authority of regional bodies on areas within their jurisdiction.

    Thus the Ukraine deems it imperative that the UN seek to build connections with the various

    regional bodies in order to resolve current crises such as the Syrian civil war, and also in

    further crises

    1. Increase involvement of regional bodies in UN affairs

    2. Regional bodies get to retain their sovereignty and independence

    3. Encourage the development of pacific settlement of local disputes through regional

    arrangements or such regional bodies

    4. Encourage member nations to make every effort to achieve pacific settlement over local

    disputes through such regional bodies before referring them to the security council

    Ukraine looks forward to working with member states in negotiations in hope that the

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    influence of regional bodies can be recognized and ultimately be involved in resolving of

    crises and political problems in the international community.

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    Country: United States

    Delegate:Alison Wong ([email protected]), Brian Yim

    ([email protected]); GSIS

    As the delegation of the United States of America, we firmly support and acknowledge the

    significance of cooperation between the United Nations and various regional bodies

    worldwide in matters of preserving and maintaining peace around the globe.

    There have been several peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations in conjunction with

    regional organizations that have been proved successful and efficient in the past, such as the

    cooperation of the UN and NATO in the crisis of Libya. Being a founding member of the

    North Atlantic Trade Organization (NATO), the United States of America has taken an active

    role in this situation. The United States of America participated in a multi-state coalition

    military intervention in an attempt to implement the United Nations Security Council

    Resolution 1973, a measure adopted in response to events during the civil war in Libya

    starting at 2011, which resulted in the removal of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Such

    involvement shows how cooperation has a great potential in being successful in the future

    and the United States of America encourages active involvement in all occurrences that

    regional bodies take part in the UN's strive to sustain peace.

    However, there have been other occasions where the UN and regional bodies have both

    engaged in an attempt to solve a single conflict, but, due to the lack of communication andinadequate mutual understanding, have not been able solve the problems effectively. In an

    attempt to moderate the civil war in Liberia and Sierra Leone and return both countries to a

    peaceful state, the regional body ECOWAS deployed a ceasefire monitoring group (ECOMOG)

    in order to regulate the situations in both states. The UN did not effectively fund nor support

    ECOWAS, resulting in the withdrawal of ECOWAS troops in all of the regions involved, and

    thus failing to alleviate the crisis. The main issue resulting in the manifestation of such

    situations originates from ineffective communication, poor logistics and lack of organised

    personnel, which are the issues that the United States of America believes the UN shouldaddress in order to prevent such occurrences from happening in the future.

    In the present situation, the President of the General Assembly recently acknowledged that

    the importance of regional bodies such as the European Union (EU) and the African Union

    (AU) as significant future partners of the UN, and have created ties with such regional bodies

    to tackle problems on a global scale. The United States of America is pleased with such

    development within the UN and encourages further alliances between the UN and the

    regional bodies in the near future.

    In order to ensure progress in the cooperation of the UN and the regional bodies, the UnitedStates of America recognizes the importance of implementing a framework to regulate

  • 7/29/2019 Regional Cooperation Position Papers


    Committee: Security Council

    Topic: Cooperation between the UN and Regional Bodies

    United Nations cooperation between regional bodies, so that their potential in contributing

    to the maintenance of world peace can be fully maximised.Cooperation between the UN and

    regional bodies should be based on the comparative advantages of each body to ensure the

    optimum complementarity of efforts while maintaining the primacy of the UN in the

    maintenance of international peace and security, eliminating unhealthy competition between

    both parties. The United States of America proposes that the UN forms a committee under

    the UN Security Council in which allocated persons working under the UN meet with

    representatives from each regional body to effectively share information between them. This

    can ensure that each side has the mutual understanding of the progress on each side, so that

    aid and expertise can be given to whichever side that needs it. Consultation with the UN

    must be made by the regional bodies before official action is undertaken, and a series of

    mechanisms such as channels for regular communications will facilitate faster decision

    making and coordination.

    In an attempt to resolve the pressing issue of failing logistics, the UN should ensure that

    personnel involved in the operation are well organized and trained, consistent with the UN

    doctrine and training standards, through cooperation with includes regional bodies. A joint

    understanding of underlying principles on which the rules of engagement are based should

    be relayed to all persons within the operation, which will increase consistency within both

    the UN and the regional bodies. Understanding the crucial role which each regional body

    possesses in the maintenance of international peace is essential, and the proposedframeworks should also promote further understanding and communication between both

    parties. This action turns cooperation between the UN and regional bodies into a continuous

    and dynamic process,

    so both organisations have a concise and clear notion about the mandates of the UN, thus

    reducing confusion on either side.

    The United States of America strongly believes that with the correct implementation of

    guidelines, it is clearly possible for the UN to cooperate coherently with all regional bodies.

    Therefore, this delegation looks forward to discussing possible measures with all memberstates of the UN Security Council in order to successfully achieve a framework that can

    benefit all parties involved.