Punchout Catalogs, Electronic Purchase Orders and Invoices


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Punchout Catalog Specialists

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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i n f o @ g r e e n w i n g t e c h n o l o g y. c o m

What We Do

Greenwing Technology is a business to business

provider of ecommerce storefronts known as

Punchout Catalogs. We offer a suite of web

applications to help businesses get online and sell

their products through virtual marketplaces. Our

services cater to Colleges and University suppliers,

Healthcare and Fortune 500 suppliers.

Web Development


eProcurement Punchout

Evolving Supplier Punchout catalogs

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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Internet & Procurement Solutions……

We provide a completely managed Punchout enabled solution for your organization. Our platform is built from the ground up to be flexible and support rapid deployment of your customers. Instead of spending months of time and resources we can simplify the process by providing all the integration support you need.

Our timeline is measured in days, not months or even years! We encourage you to announce that you are punchout-enabled to all of your customers and even use it when talking with new customers. The technology will no longer be barrier, it will be an enabler that allows you to increase customer retention, simplify billing and reduce overhead on all transactions.

eProcurementPunchout / OCI

EDI Integration

Inventory Management

Electronic Invoicing

Store Automation

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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Our Capabilities and Expertise……

Ariba Punchout

SAP OCI/Round Trip





Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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How Punchout works……

1. Buyer logs into their eProcurement


2. The buyer selects your Punchout catalog

3. The buyer browses your catalog

4. The buyer locates the product they want

and add it to their cart.

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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i n f o @ g r e e n w i n g t e c h n o l o g y. c o m

How Punchout works cont……

1. Buyer reviews their shopping cart

2. The buyer is not asked for any billing

or shipping information.

3. The buyer’s credentials are known by

the eProcurement system.

4. The buyer returns the shopping cart

and an email notification is sent to

you and to the buyer’s system.

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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How Punchout works cont……

1. Buyer’s procurement department reviews

the shopping cart submission.

2. If the order is approved an electronic

purchase order (PO) is sent to your

Punchout catalog by the eProcurement


3. You are notified that a purchase order has

been issued.

4. You complete the order fulfillment and can

electronically invoice your buyer via EDI,

P-Card or cXML.

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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Industries we serve……

Delivering powerful Punchout ready stores:Offer standardization with all of your suppliers Reduce training time for staff Bring any supplier to marketplace Rapid deployment to hit mandated launch dates.

College and University Suppliers

Government Suppliers

Corporate Suppliers

Healthcare Suppliers

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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The Development Process……

We work with your staff to obtain your product inventory and convert it to our web-enabled, Punchout platform. The next step is working with your customer to establish communications between their e-procurement system and our Punchout platform.

Once we establish communications we go through a testing phase when the system is put through a rigorous quality assurance process. Upon completion of the testing phase we request promotion to the live marketplace. Once you are promoted to live (marketplace) you will be immediately available in their e-procurement system and orders will start flowing in.


• Analyze current system infrastructure



• Product inventory• Images• File data


• Store setup and implementation


• Activate punchout catalog on customer’s eprocurement system

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

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The Benefits……

Huge opportunities to gain a more permanent presence and foothold on the buyer's purchasing screen and there is less likelihood the buyer will drop a supplier who has achieved full Punchout integration.

A big opportunity to win contracts with new customers who use the same Punchout standard.

Automate repeat orders.

Allows management to control purchasing budgets and eliminate maverick spending

Expand your market reach. A company can expect to double or triple their hours of selling time daily, and with the capabilities to extend geographically, new business relationships can be made.

Allows purchasing to interface with other systems within the company including inventory control, shipping and receiving, and accounting

Stand out from the competition

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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Why Choose Greenwing……

We guarantee that our setup and development fees are more cost effective than the competition. Gain a competitive edge over your competition by becoming Punchout enabled.

Business Growth - our eProcurement stores will enable you to sell your products to any university with an online marketplace.

Marketing and Advertising Advantage - start marketing to educational institutions that you are Punchout enabled.

Shortened supply cycle Reduced cost of processing orders Access to more suppliers Increased control & automation of the procurement process

Providing eProcurement

Marketplace Strategies and Solutions

P u n c h o u t C a t a l o g s t o c o n n e c t t o a l l e P r o c u r e m e n t P l a t f o r m s

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Schedule a Free Demo…

Daniel GeigerPennsylvania Officedan@greenwingtechnology.comPhone: 610-628-0046

Jeremy FriedmanDelaware Officejeremy@greenwingtechnology.comPhone: 302-295-5690
