Project management approaches construction and IT




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Project Management (PM) approaches in Construction and Information Technology (IT)


Mina Salama

Sandeep Bangera


Source: Prof. Dr. Florian Dörrenberg module scripts [1]

Figure 1: Systematic Project management

Need of systematic PM

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Construction Project Life Cycle (PLC)

Construction project Life Cycle ( PLC)

Figure 2: Phases in Construction project life cycle Source: [2] & [3]

Concept & Feasibility


Basic Engineering

& Design

Detailed Engineering & Design.

• Strategic outline• Overall technical & Economical feasibility• Resource availability• Demand forecast • Risk assessment • Logistics


• Design Basis report (DBR)

• Preparation of preliminary drawing’s.

• Site investigation• Evaluate the design

criteria.• Detailed project

report (DPR)

• Design drawings• Detail project

specification• Contract documents• Preparation of Tender

document and vendor list.

• Shop drawings

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Construction Project Life Cycle (PLC)

Construction project Life Cycle ( PLC)

Figure 3: Phases in Construction project life cycle (Cont.) Source: [2] & [3]

Concept & Feasibility


Basic Engineering

& Design

Detailed Engineering & Design.

Procurement Construction

• Notice to tenders • Technical and

commercial analysis • Contract planning,

administer and closing.

• E.g.:- Services, Equipment and Material

• Design are realized into physical structures .

• Effective coordination to achieve: -• Schedule• Budget• Performance

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Construction Project Life Cycle (PLC)

Construction project Life Cycle ( PLC)

Figure 4: Phases in Construction project life cycle (cont.) Source: [2] & [3]

Concept & Feasibility


Basic Engineering

& Design

Detailed Engineering & Design.



Start-up &


Operation or


• Testing of components

• Warranty• Conformance to

the project quality as per the specification

• As- built drawings

• Regular maintenance of facilities

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Business Solutions

Business Challenges

• Isolated corporate system• Aggressive competition

• Consolidate data• Monitor daily performance• Analyze customer data

• Reduce cost• Innovation• Increase revenue

Role of Information system

Source: Management Information system, 9th edition [4]Figure 5: Role of Information system

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Phases in Information technology life cycle

Source: Jack T Marchewka, Information technology project management, 2003 [5]Figure 6: General Phases in IT product life cycle

Planning Analysis Design Implementation

Maintenance & Support

• Project Model• Nonnumeric• Numeric

• Scope • Budget• Schedule• Technology• SDLC model

• Project integration

• Stake holder• Procurement• Quality • Risk • Resource • Tools

• Architecture • Network

design• Hardware

configuration• Database• User interface • Application


• Development/ configuration of system• Testing• Installation • Training • Support • Documentation

• Troubleshooting

• Improvement• Innovation

Disposal :A important phase in IT PM after the product becomes obsolete.

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Predictive life cycle

Spiral Model

Waterfall model

Incremental build model



Rapid application


Adaptive software


Agile develop


Extreme Programming


Scrum Model

System development life cycle (SDLC)in Information Technology

Source: Information Technology, Project management, 4th edition [6]

Figure 7: Types of SDLC models

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Source: [1] & [6]

Life cycle comparison

• Construction projects • Many mandatory interdependency between project activities. E.g.: Geotechnical survey

prior to land excavation etc.• Fewer types of life cycle

• IT projects• Fewer mandatory dependency.• Many types of life cycle models.

Figure 8: Life cycle comparison

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Source: [6] & [7]

Nature of project

• IT projects can be very diverse and is not a solution until it caters the business need. • IT projects can be a part of construction project. E.g.: ERP , telecommunication etc

• Construction projects are less diverse compared to IT projects. • Construction projects are mostly standard driven. E.g.: JIS, DIN, IS, BS, IS0 etc.

Figure 9: Nature of IT projects- Standish report

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Source: [6]

Project management maturity

Figure 10: PM maturity survey results by C. willian & Hook Kwak , 2000 .

Knowledge Area Construction Information system

Scope 3.52 3.25

Time 3.55 3.03

Cost 3.74 3.20

Quality 2.91 2.88

Human resources 3.18 2.93

Risk 2.93 2.75

Procurement 3.33 3.01

Communication 3.53 3.21

1= Lowest maturity rating & 5=Highest maturity rating

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• Means acquiring goods / services from an outside source.

• IT Projects: Term used is outsourcing

• Construction Projects : Term used is purchasing

Planning of purchases & acquisition

Contract planning

Notice to tender

Vendor selection



Closing the


Figure 11: Phases in procurement

Source: [6]

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Project challenges and risks

IT Projects:

• IT investment challenge

• Strategic Business challenge

• Globalization

• Infrastructure challenge

• Ethics and security

• Market, technology, process

and people risks

Construction Projects:

• Environmental risks

• Financial risks

• Material/ labour availability

• Site accessibility

• Land acquisition and


• Force majeure events

Source: [4] & [9]

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Figure 13: Stakeholders’ influence over time .Source: [8]

Stakeholder influence on IT project

Stakeholder influence on construction project

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[1] Prof. Dr. Florian Dörrenberg project management module scripts.

[2] Gannett Fleming Inc., Construction Project management handbook, September 2009.

[3] Chu Eo Ho, Project management, Department of civil and environmental engineering, MIT, 2003.

[4] Kenneth C. L & Jane P. L, Management information system, 9th edition, 2006.

[5] Jack T Marchewka, Information technology project management, “Providing measurable

organizational value”, 2003.

[6] Kathy Schwalbe, Information technology project management, 4th edition, 2010

[7] Standish Group [online] Available at:

articles/Interview-Johnson-Standish-CHAOS [Accessed: 18 may 2013].

[8] ANSI, A guide to the project management body of knowledge, 3rd edition, 2004.

[9] Florida international University, General contractor’s risk management practices, 2002.

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Sandeep Bangera

Project Management (PM) approaches in Construction and IT
