Presentation Social Media With A Purpose

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Amanda Eyer of atLarge and Susie Bowie of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County's Nonprofit Resource Center host a basic session on social media for Sarasota & Manatee County nonprofits.

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social mediawith a




your name.your organization.your role at work.

what are you doing here?


This approach to social media doesn’t work anymore.

What we’re doing today• Overview of social media• Social media etiquette • Nonprofit social media strategy• Fundraising using social media • Basics of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogging • Nonprofits using social media effectively• Measuring your results

What is social media? Let’s start at the beginning.

This guy represents the traditional online communication…

He’s a talker. He talks. And he talks.…

It’s all about him. BORING.

These two represent Web 2.0…or social media.

Amy talks. Beth talks. They BOTH

communicate…It’s all about an exchange.


To summarize, social media is not a billboard for your nonprofit’s


We’re officially begging

you to join our cause on Facebook. Now be


At its most basic sense, social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content.

It's a fusion of sociology and technology, transforming monologue (one to many) into dialog (many to many) and is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers.

Social media has become extremely popular because it allows people to connect in the online world to form relationships for personal and business uses.

Why it’s perfect for nonprofits •The tools are free.

• It’s pretty easy to get started. Anyone can.• It provides a way to reach new audiences.• It provides a new way to connect with existing audiences, more informally.• Some have raised money using it. • It’s a great way to drive web traffic.

Why it’s perfect for nonprofits

Building relationships is what you do.

Guess what? You can also listen to your audiences.

Aren’t there dangers?

•“People can say bad stuff about us.”• “You’re just doing it because everyone else is doing it.” .• “Oh, wow, look at the time!”

Look at 3 things:1. Tone.

Totally negative, neutral, seem like they could be

talked to?

2. Influence. How many followers, friends, subscribers do they


3. Frequency. Is this a standalone argument / complaint or does

there seem to be a trend brewing?

-Carie Lewis, Humane Society of United States

So what if people DO say bad things

about your organization?

Social Media Etiquette

• Viral is good…and really bad. “Delete” doesn’t always work once it’s out there.• Would you want your mom to read it?

• Resist the urge to be mean. And inappropriate.

• Think before you post.

Personal vs. professional

• Totally separate profiles

• Personal profile with some work

• Personal profile with mostly work

Check out Kivi Miller’s blog post & slide share. Compares 3 nonprofit approaches. (See reference bookmark.)



Before You Start

•Do you belong in social media?

•Do you have the resources to keep it


•What do you hope to accomplish?


Before You Start

•How will you track your progress?

•How will this fit with your overall

marketing plan?

•Who is your Social Media Czar?

•SM Czar trains employees/volunteers,

sets guidelines, monitors progress


What Happens After the “Click”

•What is your engagement plan?

•Web site / newsletter

•Follow Up

•Online donors & registered volunteers

•Re-engagement plan?

•Updated content, calls to action

Creating Your SM Strategy

• Mission

• Brand

• Messaging

• Audience Needs

• Unique Value


• Communications




Tracking Progress

•What is a fan worth to you?

•How many followers do you want?

•How can you integrate conversion paths?

•What would you pay to become an



Seven Deadly Sins

David Griner

Luckie &



Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media

1. Lust: Love your customers, but take it


2. Gluttony: Don’t bite off more than you

can chew.

3. Greed: It’s hard to shake hands while

you’re reaching for someone’s wallet.


Seven Deadly Sins

4. Sloth: Avoid the temptation to “set it &

forget it.”

5. Wrath: There are a lot of people itching

for a punch in the nose, you’re not the one

to do it.

6. Envy: Don’t be dissuaded by other

people “doing it better than you.”

7. Pride: Stay humble, rock star.


American RedCross Guidelines


American RedCross Guidelines

“Social Media handbook meant for all Red

Crossers interested in how social media can

help us deliver our mission critical services.

...will familiarize you with our national social

media philosophy, invite you to find, join, and

participate in our national social media

presence, and guide you in creating your own

local social media presence.”


American RedCross Guidelines


•Be transparent

•Be accurate

•Be considerate

•Respect copyright laws


American RedCross Guidelines


•Tell us about your blog

•Be generous

•Be a good blogger

•Respect work commitments

•Uphold the Fundamental



American RedCross Guidelines


•Use disclaimers

•Reveal confidential information


Saintly Advice for SM Broadcasting

•Listen & Participate

•Set Up Collaborative Tools

•Create Social Profiles (Brand Consistency)

•Connect on Social Profiles

•Integrate Offline Campaigns

•Post meaningful relevant content such as how to's,

video demonstrations, interviews

•Think viral

Web 2.0 FundraisingCause Announcement from ASPCA - the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Hooray! Thanks to everyone who recruited and to all those who donated! Every $ and bit of awareness helps!!! We finally broke our $3,000 donations goal! Let's see how long it takes us to reach $4,000!

Over 35,000 members in this cause.

Q: “… How much mind share will you devote comparatively to each of the following areas over the next 12 months?”

3.94 - major gifts program (48% rated this a "5") 3.88 - direct mail program (37% rated this a "5") 3.84 - website 3.70 - email fundraising 3.18 - foundation fundraising

2.89 - social media presence (12% rated this a "5")

2.04 - telemarketing program (54% rated this a "1"!!)

Source: The Agitator (, September 2009

Source: Nonprofit Social Network Survey Report, April 2009 by Common Knowledge, NTEN, The Port

Follow the Same RulesDO:• Use your following to cultivate

interest in your mission.

• Use social media to attract event attendees, volunteers and supporters…then convert them to donors.

• Integrate your fundraising with occasional tweets, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, etc. of how to help and the impact of your gifts.

DO NOT:• Estrange your followers/fans with

too many asks. They will unfollow you!

5 Things to Ask

1.What could I do with this that I can’t do with an e-mail campaign or direct mail campaign and the “donate now” link on your web site?

2.Who is in your social media network that you can recruit to make it viral?

3.Is the need specific and immediate?

4.Are you trying to raise $500 or less?

5.Follow up and thank you’s are just as important. How will you do it?

The Tools

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Facebook Stats

• 45 percent of U.S.

audience now 26

years old or older

•8 percent of users

over 45

•3 percent (roughly 6

million people), over


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Broadcasting Your Message by Medium

•Over 300 million


•50% log on in daily

•Fastest growing

demographic is those

35 years old and



Facebook Strategy

Establish your brand and build relationships

before you attempt to build a following. Then, build

conversation and events around your brand and its

fans. Once you have an established following,

provide compelling, frequent updates to keep fans

loyal and in-tune.


Page, Profile or Group?

•Pages are designed for businesses,

celebrities and bands

•Pages let you:

•Create custom url’s

•Download Apps

•Access metrics about who is visiting your


•Send updates and event invitations to


•Share page with everyone, even if they

don’t have Facebook account.


Page, Profile or Group?


Page Setup


Facebook Fundraising


Facebook Fundraising


Facebook Fundraising

04/11/23 48

Facebook Analytics with Insights

• Measures

interactions such as

comments, wall posts,

likes, total fans as

well as geographic

and demographic


BloggingBlog = short for “web log”

Like an online journal

Blogging Benefits

• Quick answers & updates about your cause that don’t “fit” on your website.

• Provides content for e-news, print news, etc.

• Increase search ranking of your website.

• Facilitate conversations & showcase your expertise.

Before you startblogging, figure out...• Your audience. Who will read it & why?

• Location. How people will discover it & remember to come back?

• Content. Do you have timely, relevant discussion topics in short paragraphs that encourage conversation? Who will write & post content?

• Posting schedule. Do you have juicy bits to post often?

• Moderation. How you will handle comments?

Attracting a Crowd

• Post comments on others’ blogs

• Spread your posts through FB, your website, Twitter, e-mail updates

• Google Analytics will tell you how many page views, visitors, how long they stay

• Include RSS, tag your content

Measuring Your Blogging Success

with Analytics

• Unique visitors• Unique page views• Length of time on the page• Bounce rate• Comments

A micro blog:Updates in 140 characters or less.

Old Q: “What am I doing right now?”

New Q: “What do I have to share of value or interest to my supporters and potential supporters?”

Nonprofit Social Network Survey

April 2009

• 43% of those surveyed maintain a presence on Twitter

• 94% have used it for 12 months or less

Who’s using it that you care about?

• Current and potential supporters, volunteers, etc.

• Other organizations that share your mission that you can network and share with

• Local organizations and potential partners

• City and County government

• Local and national media

• Foundations, grant makers & potential donors

Tweet. The update itself, as in “Read my tweet.”Followers. The people or organizations that receive your updates (they see your tweets on their Twitter accounts.)

Following. The people oror organizations you receive updates from (you see their updates when logged in to your Twitter account.)“Re-tweet.”Re-posting something you find useful, including the original poster’s Twitter name.


• INTERESTING stats related to your mission, with an action & link.

• UPDATES on your work & upcoming events with links.

• LINKS to websites & stories that relate to your mission, even if not related to your organization directly.

• QUESTIONS of your supporters.

what to post

the scoop on social media

the scoop on social media

• Offer value related to your mission.

• Follow others related to you.

• Re-Tweet others’ relevant postings.

• Reply to thoughts & questions posted by others. • Cross-market on FB, e-news, website, print

building a following

• Track referrals on your website using free Google analytics (or another program).

• Followers, RTs, Mentions

• Surveys of your members, volunteers, event attendees.

measuring effectiveness



special days

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Helpful Tools

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Broadcasting Your Message by Medium

This is a great resource for posting pictures of

venues and destination locations in an alluring

fashion. Be sure to take it appropriately and take

advantage of the geotargeted capabilities as you

select your category tags.

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Broadcasting Your Message w/ Flickr


Broadcasting Your Message w/ Flickr

04/11/23 72

Broadcasting Your Message by Medium

Post videos that will be engaging to viewers.

Remember the title has to grab people and the tags

you provide should fit the video’s content. Take

advantage of the free video hosting and integrate

the YouTube embedded video url on your Web site,

enewsletters and other social media profiles for

higher engagement.


Broadcasting Your Message with YouTube

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Broadcasting Your Message by Medium

The value is in your networking, who you connect

with and

the conversations you spur. Helpful for posting jobs,

sharing articles and participating in discussion


04/11/23 75

Broadcasting Your Message by Medium

3 Ways Nonprofits Can Use LinkedIn

• Create a Group under the “Nonprofit” category

• Create a Company Page (focus is usually on


and recruitment…volunteer use?)

• Use your personal profile to post network updates


your nonprofit & answer questions in the nonprofit


Source: Nonprofit Tech 2.0, September 25, 2009

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Helpful Tools

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Helpful Tools

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Helpful Tools

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Helpful Tools

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Helpful Tools

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Helpful Tools

We’ve posted awesome resources online.



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May 21

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