Overcome The Overwhelm - PRSM Webinar



Strategies & Tactics to get more done & stay sane. Time management techniques for busy overachievers.

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Consultant Frito-Lay

Glazer-Kennedy Insider CircleWebMD

Speaker/FacilitatorBurger King Corporation

American ExpressWomen In Cable


Education MBA, University of Miami, 2004

Dartmouth College, BA in Psychology Modified with Mathematics (Statistics)


The Next 45 minutesMy promise: To deliver as much valuable

information as I possibly can so you can get more done and stay sane!


PS - This is interactive! If you have a question... OR when I ask a question, type your answer

in the chat box.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

1. My Story(From Uh-Oh to A-Ha!)

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

When I started my business, I was “working”

a LOT.

Hustling. Hunting. Pushing.


All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

I was always available, always accessible.

I answered every call and every email myself – usually right when it came in.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

I was a multi-tasking MAESTRO (I thought)

I had no SUPPORT.

I had no SYSTEMS in place.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

I faced lots of COMPETITION.

I rarely said “NO” to or WALKED AWAY from opportunities.

I HUNTED for clients and new business.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

I scheduled my LIFE around my WORK (instead of my WORK around my LIFE).

I didn’t “have time” or ANYTHING – no hobbies, no fun, no LIFE.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

I didn’t REALLY know the value of my TIME (and didn’t charge enough for it)

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Worst of all...I disliked MOST of the

work I was doing.

I was exchanging my LIFE for WORK.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

100 • Marketing - Networking, Social Media, Email

Marketing, Blogging, Website, Media Kit, Price List, Brochures, Business Cards, Logo, SEO

• Selling- Prospecting, Writing Proposals,

Following Up, Negotiating, Closing

• Executing- Researching, Desiging Workshops,

Creating Slideshows, Practicing, Taking Notes, Creating & Delivering Client Reports, Training, Workshops, Monthly Events

• Financials- Invoicing, Paying Bills, Managing Cash

Flow, Projections, Tracking, Monitoring Income

• Miscellaneous- Every single other thing possible

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

A-Ha Moment:My career was making me a SLAVE.

I had no life AND I wasn’t even making MONEY.

Can you relate?

QUESTION:What if you had more time?


All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Fast Forward...

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

I founded & run Miami’s largest 2-day conference for women.

MakeThemBeg.com © 2012 Michelle & Jessica, Inc. All rights reserved.

Osmara, in her own words, after personal branding:“When I first watched Make Them BEG it wasn’t the content that most impressed me. What I loved best was watching you two – Michelle and Jessica – having FUN in your business. Playing! That’s what I wanted. So when I followed the advice in that section – section two I believe – I looked back to who I was as a child. I saw how much I loved to play, write and create. Now I’ve transformed my business so I get to do a lot more of that: Play, write and create.

In the last year I’ve gotten authentically aligned with who I am, and that’s made a huge di"erence. I’m also bolder than ever. I am confident and refuse to censor myself. Being authentically me IS what’s magnetic. People who are showing up are showing up because of ME. They want to know what I have to say, and what I can teach them. I’m not Osmara Vindel the coach anymore, I’m Osmara, author of The Unleashing.

As for the hard facts: I’ve doubled my coaching rate and have my perfect clients ready to pay it. Clients are now finding me on the Internet, which means I’m not out there hustling all the time. I’m only taking on clients and group coaching members that I respect and want to spend my time with. I’m attracting media coverage from my word-of-mouth marketing campaigns, including a recent feature of my “Butterfly Club” release party in the Miami Herald.”

Parting Words Of Advice... “Defining your personal brand powerfully and deliberately will make you take yourself more seriously. As a result, the outside world will take you more seriously. It’s a lot of work, but bite the bullet and get it all done as quick as you can. Wait till you see how it looks from the other side. Unleash it baby!”

PS - Get a free excerpt of “The Unleashing” at www.Osmara.com.

Quick Word: On MastermindsBoth of us are HUGE supporters of and participators in Mastermind Groups. Why? Because getting in a room with a handful of people committed to your success accelerates growth, drives performance and yields results.In the timeless classic Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill interviewed the wealthiest, most successful men on the planet (yes, they were all men) to find out what they had in common so that others could emulate. One of the basic commonalities was that they ALL participated in masterminds. Having seen the results of participating in masterminds in our own businesses, we decided to launch one. Our purpose is to gather the smartest, most driven members of our Make Them BEG inner circle and meet with them once a month – in person – to move them forward, faster. This is not a pitch to join our mastermind – though if you’re interested, reach out to Toma (TR@MakeThemBeg.com) to check on openings (the group is limited in size and there are basic requirements so we can be sure to have a top-quality group) – this is a call to ACTION you to join a mastermind. How to choose? Look for a group with people who are ahead of you and who have unique gifts that inspire you. In the (paraphrased) words of Michelle’s hero, David Ogilvy... “If each of us [surrounds ourself with] people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a [mastermind] of dwarfs. But if each of us [surrounds ourself with] people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a [mastermind] of giants.”

TakeawaysMasterminds... • Harness the power

of many brains • Get the benefit of

many more years of experience

• Open you up to new perspectives

• Feel group pressure that holds you accountable to the commitments you make.

• Ally yourself with great contacts

• Absorb their knowledge and gain insight in a fun environment

MakeThemBeg.com © 2012 Michelle & Jessica, Inc. All rights reserved.


Neuroscience & Branding – Why looking good is also good for business.

2. THE SAVVY STRATEGIST The Importance Of Your Visual Identity – People want to do business with people they like and trust. How you LOOK has a lot to do with how successful you are in building likability and trust. Get ready to flood the internet with some great images of you!

3. TOTALLY TACTICALCreating Your “Look” – Tactical, practical guidelines for developing the elements of your personal brand, including head shots, color choices, typography, logos and more.

4. EMULATE & IMITATESearch engine optimization for getting your FACE out there.... How to label images, where to upload them, what to post, and lots of other goodies.

5. STRATEGIC APPLICATION CASE STUDYOsmara Vindel, MBA walks us through her image transformation – and the results it’s generated for her business.

6. QUICK WORD On Masterminds and how they can accelerate your progress.

7. BOOK REVIEWIt’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be by Paul Arden


MAKE THEM BEGMake Them BEG is a business philosophy and training curriculum invented by Michelle Villalobos and Jessica Kizorek.

Instead of begging for business, we teach our students to create an irresistible personal brand that magnetizes and seduces opportunities, customers and clients.

In the end, our goal is to empower professionals to promote themselves powerfully – both online and off – to drive business, increase referrals, and raise prices.

Have a question for us? Send it to TR@MakeThemBEG.com and we will just might answer it in an upcoming issue of Make Them BEG Monthly!MakeThemBeg.com © 2012 Michelle & Jessica, Inc. All rights reserved.

Letter From The Editors We are so excited to bring you another issue of Make Them BEG Monthly. Once again, we’ve gathered some of the FUNDAMENTAL brand elements that you need to focus on so clients and prospects value you more, pay you more and LOVE working with you more.

In this issue, the focus is your LOOK. How you look is more important than ever, with so many tools online to disseminate your brand to the world. Read our interview with Dr. Eva Ritvo to understand WHY how you look is so relevant in business, and why it is so important to be repetitive and consistent in your choices. In the succinct yet profound words of Guy Kawasaki in Enchantment, “familiarity breeds commitment.”

Our goal is for you to build and deploy a brand that feels familiar and attractive to your target audience; one that withstands the test of time and evolves as you do. So get out your highlighter and take some notes, this is a great – and FUN – issue!!

Stay awesome, Michelle & JessicaCo-Creators of Make Them BEG

IN EVERY ISSUEMindset Mastery As a very wise entrepreneur once said, “most business problems are really personal problems in disguise.” In each issue, we’ll tackle a “mindset issue.”

The Savvy Strategist In every issue, we’ll provide one strategic initiative to focus on that will help you heighten visibility, increase pro!tability, or improve operations.

Totally TacticalApply the strategy from Savvy Strategist so you can boost your earnings and e"ciency.

Emulate & ImitateExamples that you can use as guides to implement the above strategy.

Case StudyTheory is great, but sometimes you’ve got to see examples of di#erent strategies in action. Here you’ll !nd a fully $eshed out example of how someone achieved dramatic results.

Book ReviewWe love to read, and want to share our “a-ha” moments with you.

September 2012 Issue

Make Them BEGM!thlyYour monthly reminder to promote YOURSELF to the top. Because if you don’t do it, nobody else will.

• American Express Training (referral)

• Burger King Training (networking)

• LivingSocial Sponsor (referral)

• Constant Contact Sponsor (cold email)

• Lexis/Nexis Speaking (internet lead)

• Origins Sponsor (referral)

• Inktel Direct Facilitation (referral)

• Uni-K Wax Centers Sponsor (referral)• Sudsies Drycleaners Sponsor &

Consulting (networking)

• Lloyds Bank Speaking (internet lead)

• Frito-Lay Consulting (referral)


All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

I further movements I believe in

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Your TurnWrite down 3 things you would do more of, if you could release some

time in your calendar.

This will make it easier to COMMIT to implementing the tactics we’ll

be discussing on this webinar.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

2. Your TIMEWhat’s It WORTH?

Base Earnings Target

Number of work weeks

Number of work days/week

Work hours/day


Value of YOUR hour







Think about that number every time...

or every time...

or when...


3. Mindset Shifts




Interesting article on ADD & Evolution here: http://borntoexplore.org/evolve.htm

It takes the human brain 2 to 4 times longer to recognize and process information when switching from one task to another. Time lost increases with the complexity of the tasks at hand.– Harvard University & University of Michigan Studies

People who regularly juggle several streams of electronic information do not pay attention, control their memories, or switch from one task to another as well as those who prefer to focus on one thing at a time.  – Stanford Report, 8/24/2009Study by Clifford Nass, Eyal Ophir & Anthony Wagner 



• tasks that take 5 or 10 minutes get done• give feeling of “accomplishment”• tasks that take concentration & focus, get

delayed• delayed tasks are usually more important• we spend most time on unimportant tasks• most productive work is done in longer chunks

Julie’s online videos have great info

“staccato work environment”(Julie Morgenstern)

In 2007, a group of Microsoft workers took, on average, 15 minutes to return to serious mental tasks, such as writing reports or computer code, after dealing with incoming email.  They wandered off to reply to other messages or browse the Web. – New York Times, 3/25/2007

“Legado Tasks”


All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Parkinson’s Law “Work expands so as

to fill the time available for its completion.”

Perhaps you recognize this phenomenon (or its corollaries)?

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Data expands to fill the space available for storage.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Studies show that if you LIMIT the time available

for a task, you REDUCE the amount of time

that task takes... and IMPROVE results!

“Treat every day like it's the

day before vacation, and

you will get more work

done!”- Zig Ziglar

In other words, if you first determine your “HARD LIMITS”

in terms of TIME, you will be more FOCUSED and produce BETTER RESULTS in the (shorter)

time you alloted.

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

The Point Is...

• Create deadlines – and enroll others in meeting those deadlines

• Set specific amounts of time for certain tasks

• Schedule blocks of time for tasks

• Shut off interruptions while performing tasks

PARETO Principle

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com





Inputs Outputs

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Focus on those clients!

Focus on rewarding these employees.

20% of bugs contribute to80% of computer crashes:

20% of workers contribute 80% of results:

Focus on fixing those bugs first.

20% of clients contribute 80% of revenue:

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

The easiest, quickest and best way to achieve TIME & PRODUCTIVITY is to


clients, projects & activities that don’t produce RESULTS

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Back when I started, for

example, my proposals looked like this, took HOURS to craft, and

mostly never got

accepted. So I stopped

writing proposals.


4. Work Around Priorities First

What are your ROCKS?(top 3 priorities in life?)

Step 1: Establish Priorities


IncomeStability Priorities aligned

Meditate Free TimeFunWork



FamilyEat Healthy


Be a role model

Write down ONE parameter for each of those three priorities.

Step 2: Create Parameters

Examples• Family Time ---------> No work on weekends -

Dinner w/family 2x/wk

• Hobbies --------------> 8 hours/week to paint Ride horses 2/week

• Peace of Mind ----> Meditate 30min/day

• Romance -----------> “Date Night” 1/week

• Health ----------------> Eat breakfast every day Do yoga 1x/week

• Organize -------------> Mondays =“errands & admin” day

Put them into your calendar and HONOR THEM!!

Enroll others in supporting you...

Step 3: Schedule Them!

“Art Time”

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

All Content Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc., 2009. All Rights Reserved. To reprint or repurpose for commercial use, please contact Michelle at http://www.mivistaconsulting.com

Recap• Know the value of your time... and guard it

like a stack of bills

• Stop multi-tasking & being “busy”

• Limit the amount of time available for tasks

• Set deadlines - and enroll others in them

• Eliminate the 80% of things you do that don’t generate results

• Establish your priorities FIRST and honor them using a schedule that you live by

Recommended Reading

Copyright Michelle Villalobos, Mivista Consulting, Inc. 2009. All Rights Reserved. To Reprint, Distribute or Repurpose, visit www.MivistaConsulting.com and click “Contact Us”.

Thank you!!

