My ar company introduction




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AR to Cloud!

Augmented reality: tomorrow's technology, today in Taiwan – Chung-Hwa AR team Prepared by Neil Sun

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AR to Cloud!

- Executive Summary

- Company Briefing

- The Pioneer, 1st in Taiwan

- Company Strength

- Future of Company – Junaio (魔眼 ) certified developer

- Company Projects, over 100 items

- Patents

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AR to Cloud! - Executive Summary

- The management Team

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Co-Founder, Mr. Y.K. Lee (Michael) Professor,

•National Cheng Kung University ( 成功大学 ) 人因互动设计博士候选人 .•Australia National Swimburne University - Digital multimedia design PhD candidate( 数字媒体设计博士班 ) . •More than 20 years experience in creative/concept/UI design and research (创新概念设计及相关 UI 研究超过 20 年 )•The Chairman of Digital and game design department in Taiwan Shu Te University•The chairman of information communication department in Taiwan Kao Yuan university•Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan 行政院公共工程委员 ( 数字媒体类 )•Motions Examination Committee of Taiwan design center ( 台湾创意设计中心审查委员 )•Motions Examination Committee of 2011 Taipei World Design Expo 世界设计大会审查委员•个人曾获多项国际创意设计大奖

Co-Founder, Mr. Neil Sun 孫彬丰 .

•Foristel, WiMax/LTE operator in Africa, VP corporate business development•Amimon, wireless HDMI silicon technology provider, country manager•Intel, APAC wireless business development manager, Intel Taiwan WiMAX speaker, Intel days Taiwan speaker•RFWaves/Envara, Wi-Fi technology silicon solution provider, country manager•Argoquest VC, TW representative•RadioShack, buyer

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AR to Cloud! - Company briefing

- The few ones who really focus only in AR marketing research and business promotions in Taiwan.

- Had applied more than 30 AR related patents in the past 5 years(1st in Taiwan)

- In 2006, handheld city AR browser(1st in Taiwan) ( 台湾教育部成果发表记者会 )

- In 2006, the 1st team in Taiwan implementing AR technology into Taiwan museums( 台湾最早的大型博物馆扩增实境互动展示技术导入者 )

科学工艺博物馆 National Science and Technology Museum

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AR to Cloud! - The pioneer, 1st in Taiwan

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整个华文世界 , 第一本华文印刷品采用扩增实境

全世界第一个将扩增实境 + 纸钞 的应用 全世界第一个将扩增实境应用到竞选活动公关 全台湾第一支实际可以操作运作的手持式 AR 全台湾第一个以 AR 为主要议题的国际研讨会 全台湾第一个将 AR 导入到大型博物馆 全台湾第一个以手持式装置发表 AR 成果

全台湾第一个将体感内容导入到 AR 全台湾第一个手机 AR ( 采用操作系统 wm5) 全台湾第一个以视觉辨识方式完成街景 AR 全台湾第一个完成 3D 对象辨识的 AR 全台湾第一个整合 AR 其他裸视 3D 或浮空投影应

用 全台湾第一个整合 AR 与文化创意商品 全台湾第一个将 AR 导入游戏及动画产业的先驱

  …. 及其他多项第一

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AR to Cloud! - The pioneer, 1st in Taiwan

- Movie ticket for AR

- Heineken Street AR 海尼根「街头式互动实境」

- ING 用台币 1000 元纸钞玩扩

- 风潮唱片包装设计 AR

- 格林文化绘本 + 扩增实境

- 总统候选人用扩增实境

The team had successfully developed and launched more than 100 AR related projects in Taiwan. Projects cross many different industries such as printing, packaging, game, education, advertisement, auto, Insurance, wedding, pc, museum, show, shop, food, expo, public…

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AR to Cloud! - Company Strength

- Owned more than 30 AR related patents.

- The only company in Taiwan has completed more than 100 AR related projects in the past 5 years.

- The company’ name with AR, really focus only on AR.

- Engaged in AR marketing development over 7 years.

- High education level of management team (including one PhD in this team and two Masters).

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AR to Cloud! - Future of Company – Junaio certified developer

- Juanio browser dominate in Taiwan market.

- One Junaio browser will work for all Taiwan customers’ AR need.

- Providing a fast and reliable local cloud service for clients who can easily create and store their contents.

- Providing the best local consulting service related to Junaio AR technology implementation.

- To Build up a complete eco-system for Junaio download volume growing rapidly in Taiwan.

- Working with China partners for AR activities by leveraging 魔眼 AR browser

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AR to Cloud! - Company projects in 5 years, over 100 items

- **台湾高铁 , **裕隆汽车 , **英业达 , **英业达 ( 上海 ), **中华电信高雄展览馆 , * *台灣城 ( 南京 ), **华硕计算机 , **福斯影业 , **奥迪汽车 , **科学工艺博物馆 , **海生馆 , **高雄市政府 , **台湾故宫博物院 , **台北计算机同业公会 , **游戏新干线 , **统一梦时代 , **新西兰奇异果 , **新光三越左营开幕展 , **农委会 , **台创设计中心 , **数字内容协会 , **世界设计大会 , **美邦人寿 , **智冠 , **格林童书 , **海尼根啤酒 , * * ING 投信 , **五月天 , **玉山管理处 , **国家文学馆 , **乐升游戏 , **甲尚 , **风潮唱片 , **苏贞昌竞选总部 , * * PCHOME, **卫生署 , **新一代设计展…等

More projects, please refer to

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AR to Cloud! - Company Target (in 5 years)

- 专注与 ”一级国际 AR 公司 ” 的合作 , 透过合作 , 取得好的市场竞争优势 .

- 目标成为全台湾第一大的 AR 专业服务公司 .

- 以策略性导向为第一优先 , 快速累积超过 100万次的下载及高频率使用量 .

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中华扩增实境团队 B C D E

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