MRECO Conversation Starter



Talk deck from Market Research Exchange of Central Ohio from 3.17.11.

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adding social media research to your market research toolbox !

Market Research Exchange of Central Ohio!

March 17, 2011!


in a nutshell!•  what is social media research?!•  why social media research?!•  qualitative perspective!•  process!•  method playtime!•  watch outs!•  building your business!•  resources!


it’s about the person and their story.!

Online Bulletin Boards!


Life in Pictures!


Frequent Spots!

what is social media research?!


No recruiting, no incentives, no travel, no OOO time!=!Very low investment for high return!!


Disrupting the fish pond can change behavior.!


Very short wait time; data is already out there, just waiting to be harvested and analyzed.!

already there!

why social media research?!


social media research from a qualitative perspective!

•  The WHY behind larger scale behavioral data!

•  Gives more than sentiment and explains sentiment!

•  Structure for threading seemingly disparate comments into themes!

•  Drive to search deeper to understand the whole person!

•  “English Major’s Take”!

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#"6! process!quantitative backbone!

Use an analytics platform that does Natural Language Processing theming that goes beyond sentiment. !

verbatim coding!

Within themes that are most popular, seek to understand the “why.”!

evolve the search!

Look in different directions for other comments as you build insights.!

street smarts check!

Do your insights make sense for what you know about the brand, category or product? If not, seek out explanations.!

call it!

When you start to see the same “why” explanations again and again, call it a day.!


divide into teams of ~5!

Develop hypothesis insights to answer the objectives.!

using the artifacts from your worksheet…!

method playtime!

objectives: !•  understand consumer articulated benefits of

avocados.!•  identify habits and practices related to eating

avocados.!•  understand barriers to buying or eating



social media research "watch-outs!

•  Platforms and API access!

•  Sentiment analysis: clean your data!!

•  Rise of pay per click fake blogs!

•  Target (shooting range) vs. Target (retailer)!

•  Listen to your customer instead of the “echo chamber”!

•  Gap logo scandal!

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building your business!

•  Ask, “where are my consumers/customers/clients at in social media?”!

•  Spend your time on the most relevant platforms first, doing those well.!

•  Find out where your competitors are playing and be there, too.!

•  Ask, “what benefit can I provide via social media?”!

•  Provide relevant content that meets real needs.!

•  Be authentic, think like a person not a company.!

•  Develop a road map.!

-  !


building your business!

-  !!



•  Books like Twitterville by Shel Israel!

•  #NewMR, #SMR on Twitter!

•  Netnography on LI!

•  Free/cheap analytics tools!

•  MRA/IMRO – Top 16 SMR Questions!

•  Platforms made for research and theming, not just monitoring and sentiment!




questions "& builds!
