meet Jessica

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A vision of Enterprise2.0 within a large Pharmaceutical company. Inspired by Scott Gavin the creator of \'meet Charlie\'.

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meet Jessica


Dr. Enterprise2.0

Jessica works here………..

and here………..

Jessica’s Project team collaborate with colleagues here ………..



New LondonLa Jolla

St. LouisChina (Wuxi)

Thane (India)


so Jessica has to find ways of utilizing global services, in different time zones and with people she has not met……

her boss subscribes to it via an RSS feed

her team subscribe to it via an RSS feed

130 colleagues across Pfizer subscribe to it via an RSS feedthey all feel like they know the project & the

team well

Jessica’s team has a TrpV1 project blog

Jessica’s blog Add New Comment

Jessica’s blog Add New Comment

The TrpV1 project blog provides a discussion forum for the global team

It’s also a way for others within the company to keep up to date and contribute to project discussions



Jessica’s team use OneNote online as a project eNoteBook …….

the team use the eNotebook share information and collaboratethe team can collate all their information into one space irrespective of the source

the team use their eNotebook as a record of all project activities

Jessica and team like tools like OneNote because they are lightweight, easy to use and quick…

No training needed for new team members – simply hook up and go

Jessica uses SharePoint to manage her project…….

she assigns tasks & deadlines to team members online

team members communicate & check off tasks online

Jessica monitors progress and workload online


Jessica uses Pfizerpedia….. a lot

the wiki is accessible and editable by everyone at the company

to create and communicate

…and she encourages the TrpV1 team to use Pfizerpedia…..

that’s less work for Jessica…..

….and empowerment of her colleagues

collaborative documentation…

Jessica stores and tags all of her bookmarks on

….everyone can see them….and she can see everyone else’s

tags highlight her interests and areas of expertise

she can see who else is interested in related things by exploring tags

Jessica’s boss & project team use the same Social Bookmarking application……

…..they subscribe to each others tag feeds via RSS

Jessica also participates in the GPCR community of practice, which has a blog……

……through this she is connected with Joe who supplied her with the antibodies the project needed

Jessica maintains her profile in Pfizerpedia

….so does her boss and most of her team

Another profile

….in fact, that’s how she’s built up her contacts. Using Social Networking methods to find colleagues and opportunities.

….if people don’t know what you can do…..why would they ask you to do it?

Jessica says……..

advertise yourself!

you see…. networking is not just for kids!

from her tags, her blog, her Pfizerpedia entries and profile………

people often contact Jessica from different groups and sites……..

…just to say Hi….or to say, hey, I work on a similar project, how can we collaborate…?

it’s about collaboration

today Jessica’s network looks like this …..

Now she uses these tools…

..ask Jessica what does Enterprise2.0 mean to Pfizer………..?

..she’d say she hates buzz words………

..but it’s most definitely

Social Computing within the firewall…….

..easy to use software

bottom up, not top down,

less feature bloat, more getting things done


blogswiki’s podcastssocial networking online collaboration

tagging social bookmarking

..they all have a social element

Enterprise2.0 …..

initiated by those passionate about web2.0

and implemented by people like Jessica….

Simon Revell

Scott Gavin

Jason MarshallBen Gardner

For further information contact

Paul Driscoll

Mark Lord

Steven Herring
