Marketing Trends & Takeaways Recap 2011



This is a recap of Gold Lasso's Marketing Trends & Takeaways Blog for 2011. In addition to covering trends, there's a quick how to section.

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Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

•  Execs  have  different  expecta1ons  for  videos  depending  on  the  site  they’re  viewing  it  from.    

•  Exes  primarily  seek  news  and  opinion  on  business  websites  and  YouTube  for  demonstra1ons  and  reviews.  

•  47%  of  execu1ves  said  that  a  video  of  3  to  5  minutes  is  acceptable.  

Selling  B-­‐to-­‐B?  Video  Will  Lead  The  Way  

Developing  and  distribu1ng  video  is  easier  than  you  think.  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

QR  Codes:  The  Bridge  Between  Offline  &  Online    

Foster  a  total  customer  experience  by  linking  mobile  phones  to  real  life.  

•  QR  codes  can  be  used  to  deliver  exclusive  coupons/offers  and  encourage  geo-­‐based  ac1vi1es.  

•  Place  QR  code  within  another  medium,  like  a  television  ad.  

•  To  make  your  code  unique,  consider  custom  colors  and/or  designs  instead  of  the  generic  black  and  white.     Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Weather  PersonalizaAon  is  GeCng  HoEer  

Relevancy  created  by  1me-­‐sensi1ve  geographical  informa1on  is  invaluable.  

•  Plan  ahead.  Create  content  that  speaks  to  the  unique  situa1ons  of  subscribers.  Predict  their  needs  based  on  possible  weather/seasonal  changes.  

•  An  RSS  feed  of  weather  reports  will  create  urgency  for  “hot”  seasonal  products  or  services.  

Domino’s Pizza Uses This Strategy Successfully

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

The  Return  of  the  SubscripAon-­‐Based  Model  

This  model  creates  emo1onal  value.  Foster  it  with  excellent  customer  service  and  value.    

•  U1lize  blogs  and  social  media  sharing  to  get  the  word  out.  

•  Create  a  buzz:  the  more  people  are  talking  about  your  products  and  interac1ng  with  you,  the  beVer.    

•  There  is  an  audience  for  everything,  no  maVer  how  small  or  specific  the  niche.     Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Giving  Content  Development  High  Priority  

Personalizing  your  marke1ng  messages  and  con1nuously  engaging  with  customers  is  key.  

•  Send  out  a  survey.  Ask  people  at  signup  to  submit  topics  of  interest.  

•  Offer  help.  One  great  way  to  influence  opinions  of  you  and  your  brand  is  to  offer  advice  on  topics  you  know  best.  Offer  video  tutorials  or  podcasts.  

•  Involve.  Interview  industry  or  product  experts  and  solicit  opinions.   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Marketers  Challenged  by  Consumers  PercepAon  of  SPAM  

  Complaints  affect  sender  reputa1on  and  degrade  deliverability.  Content  relevancy  will  prevent  this.  

•  Periodic  list  cleansing  will  help  maintain  quality.  Only  email  to  people  who  want  to  hear  from  you.    

•  Email  people  what  they  want.  Use  preference  pages  to  allow  subscribers  to  choose  what  they'd  like  to  receive.  

•  Don’t  let  the  informa1on  you’ve  collected  go  to  waste.  Customer  data  is  invaluable.   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

All  Sizzle,  No  Steak?  Is  Social  CRM  just  a  myth?  

Marketers  should  reconsider  social  CRM.  Is  there  any  substance  there?  Can  you  prove  an  ROI?  

If  you're  s1ll  considering  using  social  CRM  to  push  marke1ng  programs,  ask  yourself  these  three  ques1ons:  1.  How  much  social  data  will  be  added  

to  our  exis1ng  customer  profiles?  2.  Will  that  data  help  us  do  anything  from  

a  marke1ng  standpoint?  3.  Is  our  business  large  enough  to  

consistently  stay  on  top  of  it  all?   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Cost  ShiVs  From  Channel  to  ProducAon  

Automated  solu1ons  are  available  and  will  increase  efficiencies.  

The  right  strategies  can  serve  as  a  model  for  all  marketers:  1.  Focus  on  the  Pain  Points  (such  as  low  click  

through  rates).          2.  Develop  a  process  that’s  right  for  your  business,  

your  industry  and  your  subscribers.      3.  Apply  automa1on  to  the  process  and  consider  

data,  segmenta1on  and  content  development.  Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Marketers  Need  to  Close  CreaAvity-­‐Technology  Gap  

Marketers  must  sharpen  technical  skills  and  evolve  in  order  to  move  ahead  and  stay  compe11ve.  

1.  Consider  cross-­‐training  to  learn  new  skills  and  enhance  exper1se.    

2.  Periodically  re-­‐evaluate  marke1ng  opera1ons  and  processes.    

3.  Evaluate  every  type  of  marke1ng  soeware  used  by  your  company.  Unused  features  can  enhance  your  marke1ng  tac1cs.   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Big  Banks  Push  Mobile  Payments  

Mobile  purchases  are  now  quicker  and  more  convenient.  

•  Wait.  Watch  the  trend  develop  and  keep  an  eye  on  the  players  involved  

•  When  the  1me  comes,  test  with  low  1cket  items  first  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Consumers  Demand  (&  Win)  In-­‐Box  Overhauls  

Web  based  email  is  changing  and  will  increase  opportuni1es  for  marketers.  

•  Authen1ca1on  features  that  prevent  phishing  will  increase  deliverability  and  benefit  the  email  community  as  a  whole.  

•  Social  media  integra1on  tools  allow  for  addi1onal  interac1on.  

•  Personalized  campaigns  will  help  create  trust  between  sender  and  subscriber.   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Surveys  Gain  New  Momentum  from  Social  Media  

Many  subscribers  who  are  unlikely  to  post  messages  on  a  social  media  page  will  s1ll  respond  to  a  survey  

Useful  types  of  surveys  include:  •  Service  sa1sfac1on  feedback  •  Brand  awareness  including  compe1tor  

products  •  Trends  analysis  –  favorite  green  products,  

movie  genres,  etc.  •  News  opinion  polls  on  blogs  or  media  sites  •  Online  events  requiring  vo1ng  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

AutomaAon  Spurs  Demand  for  List  Purchases  

Don’t  let  1me  pressures  fool  you  into  buying  an  email  list.  

Build  your  list  the  right  way.  

•  Conduct  periodic  incen1vized  referral  campaigns.    

•  Include  an  opt-­‐in  form  on  your  Facebook  page  and  periodically  tweet  a  link  to  your  opt-­‐in  form.  

•  U1lize  co-­‐registra1on.   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

The  Second  Wave  of  Social  Email  Is  Coming  

Gmail  will  become  an  alterna1ve  social  messaging  plajorm.  

Observe  your  Gmail  and  Google+  accounts  for  now.  In  the  future,  email  will  play  a  more  integrated  roll  in  the  social  media  experience.  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Infographics:  Helping  Marketers  Cut  Through  The  CluEer  

Visual  explana1ons  will  require  an  investment,  but  are  needed  now  more  than  ever.  

•  Keep  it  simple.  •  Data  should  be  factual  and  sta1s1cal  •  Reference  your  facts  and  sta1s1cs  •  Keep  color  use  to  a  minimum  •  Make  conclusions  or  predic1ons  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Smart  Marketers  Are  Leveraging  InteracAve  Games  

Using  game  mechanics  engage  consumers  and  give  them  a  sense  of  accomplishment.  

•  Have  an  objec1ve  •  Engineer  a  goal  path    •  Reward  •  Take  a  holis1c  view  •  Make  it  fun

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

HTML  5  Gaining  Momentum  In  Mobile  &  Email    

If  large-­‐scale  reach  is  the  goal  for  your  next  mobile  campaign,  then  HTML  5  is  the  best  bet.

Incorpora1ng  video  on  a  sta1c  landing  page  is  preVy  straight  forward.  However,  including  HTML  5  in  an  email  for  video  display,  can  be  a  bit  trickier.  Always  remember  to  include  a  fallback  image  linked  to  a  landing  page  just  in  case  the  subscribers  email  client  doesn’t  support  HTML  5.    

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Marketers  Using  The  Social  Graph  In  Email  

An  honest  social  sign-­‐on  process  will  lead  to  more  campaign  engagement.  

Social  media  data  to  include  in  an  email  campaign:  1.  Birthday  celebra1ons  2.  Pos1ngs/likes  by  friends  3.  Check-­‐ins  from  friends  (great  for  bricks  and  

mortar)  4.  Job  changes  (B2B  –  LinkedIn)  5.  Educa1onal/cer1fica1on  changes  (B2B  –  

LinkedIn)  6.  Title  changes  (B2B  –  LinkedIn)  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Facebook  FaAgue  SeCng  In  

Social  media  is  becoming  more  of  a  u1lity  than  a  medium.  

•  Realize  that  some  features  will  be  more  successful  than  others.  

•  Familiarize  yourself  with  various  social  networks'  APIs.  

•  Consider  using  technologies  like  Ning  or  Joomla  to  create  your  own  social  network.   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

LocaAon  Based  Services-­‐We  want  It  Here  &  Now  

Hyper  Local  is  Hot:  customers  are  interac1ng  with  LBS’s  daily  and  releasing  valuable  informa1on.    

•  Look  into  plajorms  like  Yelp!  Who  offer  free  customizable  profiles.  

•  In  the  future,  look  for  an  intermediary  applica1on  to  immerge  that  will  alert  users  of  current  deals  and  other  per1nent  informa1on  based  upon  GIS  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Win  With  Deliverability:  How  To  Beat  The  Priority  Inbox  

Marketers  will  have  to  give  their  customers  op1ons  in  order  to  avoid  bombarding  them.  

•  Increase  relevancy  with  unique  and  informa1ve  content  and  targeted  offers    

•  When  crea1ng  a  message  or  campaign,  ask  yourself  these  two  ques1ons:  1)  “What  can  I  as  a  marketer  teach  you  today  that  will  improve  our  rela1onship?”  2)  “What  offer  will  en1ce  you  to  buy?”   Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Chrome  Use  Rising.  Marketers  Choose  Rendering  Sides  

It’s  1me  to  start  paying  aVen1on  to  Chrome  and  how  a  message  renders  within  it.  

•  Marketers  cannot  con1nue  to  design  for  all  browsers.  They  will  need  to  get  specific  and  know  who  they're  talking  to.    

•  U1lize  web  analy1cs  tools  to  iden1fy  customer  trends  in  browser  usage.  

•  Design  according  to  your  target  audiences’  behaviors.

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Marketers  Deluged  By  Data:  Strategy  Change  Is  Imminent.  

Data  mining  and  analy1cs  are  becoming  more  important.  Integra1on  will  soon  be  necessary.  

•  Harness  the  marke1ng  channel  that  generates  the  most  customer  interac1on.    

•  Set  goals  for  what  data  you  would  like  to  gather  and  analyze.  

•  U1lize  preference  pages  in  your  email  campaigns.  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Advanced  SoluAons:  Lead  Choice  For  Email  Marketers  

If  you  expect  an  excep1onal  return,  create  an  excep1onal  campaign.  

Employ  a  comprehensive  and  sophis1cated  system  to  execute  your  email  marke1ng.  This  can  increase  produc1vity,  decrease  wasted  1me  spent  blindly  analyzing  data,  automate  any  number  of  ac1ons  so  that  customer  interac1on  is  up  to  the  minute  as  well  as  a  host  of  other  capabili1es.  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Opt  In  vs  Opt  Out  Lists:  Is  the  gap  closing?  

Don’t  be  misguided  by  unscrupulous  marketers.  List  purchasing  is  s1ll  not  ethical.  

•  Steer  clear  from  purchased  lists.  

•  Take  a  look  into  co-­‐registra1on.  For  it  to  be  effec1ve,  there  must  be  complete  transparency  between  adver1ser,  publisher,  and  subscriber.  

Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

Email  Metrics  Ease  MulA  Channel  IntegraAon  

Email  is  the  easiest  online  medium  to  integrate  with  that  doesn’t  require  technology.  

•  Quality  email  marke1ng  can  help  solve  the  problem  of  discerning  offline  customer  origina1on  as  well  as  detailed  tracking.    

•  Crea1ng  emails  to  supplement  other  mediums  will  increase  the  effec1veness  of  the  marke1ng  campaign  as  a  whole.     Read more… click here!

Trends & Takeaways - 2011

About Gold Lasso Gold Lasso is a provider of sophisticated multi-channel marketing technologies and services that help companies easily interact with their customers in a more relevant and personalized way. In an ever-changing marketing environment, long-term client success is our mission, therefore we provide every client with a dedicated and knowledgeable Account Manager who delivers strategic guidance. As a continuous developer of innovative features, Gold Lasso is greatly attuned to market shifts and client needs. We make multi-channel marketing success cost effective and easy by providing an all-inclusive feature set scalable for clients to grow their marketing without having to migrate to more expensive systems. Some of these features include an intuitive and user-friendly interface, in-depth metrics and reporting, campaign automation and a robust API for easy integration. Gold Lasso is truly a complete system designed for clients to achieve a maximum ROI from their email, mobile and Web marketing efforts.

Trends & Takeaways is written and produced by Gold Lasso

© Gold Lasso � 25B Chestnut Street Gaithersburg, MD 20877 � Phone (301) 990-9857 �
