Kb wesco iowa


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An Introduction to

Presented By:

Mark WaltersKB International LLC

© Copyright KB International LLC 1991 - 2008

History 22 Years of Successful Product Development First Technically Competent Geotechnical

Polymer Slurry in Independent Industry Testing First Technically Successful Geotechnical

Application of Polymer Slurry Basic in Polymer Research Successful Performance in 57 Countries Worldwide On-Site Field Representation Full Analytical Capabilities

Current Markets Drilled Shafts Bored Piles Transmission Line Drilling Diaphragm Walls Tieback Anchors Tunneling Slurry Trenching Bentonite Modification/Augmentation Mineral Coring Soil Stabilization

Products SlurryPro CDP

Products SlurrySMART


BenefitsFor Wesco:

A more complete product line for transmission customers

Access to KB’s sales staff

Access to KB’s technical service staff

For KB:

Wesco has relationships with the utilities

Wesco can stock product for their customers, reducing

shipping time

Where do we start? KB/Wesco Opportunity Guide

Identify Customers with an opportunity

Joint Calls