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OLA Super Conference 2011

dmA Planning & Management Services Inc.

Library Strategic PlanningLibrary Strategic PlanningFeb 2011

Presentation Notes from: OLA Conference: Feb. 5, 2011Copyright: dmA Planning and Management Services – Not to be reprinted, circulated or presented without the prior written permission of the dmA.

dmA Planning & Management Services

A Lost Opportunity?A Lost Opportunity?

All planning is a good thing

There are good Strategic Plans

But there are also good plans that are Not Strategic Plans – and that is the lost opportunity

dmA Planning & Management Services

My PresentationMy Presentation

1. Planning 101 – Master Plans vs. Strategic Plans

2. Strategic Plans – The Essential Elements

3. Avoiding Lost Opportunities - -Why Strategic Plans Fails


PLANNING 101 – Strategic Plans, Master Plans and Management Plans

dmA Planning & Management Services

Three Simple QuestionsThree Simple Questions

1. What Do We Hope to Accomplish by Providing Library Services?

2. What Do We Need to Provide?

3. How Should We Provide It?

dmA Planning & Management Services

Three Different AnswersThree Different Answers

What Do We Need to Accomplish Our


Library Master Plan

Feasibility Studies for New Libraries

Collection Development Strategy

How Will We Provide Facilities/Services to

Meet Our Goals?

Marketing Plans

Organizational Reviews

Policy Analysis

Staffing Review

What We Hope to Accomplish?

Vision, Goals, Strategic

Directions/ Action Plans

Strategic PlanStrategic Plan

Management PlansManagement PlansMaster PlanMaster Plan



dmA Planning & Management Services

Overview: Steps in the Overview: Steps in the Master Planning ProcessMaster Planning Process

1. Where are we now?

2. What factors will affect future demand?

3. What are other communities doing?

4. What does the public want?

5. What do we need to provide?

6. When should we update our plan?

• Inventory

• Demographics/Trends

• Research/Benchmarks

• Public Participation

• Recommendations –Facilities, Services

• Fixed Term Review or Funding Cycle

dmA Planning & Management Services

Overview: Steps in the Overview: Steps in the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning Process

1. Where are we now?

2. How did we get in this situation?

3. What will likely happen if we continue as we are?

4. Where do we want to go?

5. How do we get there?

6. How do we know we’re there?

• Situation Audit• Environmental Scan• Research

• Vision Values

• Goals• Strategic Directions• Action Plans

• Monitoring

dmA Planning & Management Services

The Difference Between…The Difference Between…

Where We Want to Be

Master Planning

Strategic Planning

Where We Are At

Where We Are Going

Master Planning & Strategic Planning

dmA Planning & Management Services

Critical Balance in SPCritical Balance in SP

Managing for Stability

• Desired features• Valued attributes• Core values

Managing for Change

• Adaptability• External Forces• Continued relevance

dmA Planning & Management Services

The Structure of the Strategic PlanThe Structure of the Strategic Plan


Situation Audit Environmental Scan

strengths/weaknesses opportunities/constraints

VisionPreferred future (Year 2025)

Retain all that is positive/essentialChange to prosper/remain relevant

Long Term Strategic Directions

Short Term Action Plans

Monitoring & Evaluation

Complementary Plans/ProjectsFacilities and Services Plan

Marketing strategyStaff development/trainingOngoing customer satisfaction research

dmA Planning & Management Services

Definition of a Strategic PlanDefinition of a Strategic Plan

Strategic Planning is the process by which the

guiding members of an organization envision its

future and develop the necessary procedures

and operations to achieve that future



dmA Planning & Management Services

Five Lost OpportunitiesFive Lost Opportunities

1. Ineffective Vision

2. Limited Attention to Future Forecasting

3. Poor Leadership

4. Inappropriate Use of Community Input

5. Not Enough Time Committed to the Planning Process

dmA Planning & Management Services

Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 1Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 1

Ineffective VisionIneffective Vision

dmA Planning & Management Services

“ Vision statements … are also the most overused, abused, and poorly written part of strategic planning you will ever see”

Peter Wright http://www.planningbootcamp.com

dmA Planning & Management Services

What a Vision is NOTWhat a Vision is NOT

Lazy – a tagline or slogan

Familiar – a description of your library today

Boring – unimaginative, unexciting, uninspiring

Self-Serving – focused on past accomplishments rather than future expectations (dreams)

dmA Planning & Management Services

An Effective VisionAn Effective Vision

Addresses the SW and the OT in the SWOT

Communicates a Clear Picture of a Preferred Future

Focused on the Need for Major Changes Directly Tied to Goals / Strategic

Directions and Ultimately Recommendations

dmA Planning & Management Services

Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 2Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 2

Limited Attention to Future Forecasting Limited Attention to Future Forecasting

dmA Planning & Management Services

The Extreme Future The Extreme Future

Ability to predict and adapt to extreme change

Enlightened leadership – a bold new vision

Investment in innovation

Immigration and new lifestyles

Global security threats – terror and global democracy – free minds, free speech

Quality public education

Transformed workforce

dmA Planning & Management Services

My Four Rules of ForecastingMy Four Rules of Forecasting

#1 – Forecasts are incorrect as often as not

#2 – There is no right answer – just differing assumptions

#3 – Forecasting is based on analysis not guesswork – and you can often spot a bad forecast

#4 – Notwithstanding Rule #1 – any forecast is a good thing if it makes you question your assumptions; think creatively about the future; and act to anticipate a different future

dmA Planning & Management Services

Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 3Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 3

Poor LeadershipPoor Leadership

dmA Planning & Management Services

Leadership in Strategic PlanningLeadership in Strategic Planning

“The only way a leader is going to translate a vision into reality – an ability that is the essence of leadership – is to anchor, implement and execute that vision through a variety of policies, practices, procedures and systems that will bring in people and empower them to implement the vision”.

Warren Bennis

dmA Planning & Management Services

Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 4Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 4

Inappropriate Use of Community InputInappropriate Use of Community Input

dmA Planning & Management Services

Community Consultation Community Consultation

“Consultation with the public at large, and other stakeholders, is a key element of this Plan”.

RFP for a Library Strategic Plan

dmA Planning & Management Services

Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 5Why We Fail: Lost Opportunity 5

Not Enough Time Committed to the PlanNot Enough Time Committed to the Plan

dmA Planning & Management Services

The Structure of the Strategic PlanThe Structure of the Strategic Plan


Situation Audit Environmental Scan

strengths/weaknesses opportunities/constraints

VisionPreferred future (Year 2025)

Retain all that is positive/essentialChange to prosper/remain relevant

Long Term Strategic Directions

Short Term Action Plans

Monitoring & Evaluation

Complementary Plans/ProjectsFacilities and Services Plan

Marketing strategyStaff development/trainingOngoing customer satisfaction research

dmA Planning & Management Services

Summing Up Summing Up

dmA Planning & Management Services

A Good SP? Six Questions A Good SP? Six Questions

1. Is it a Strategic Plan or a Master Plan?2. Does the Vision describes a Library that

would not be recognized as your Library today?

3. Did you forecast the future – address major social/economic changes?

4. Does the Plan consider, and likely change, key outcomes and priorities?

5. Does the Plan lead rather than follow public opinion?

6. Does it reallocate resources?

dmA Planning & Management Services

Thank YouThank You& &

Your QuestionsYour Questions