How to make your website stands out


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How To Make Your

Website Stands Out

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You could stay ahead from your business competitors, if you have a great business logo. Logo helps your target audience remember you. It also separates you from your competitors. If you already have a company logo, make sure you have prominently placed it. Good logos last a long time.


COLOR choice

Colors plays a vital role in your website design. Aesthetics consideration are important when trying to stand out and design your company website. Colors can be evocat ive, emotional and powerful. Colors can convey many things. So you should be careful to choose suitable colors for your website that it looks good and comfortable in your visitors’ eyes.


When creating and navigating through a website, always keep the user in mind. As you begin planning the layout of various web pages and information, it is important it is easy to comprehend. Remember, a confused user will quickly lose patience and move on to another site. Whether you are creating a web site or blog, start with a basic template and work out from there — always remember to keep it simple.

easy LAYOUT 4

Can users figure out what you do in first glance? Make your website easy to understand, keep it simple. Adding too many graphics, large pictures, and other features to the site

make it SIMPLE

result a much longer loading time and it can also distract the website visitors.


Your website will look a lot more engaging with some images, rather than just blocks of text. Use your gallery to display images of your work and back them up with text descriptions. Image descriptions will leverage appearance on image sites, such as Google Images.

Use quality IMAGE 6

When you search for something in Google, do you typically go beyond the first couple pages for results? Probably not, and neither will your potential customers. SEO is the process of increasing your website’s visibility in search engine’s organic results through optimizing your pages with the keyword phrases people are likely to search for. This will help make your website stands out.

SEO friendly 7

If you want to be the best, you have to know your strengths, weakness, successes, failure. Also you must aware your competitor. What do they do right? Is there anything else they’re offering that you do not? What else can your competitors offer? Once you understand the reason behind why people are not choosing your company, it’s much easier to fix any holes in your website or product offerings that are holding you back.


If you have social sharing features on your website such as icons, users can find you on other platforms easily and share the information with others who could use your products or services. With these sharing buttons, there are other ways to gain attention and social traffic back to your blog as well.

social MEDIA 9

Millions of people are using mobile devices for Internet browsing. When customers are making purchase decisions, they are more likely to use from their mobile devices. Customers expect a website to make the smooth transmission. Responsive design is to ensure your website looks good on smaller screens. The entire experience should be made as user friendly as possible.

mobile RESPONSIVE 10

S h a r i n g y o u r t h o u g h t s a n d interesting articles give people a reason to return to your website and improve your search rankings. You’re more likely to be discovered by new customers. You should try to add new items on a weekly basis.

always KEEP in TOUCH 11

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