Finding Your Perfect Stone


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Finding Your Perfect Stone

A backyard waterfall adds to the ambiance of any yard. However, you have many choices for the stones you decide to put in. With dozens of varieties in different shapes, sizes and colors, it’s important to think about what you want your waterfall to look like when it’s finished and the feel you want it to have. These two factors will influence the type of stone you pick. No matter what look and feel you’re aiming for, you need two different types of stone for your waterfall, foundation and complimentary. The foundation stones serve as the perimeter and are usually the largest pieces used. Limestone tends to be a good choice. Your complimentary stones complete your vision; flagstone or sandstone typically pair with just about any foundation.

Your foundation and complimentary stones also determine your waterfall’s appearance. When you shop for stones, look for something that fits your vision. If you want a sleek waterfall, consider wall rocks. These include granite, limestone and ledge stone and are typically sanded and stacked so that your waterfall has a polished appearance. If you want a natural yet professional look, you might like tumbled stone—this is usually polished but comes in multiple colors. If you want your waterfall to have a more rugged look, consider using textured stones. The rougher the texture, the more natural a stone typically looks. Additionally, use stones of varying sizes—this will increase its resemblance to a real waterfall. Granite, moss rock and fieldstone offer a rough, natural look and come in different patterns as well. Whenever possible, use rock varieties from your area. Because these stones will already fit in with your backyard, they’ll help your waterfall blend naturally and keep a rustic feel.

When choosing your stones, you should also take the design into account. Both flagstone and field stone help you create a dramatic waterfall while maintaining a natural look. If you want a small waterfall, consider utilizing pebbles for a gentle flow or slate for a staircase. Consider also how you make your waterfall accessible. Cobblestones may create an inviting path while a pebbled walkway becomes an extension of your waterfall. You may want to bring in granite boulders as well so that you have built-in seating to enjoy the new addition to your yard.  These are only a few of the possible varieties of stone to consider for your backyard waterfall. To learn about all of your options for stone products in Santa Cruz, visit this website.