Experiments evidence template


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Experimental Photography

Stephanie Westerman


Task 1

Out of Focus

To do this kind of image I had to change the AF on the front of the camera, to MF, this enabled me to change the aperture of the image I was going to be taking to make it more blurred.When taking these photos I felt like they looked normal to me because normally when I take photographs they end up coming out blurred most of the time, when I took these photos I didn’t change any of the settings, but once I started to play around with the settings I noticed that there still wasn’t that much difference apart from one is darker than the other, though not by much.

If I where to do this again I would make sure that I used a light of some sort so that it wasn’t so dark, because when you look at the images as they are now you can’t really tell what they are supposed to be because of the white balance, the lighting and the amount I've blurred the image.

Best image


This is my version of a Hockney photograph, to do this I took lots of images of a periodic table, I thought that I would take images if this because it’s different to taking pictures of something standard., I thought that by doing the periodic tabet it would look different and like loads of different image had been put together for each little photo, this reminded me of the photographer Bela Borsodi, this is because he does the same thing in his images to make it look different, so by mixing theHockney collage with the Borsodi style this shows that I have considered different kinds of materials/work.I also liked how there was lots of different colours in it, though because the only lighting I had was quite dim the image looks really dark.

Again if I where to re-shoot this, I would make sure thatI had a brighter light with me so that the image looks ofMore of a high quality and make it stand out more. I would also possibly take it somewhere differentBecause after looking at it for a while I feel like it looks too cluttered but at the same time it gives you lots of different things to look at.

Best image

Motion Blur

This was one of my strong points when taking photographs in the four perspectives, though at the start it was difficult because everything I tried to take as photograph of kept coming out blurred, so this was quite hard to fix as I didn't really know what else I could do to make the background blurred and the foreground clear. To overcome this I realised I needed to change the setting on the main rocker to AV, this enabled me to get the effect I was aiming for.

When taking these images I had really good lighting as it was bright where I was taking the photographs so this helped me to make them look more professional.

Best image


Task 2


ScanographyThis is my version of Scanography work, otherwise known as a medical scanning, via placing a subject on to a copier making it flat.

The part that I liked the most about doing this work was that it was fun and different to taking photographs with a camera, and it’s something that I could include myself in.

To do this work, I had to use a photocopier and put things on to the copier part and let them photocopy as the subject moved across the light, I found that this worked really well for me because everything became distorted which is something that I was aiming for. When I uploaded these on to the computer I liked the effect and the colours that came out when I scanned them in, for some reason it made everything look as if it had been taken with a vintage camera, which is something I liked, making it have a vintage effect is something that I will consider doing in my final piece.

The image that I like the most is the black and white one because I like how it’s distorted and you have to actually look for the subject yourself rather than it just being put straight in front of you, I also liked how everything looked smooth in this picture, no jagged lines, unlike the colour ones, if I where to do this in my final piece I would have it so that each scan came out black and white.

David HockneyThis work is from one of the famous 20th century photographers David Hockney, his photographs are well known around the world for the way in which he takes lots of images of a certain place and sticks them together, also known as joiners. When taking his images he would make sure that they where always taken in natural day light to get the best lighting possible when taking his images.

My Mother (First photograph) is a really nice photograph as it’s showing his respect for his mother, he’s also put it together really nicely so that you can see every little detail on what his mother looks like, the photograph is conveying emotion, because all though she looks frail and old, you can still see the young smile she has. The pinkness in her cheeks also represents life to me as well and that she is a healthy woman for her age.

The Furstenburg, Paris (Second photograph) had been done in a cubism style so that its making the audience feel as if they are really there by making everything not look so flat, for example, making the street fade off in to the background, and having things in the foreground. The colour tones that have been used in this image are also really nice because when you think of Paris you tend to think of it as being a vintage, minimalistic place, which he has conveyed brilliantly in this.

The Pearblossom Highway, America (Third photograph), this is again done in a cubism style, making you feel as if you are really there, he has done this by giving a sense of the image being 3D. The different colour blue’s in the sky as well also looks really nice to help break bits up as everything looks as if it has been done perfectly in the foreground and midground in the image. The photograph I prefer out of these three are the the two bottom ones, because rather than having the white spacing in the image as if they have been done on a computer the bottom two have no white spacing so to me this makes the image look more creative.

From previous experience I found Hockney style images really easy to do, I also found that it was the one I enjoyed doing the most because you were enabled to get out and take photographs and also be creative in the order that they are in.

Carli Davison

This is an award winning photographer that takes images with an extremely quick shutter speed.

Her photographs are comical as it gives an unexpected glance of different subjects (dogs) personalities as they shake, to do this she would mess around with the different subjects that came in to her studio and pour a little water on to their heads, thus giving a reason for them to shake, when taking the photographs 10 continuous shots will be taken and a specific light will also be used to illuminate the subject, enabling you to see every detail of the subject when the image has been taken. With a quick shutter speed being used it’s really good the way that the water from the subject is flying off in all directions because it’s sort of like an illusion, at the start it looks like an illusion or as if it’s a backdrop, but it’s really just from the subejct.

The images of the subjects look as if they are trying to show emotion to the situation they are put in to make them shake, which is cute in a way because it shows that they have feelings too.

The way Carli chose to use animals is really interesting because most other people would just think of doing car’s or people walking, so it’s something different to look at.
