Ecommerce checkout flow analysis: Vintage King Audio

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Reviews by ConversionXL:

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ConversionXL reviewsCheckout flow

I just added a product to the cart. Confirming it is nice.

Cart contents are clearly presented

Making me type a number and click a link to update quantity is a minor usability hassle.

Ok, so I have it in my cart. Now what?

This checkout button is invisible

It matters since if the cart is full, that’s the only button I might possibly see. Or not.

And this doesn’t stand out enough either. Use a different color.

These are distractions, and send a bunch of people to Google to look for coupons. They might not return

Are you absolutely sure this is the final cost? No taxes, no shipping fees?

Already an error message?! This site is broken!

Oh wait minute. It’s only a message that’s relevant for like 4% of total users.

Show it together with “login incorrect message”, don’t scare people.

Too many choices. What’s most used? Make that prominent. (I bet it’s guest checkout).

Form labels on top is typically very good.

But first step is already too long. How about you start with just email? Makes abandoned cart recovery easy, too.

Progress? Don’t see any!

Make CTA specific. “Continue to shipping info”. I’d also make it bigger.

Make CTA specific. “Continue to shipping info”. I’d also make it bigger.

Make CTA specific. “Continue to payment”

This thing has now become *really* annoying. It’s a distraction.

Is this secure? Doesn’t seem to be.

Is this secure? Doesn’t seem to be.

Wow. Not even secure (https) connection. Not getting my card info today!

Wow. Not even secure (https) connection. Not getting my card info today!

A “safe” payment form looks more like this.

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