Dell strategic management

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Strategic Turnaround

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DELL Computers, a leading PC supplier to corporate and government customers, today

is now among the first companies to provide its customers with the next level of

industry-standard Pentium processor power, while many vendors are still struggling to

broaden their processor-based product lines. Dell's unique ability to take a market

strategy position during important technology transitions because of its build-to-order

manufacturing process. This build-to-order approach allows the company to maintain

low inventory levels and integrate emerging technologies into systems. Today's

customers are reducing their supplier bases, providing the opportunity for the most

capable suppliers to seize huge market share gains as Dell needs to redefine its

strategy to make business capabilities within the core of the business model as it

requires creating a new strategy and bringing the company's core activities into

alignment with its business model in customer operations strategy, core operations

capabilities and organization structure. In 1994, Dell was a struggling second-tier PC

maker, the company ordered its components in advance and manufactured to inventory.

Then Dell began to implement a new business model. It converted its operations to a

build-to-order process, eliminated its inventories through a just-in-time system, and sold

its products directly to consumers putting these new supply chain capabilities at the

core of its strategy, Dell developed a supply chain mastery that went far beyond the

simple pursuit of efficiency and asset productivity. However, the company had to make

a series of very difficult strategic tradeoffs to bring its functional activities into alignment

with its new business model.



Dell carefully targeted corporate relationship customers that had predictable, budgeted

needs and that wanted a predetermined set of product models. The company also

selected individual customers who were high-end, repeat purchasers with a preference

for early technology adoption. Both account segments had the stable, predictable

purchase patterns that Dell needed to make its joint build-product-to-order/buy-

component-to-plan system work. Effective in-customer operations require powerful

technical capabilities, crucial customer knowledge, and the ability to fit into the

customer's organization and work processes their unique customer knowledge and

customer relationships created a set of barriers to entry that others could not overcome.

It was this capability at the grassroots level that drove companies' meteoric increase in

customer market share as internet becomes a more pervasive and powerful element of

company business models, it offers companies the ability to differentiate them based on

their in-customer operations. These enhanced capabilities make customer intimacy both

more feasible and more efficient. Dell differentiated itself in the corporate market by

developing a set of extremely effective customer-specific intranet Web sites. Each Web

site was highly tailored to the customer's individual situation. Dell worked with each

customer to specify a particular set of product configurations that would work best in the

customer's network. Tailored offerings were specified and developed for each customer.

At the same time, Dell used its direct links with both corporate and individual customers

to get immediate, real-time insights about latent customer needs and to identify new

generations of products and services.


An effective channel strategy which is a necessary element of supply chain mastery, the

process of choosing a channel strategy, the supply chain master can create a powerful

new channel that reduces its competitors' access to important target accounts and

market segments. In many industries, a battle looms between producers and

distributors and among horizontal competitors over customer ownership through inter-

company supply chain relationships. Most successful supply chain-based strategies

offer significant advantage that is either explicit and the ability to control pricing through

direct customer relations is another key element of channel strategy. As it does with in-

customer operations, the Web opens both new channel opportunities and new

dimensions of customer service. However, this newly created channel must maintain

the fit between a company's account set and its business model. All too many

companies lose sight of this critical factor as they indiscriminately pursue incremental

revenues. Dell's direct-to-customer channel strategy certainly is a breakthrough in the

industry. In the early stages of a technology product's lifecycle, distributors are

important for supporting new adopters. Dell has discerned a lucrative set of high-end

customers that were ready for direct distribution with arm's length customer support

from help lines.  

An innovative direct channel strategy gave Dell these crucial elements of its powerful

business model:

      Real-time customer feedback and market insights

      The ability to "sell what you have"--that is, using day-to-day pricing and sales

incentives to shift demand toward products that are currently makable

      Extremely crisp product life cycle transitions

      Elimination of the obsolete and excess dealer stock that plagues the non-direct


      The ability to control pricing on a real-time basis.

The capabilities were rooted in each company's core business processes, many of

which focused on supply management. The new supply chain masters consolidated

their supplier bases in order to form more effective partnerships. The masterful

suppliers that they kept realized large market share gains. Insightful suppliers also can

help supply chain managers accelerate their supply chain mastery. Dell developed a set

of new operations capabilities in five crucial areas as it created the flawless make-to-

order system that has been widely noted (but in fact is only one part of its business

model. Dell worked at length to build an effective supplier management function in order

to shorten component lead times and maintain the absolute quality standards required

by the just-in-time operation.


Dell had no choice: It had to find a way of operating with no inventories in order to raise

desperately needed cash. Yet even when faced with impending bankruptcy, Dell's top

marketing and manufacturing executives still fought the establishment of the no-

inventory make-to-order system. Only when they truly had no choice did these

managers embrace the new business model and begin to recast the organization to

make it work. The heart of Dell's model is the critical weekly supply-demand matching

session in which the top managers from sales, marketing, manufacturing, and

purchasing collaboratively decide the company's activities. This gives Dell the

organizational fluidity and cohesiveness to respond instantly to emerging customer

needs and market trends. Supply chain masters employ a powerful set of strategy

creation and change-management skills to successfully lead their companies. We have

distilled the following five key elements of a supply chain mastery program from our

observations of and work with successful companies: develop a fact base, engage your

counterparts, sell the new business model, drive change in the other functions, and

create a rollout game plan.

The key to successful implementation of the new business model is to utilize a team

approach with explicit behavioral drivers. The key functional counterparts must

coordinate with each other--both in creating and implementing the business model--to

achieve a joint result. They must share common performance objectives that span their

functional areas and be organized in a way (e.g. periodic meetings) that forces them to

focus systematically and often on their joint progress. These managers should be given

detailed information that enables them to identify the causes of poor or good

performance in their respective subunits. In this organizational structure, they will have

the coordination and flexibility to make the many tradeoffs and adjustments that come

with the complex task of specifying and implementing the new business model. Dell has

used the team approach very effectively not only in creating its masterful strategy but

also in ensuring business model alignment on an ongoing basis. Dell makes computers

in three hours but has a 60-day lead time for components. In order to balance the

system, Dell's top manufacturing and marketing executives meet weekly as a team to

determine which products are "makable" that week. Dell manages demand by using

day-to-day price changes and sales rep incentives to steer customer orders to the

makable product set (this is the "sell what you have" system). These executives share a

common set of performance objectives and compensation measures, meet regularly to

focus on their common problems, and jointly analyze the information needed to develop

a common course of action.

Dell maximizes its flexible-response capabilities by outsourcing component-part

manufacturing. Dell doesn't have substantial resources tied up in physical facilities

dedicated to winning the first-to-market battle for each successive generation of

technology but Dell invests in the information technology infrastructure that supports

real time communication among its customers, its own manufacturing facilities,

component suppliers, and airfreight carriers. Dell streamlines its operations and relies

on its computer monitor suppliers to ship directly to the customer. As long as a supplier

retains its strategic position, Dell will collaborate with it to achieve mutual success, but if

a particular supplier loses its edge, Dell has the flexibility to respond quickly and

customer focused to ensure Dell continued competitiveness. In addition, customers are

important assets to Dell as the company introduced the direct model of its competitors

were selling computers to end consumers via distributors and detaching themselves

from end consumers. Dell, on the other hand, sells directly to consumers and is

continuously communicating with them and benefiting, especially in two areas: seeing

sales trends and learning about unmet customer needs. The sales trend data helps Dell

match supply with demand, and information related to unmet customer needs translates

into opportunities for innovation of products and services. The company also relies on

customers' knowledge of what they want to purchase and when they want to complete

the transaction to drive the direct business model.

To build customer intimacy and loyalty, Dell leverages its customers' knowledge of their

own unmet needs. Dell's brand image was and is shaped by customer feedback.

Identifying the linked set of assets enables Dell to select strategy-focused, asset-based

balanced scorecard measures that support the customer intimacy value proposition


      Training dollars spent per full-time equivalent by customer segment to ensure

that well-educated business segment managers provide state-of-the art advice to


      Number of collaborative customer-solution teams that motivate Dell to

collaborate with its customers and jointly create technology solutions that fulfill

any unmet customer needs

      Number of emerging technologies evaluated inspires Dell's leaders to stay

abreast of technology threats and opportunities that may alter the competitive

landscape in the future.


An Internet strategy must be considered within the context of the company's overall

business plan. The framework starts from the premise that supply chain decisions must

be evaluated in a strategic context. The goal is to create a fit between the desired

strategic position and the supply chain capabilities and processes used to satisfy

customer needs and priorities. A company defines its desired strategic position by first

ranking its customers' top priorities and then articulating how it plans to respond to

these needs. Typical customer needs include timeliness, accessibility, availability,

customizability, quality of service, and price. At the same time, the company must

consider the trade-off between how it would like to respond to customer needs and the

supply chain costs incurred to meet those needs. The efficient frontier represents the

lowest cost of meeting a given level of customer need using the best available supply

chain processes. Each point on the frontier corresponds to a particular supply chain

structure, employing the best available technologies, managerial policies, and inputs to

meet the desired level of a customer need at the lowest cost. As such, the efficient

frontier constitutes the state of best practices at a given point in time. It also shows the

inherent trade-offs that a company must consider when selecting its strategic position

given limitations in process technology and policies. Companies can use such a

characterization to decide how they can best use e-business initiatives to support their

strategic position. As a result, Dell enjoys higher margins than do traditional PC

manufacturers that must share some margin with retailers.

Clearly, retailers are in a weaker position to exploit this e-business opportunity than are

other members of the supply chain. For example, going online would benefit an airline

more than a travel agent. Making online product and other information accessible to all

members of the supply chain allows flexibility on price, product portfolio, and

promotions. The Internet makes information located at a central source (the seller's

Web server) available to anyone with Internet access, so that a change in price, product

portfolio, or promotions only requires one database entry. Dell uses the Internet to

change prices and delivery times for different PC configurations regularly, based on

demand and component availability. Online product information allows a much faster

time to market because a product can be "introduced" as soon as the first unit is

available. Speed is particularly valuable to industries with short product life cycles,

where e-business provides an advantage over a "physical" product information model. A

new-product introduction in a traditional model requires a substantial volume of new

product to be manufactured and transported to fill the physical channels. Negotiating

prices and contracts with customers and suppliers online allows price and service

customization. By accommodating individual requests, the e-business may customize

and price its product/service accordingly. Keeping customer profiles and having clients

"log in" facilitates such price and service discrimination by allowing subsequent

customer-specific routing.


DELL’s strategy is collapsing profit margins throughout the PC market, a dire

development for rivals who cant keep up. DELL is pricing its machines not so much

such as high-tech products but more like airline tickets and low margin commodities.

DELL has tight competency with other big computer sellers like Compaq and HP. Social

factors also affect the business environment of DELL. Computer companies have to

acknowledge that in the Chinese culture, people are still unsure about credit card sales

because of the huge expense of computers in China. Companies, then have to invest in

door-to-door or face-to-face operations to gain consumers’ faith and consumers trust in

the company and its product. DELL also has achieved the ISO 14001 Environmental

Management System (EMS). DELL aims at product design, transportation and so on.

As a part of DELL’s ISO 14001 EMS, the organization implemented goals where by the

goal is to improve internal business environment performance in a continuous

improvement processes which are used to share successes throughout the company.

DELL has positioned to extend its brand name beyond mainstream computer products

by leveraging its reputation as an e-commerce leader. In the year 2000, Dell began to

redefine itself as the company that knows how e-business works. It has shared its

online sales expertise with a few large customers as they developed their own e-

commerce capabilities.

DELL faces some forces from its competitors in terms of Information Technology as the

EDI tool gives very effective opportunities in reducing costs and it can establish the tight

linkage between DELL with its suppliers and DELL with its customer. DELL started

selling its own brand of handheld computers, called the Axim, at low price which can be

considered as high potential and CEO, Mr. Michael Dell stressed how DELL’s success

lay in making it as easy as possible for someone to buy a computer. There are some

applications that are currently being used by DELL and they are critical to the core

operations of DELL business and the DELL direct which are its operational factors for

success. Some applications that are currently being used by DELL that are valuable but

are not considered for certain critical success.


It is not surprising for Dell to determine where it wants to go in the future, it must assess

where it is now as a part of the strategic planning process managers can call on the

"SWOT" team for assessing Dell strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a

critical phase in the general planning process as it helps determine exactly where the

organization is and what resources it may or may not have. Strength assessment

identifies what the department tends to do well and can include a skilled, professional

staff and a modern, well-equipped facility. Weaknesses denote what the company may

not do so well or what diminishes its effectiveness. Inadequate financial resources may

fit into this category. Opportunities reflect what the organization might seize upon to do

better. This area could include increasing community interactions and taking advantage

of particular grants. Finally, threats are environmental factors that may hinder

performance as it could include a rising demand for service or increased legislative

mandates that can impact resources. Managers should consider "SWOT" analysis for

issues both external to the organization, such as population growth and increased

industrialization and internal to it, such as an aging workforce that might result in

competing priorities for resources. "SWOT" analysis constitutes one of the most

important aspects in the strategic management process


DELL’s threats are technological changes that are expected since technology can only

get better. Global economy and increased competition in which DELL’s financial ratios

identifies that they are no match for their competitors.


DELL has many opportunities such as potential growth in overseas markets, the

industry is still in a growth phase and the entering  to the new product markets.


DELL’s weaknesses are single sourcing, new product market and reliance on corporate



Strengths are internal resources and capabilities that have the potential to be core

competencies. DELL’s core competencies are their cost strategy. In consistent to being

an integrated cost leader, DELL also produce high quality PCs by using their Direct

Business Model approach and sells them directly to the customers. With this innovative

process, DELL cuts out the intermediary, excluding the associated cost as the company

can understand the customers’ needs better and can provide the most effective

computing solutions to meet those needs.


DELL’s direct-to-customer business model is the key to the company’s dramatic growth

and success and has focused on selling directly to customers. This helps eliminate the

middleman and offers customers more powerful configured systems than most

competitors. The direct model enables DELL to develop a thorough understanding of

customer expectationswhich strengthens customer relationships and increases

customer satisfaction and loyalty. One of the characteristics that distinguishes DELL

from its other competitors is that DELL provides the mode to custom the computers of

the customers’ choice and taste and deliver the system to the customer as it is the most

crucial and critical success factor behind DELL Computers. Therefore, DELL must be

aware of the benefits they wish to realize, how it will be realized and ensure only

investments of appropriate amounts of resources to obtain benefits. DELL relies on

reputation in the US market of award-winning service and a high-quality product.

Customer satisfaction and consumer awareness surveys should be conducted quarterly

to ensure the image that DELL creates for itself within a culture has not existed before

there is a positive one. Market timing and speed are critical to many industries, such as

technology, pharmaceuticals, and some consumer goods.

DELL’s competencies are their cost/ strategy. In consistent to being an integrated cost

leader, DELL produces high quality PCs by using their Direct Business Model approach

and sells them directly to the customers. DELL’s weaknesses are single sourcing, new

product and reliance on corporate clients. DELL has opportunities like the potential

growth in overseas markets as the industry is still in growth phase and the entering of

the new product markets. Henceforth, the threats are technological changes that are

expected since technology can only get better. Global economy and increased

competition in which DELL’s financial ratios identifies that the company is no match for

their competitors. DELL’s most competitive force is the Direct-Model concept which

helped them to reach above-average returns and remains in business today. Customers

have developed a brand-name loyalty to Dell because of their low cost differentiation

strategy. The huge threat faced by DELL is the fierce competition in the industry. If

DELL enters into a merge it would not have to spend so much money and time trying to

develop a face-to-face communications, if the local business is already well known.

According to cost saving benefits, the company will not have to spend any extra money

for product development if it is already developed. Furthermore, there will be plenty of

joint financial support. If there is synergy between the two companies, their market

penetration will be that much easier to achieve. DELL initiated ways to overcome its

weaknesses and use its strengths to gain advantages over its competitors- by careful

analyzing of the factors that contribute to the company’s success in business strategies

that had implemented created the path for the company’s continued success. from


Today, in fast-moving areas such as wireless and hybrid cars, you can see how market

windows open and close relatively quickly. The economic rents accrue to those who can

thoughtfully scan the market environment and quickly spot profitable opportunities. One

of the hottest areas in technology and business process today is around predictive

analytics, which is all about helping companies to determine their next move and stay

one step ahead of the competition. One way to analyze a competitor's strategic intent

and migration path is to assess its expansion plans into new market segments and

offering sets for example, think of Dell moving into printers or Microsoft moving into the

CRM space.

Although time-to-market is important, it doesn't mean doing things haphazardly or

without some analysis. Often, companies do get stuck in an "analysis-paralysis" loop

and don't take action until it's too late. In companies, strategy means nothing more than

a plan based largely on today's markets, today's product set and today's competitors

and emphasizing the financial forecast and such a strategy may successfully identify

opportunities to capture the upside of the current business over the next few years but

can rarely anticipate extreme competition, much less show how to reposition a business

to face it. Effective strategy should steer companies toward where an industry is

heading and where it is today.


The best competitive strategy is not to directly engage in a fight. Just as in legal

disputes, there is often a high risk-adjusted cost in waging price or market-share battles,

the same as in litigation. Competition, a combination of the words cooperation and

competition, has become quite popular in recent years. Many companies understand

the vicious cycle of "trading" customers at lower and lower margins in order to gain

market share or win on price. In terms of designing a competitive intelligence system, it

doesn't have to be overly complex. You first need to define the competitive areas that

are important at an offering, market and company level. Second, make someone

accountable for monitoring each area. Third, determine the best sources to collect info

competitor Web sites, trade journals, press releases, financial reports, etc. Finally,

create a few pro forma competitive intelligence reports that you can use to evaluate and

track trends and material changes. Dell's ability to change prices and delivery times on

the fly has been leveraged effectively to manage demand based on component

availability over the common components.



