CEO and Business Owner Self-Assessment - 2014 Indy 500


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Joe Petersen - Phone (817) 602-7035 - www.TryC12.comJoe Petersen - Phone (817) 602-7035 -

As a Christian business owner or CEO,the best thing that you can do for

your business is leave it for a day.

As a Christian business owner or CEO,the best thing that you can do for

your business is leave it for a day.

A self-assessment for Christian CEOs and business owners:

“Who’s Race Are You Running?”

A recent article, 27 Executives Who Wake Up Really Early, praised a number of well-known “high achievers”for their seemingly inhuman schedules. Sadly, these high profile CEOs weren’t getting up early to enjoytime with the Lord or breakfast with their families. Two cases in point:

Impressed? The New Testament likens our lives on earth to a race. In Hebrews, we’re exhorted to “runwith perseverance the race marked out for us.” Late in his ministry, Paul said that he had “finished therace.” Actually, as we experience this life, we seem to be running in at least two races. The race that theworld sets before us is epitomized by the bumper sticker that says, “He who dies with the most toys wins.”This is the “rat race” to acquire as much stuff as possible, in an effort to ensure that we and our familieswon’t lack for any of the world’s fleeting amusements, trinkets, and comforts before the whistle blows atthe end of this game.

Another race aims to lay up treasures in Heaven. This honors God by embracing His wisdom as we racetoward eternity. Whatever trophies we gain in the race for worldly toys and pleasures will forever be ofzero benefit the moment we take our last breath. On the other hand, whatever we’ve gained of eternalvalue is never lost to us. Jesus said: “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternallife…” (John 6:27a). He also said “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rustdestroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” (Matthew6:19-20) and “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7).

We can only run one race at a time. Running a race well takes thoughtful preparation and perseveringcommitment. Other than perhaps a few fictional Disney cartoon characters, no one wins a race by accident.Three insightful questions we might ask ourselves are:

- Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric CEO, told Fortune magazine that he gets up at 5:30amevery day for a cardio workout, during which he reads the papers and watches CNBC.He claims to have worked 100 hours per week for 24 straight years.

- Tim Cook, Apple CEO, is known for sending out company emails at 4:30am. By 5:00am,he can be found in the gym. He works late too, priding himself on being the first in theoffice and the last out.

(1) “How can I know which race I’m running at the moment?”

(2) “Which race am I running the best?”

(3) “Which race am I planning for and training for the most?”

So, how should we be training? Let’s take a moment to apply what we know about training to the ‘raceof our lives’ by completing the following sentences:

You may be thinking, “How can I really measure these things?” Some aren’t easy to define or to clearlyquantifiable. However, if you’re unsure, and really want to, you can know your measure in these areas andprepare a clear program for personal growth. Ask God to reveal to you the truth in each of these areas. Hewill show you as you pray and study His Word. Sometimes He will answer through people who know youwell, such as your spouse, close friends, or perhaps your C12 group peers.

Not in a C12 group? Give it a try in 2014 and you can make this absolutely the best year in your life.Check out our website below and register for a free introductory luncheon. At this brief lunch, you’llmeet some great people, learn more about C12 groups forming now in the Dallas/Ft Worth area andhave a terrific meal on us. We hope to see you soon!

A Self-Assessment forChristian CEOs and Business Owners


Joe Petersen - Phone (817) 602-7035 - www.TryC12.comJoe Petersen - Phone (817) 602-7035 -

My most important training program is:

The goal of my training program is:

Looking at my training goals and commitment, I need to:
