


Capstone project

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Katie Caponigro and Natasha FindlayGroup 5

•Ecommerce is a website developed to allow people or businesses to sell products over the internet to customers.

•The Ecommerce we picked is

•Ebay is an online auction and shopping website where both people and businesses can buy and sells goods.

Ebay has had a lot of social networking aspects for a long time such as commercials, ads and other advertisements in other websites. As Ebay networks more, the number of users grow making the auctions grow, which makes eBay itself keep growing.

Ebay has many alliances with major companies and people such as

▪ Recently developed an ad-buying system for tv spot of advertisers such as

▪ Ebay also made a recent alliance with

▪ Ebay has agreements with and

Ebay has a big impact on our society because it greatly impacts our economy. People can make auctions with anyone from all over the world.

Anyone even a student can start their own business by using the internet

You can find anything you want online and have it shipped directly to your house.

Ecommerce gives a lot of opportunities for small businesses that are already starting up and need that extra support system because starting a business online gives everyone the same opportunity and you have the same possibility for clients because you can make business with anyone regardless of where they are located. Ecommerce takes some barriers out of starting your own business or just shopping.

There are a lot of security issues in Ebay. You take a big risk by buying things from seller you don’t know and having your credit card and address put out on the internet. Ebay takes security and privacy very seriously. Ebay never asks your personal information via email, they do it in their own website which is secured and uses a lot of new software to keep hackers out.

Ebay advises you to contact the seller, read his or her reviews, use their checklist and checkout features to make a smart buying decision. They also advise using third party options to pay such as AOL wallet and PayPal. They also offer an insurance that covers up to $10,000

Frauds committed

• Shipping items other than those described

• Giving a deliberately misleading description

• Knowingly and deliberately shipping faulty merchandise

• Counterfeit or bootleg merchandise or money

• Knowingly selling stolen goods

• Receiving payment and not shipping merchandise

Frauds committed by buyers include:

PayPal fraud: Filing false shipping damage claim with the shipping company and with PayPal.

Credit card fraud, in the form of both stolen credit cards and fraudulent chargeback's.

Receiving merchandise and claiming otherwise

Returning items other than received

The buyer sends a forged payment-service e-mail which states that the buyer has made a payment to the seller's account. An unsuspecting seller may ship the item before realizing the e-mail was forged.

•Businesses are compiling lists of stolen goods from local authorities. This is done so eBay consumers can check to see if the goods they are buying are stolen. Software is available that alerts ebay users if they are tricked into going to a spoof website such a Toolbar which is free. Use of this kind of software can eliminate eBay account hijacking. •eBay claims that their data shows that less than .01% of all transactions result in a confirmed case of fraud. However, eBay states that their stated fraud statistic both undercounts and over counts this statistic may not be reliable

eBay is a widely known and popular ecommerce website and we think it will work perfectly with our topic. We have a lot of information, and eBay gives us a perfect example. There are some downfalls to eBay, such as the frauds and security issues. But on the whole, eBay is a well established business on the internet.
