Can you hold your breath for 17 minutes


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Can You Hold Your Breath For 17 Minutes?

by mpn | on December 27, 2012

Can You Hold Your Breath For 17 Minutes?

Can You Hold Your Breath For 17 Minutes?

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Can You Hold Your Breath For 17 Minutes?

In this awesome TED Talk, magician and stuntman David Blaine…

…describes what it took to hold his breath underwater for 17 minutes — a world record (until recently) — and what his often death-defying work means to him.

Can You Hold Your Breath For 17 Minutes?

I don’t know about you, but this David Blaine speech blows my mind.

It even makes me teary eyed because this dude literally sacrifices his life to be the best he can be.

You have to respect a man with this kind of dedication to his own success.

It’s amazing what a human can accomplish with the right focus, dedication and hard work.

Can You Hold Your Breath For 17 Minutes?

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