Business writing 10 common pitfalls


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BUSINESS WRITING 10 common pitfalls

Avoid the jargon jackpot

Replace jargon and clichés with everyday words.

Explain abbreviations, acronyms and industry terms.


Keep it easy on the eye

For easy reading, include bullet points, visuals and white space.

Use bold to highlight instead of underline.


Write in the active voice

The active voice makes it easier to understand and more concise.

Start with who will do it, then what they will do.Example: I will reply tomorrow instead of You will receive a reply tomorrow


Apply simplicity over complexity

Say things once.

Avoid unnecessary and complicated words.Examples: Use not utilise, even though instead of notwithstanding,

consider not give consideration to


Cap the capitals

Overuse of capitals makes it hard to read.

Capitalise the first letter of headings only.

Exception is proper nouns, of course!


Honour thy apostrophe

The apostrophe is overused, under-used and generally abused!

Become pedantic about all punctuation.Do not use apostrophes for plurals but do use them for contracted words.

Examples: It’s is short for it is, not for its when you mean ownership


Style consistency is king

Apply style consistency in capitalisation, fonts, bullet points.Example: For numbers 1-9 use words – one, two, three, then use numbers


Hone in on the homophones8

Homophones sound the same, are spelt differently and have a

different meaning.Example: stationery/stationary, formally/formerly, prey/pray, they’re/their/there

Examine your emails

Set up automatic spell check.

Apply the ‘five sentence’ rule.


Check your company’s brand guidelines

Your company is likely to have guidelines for

overall communications including colour, font, style.


Now I know there are plenty more tips…

These are the common pitfalls I’ve observed in my workplace




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Lena Ross@LenaEmelyRoss