> Media a(ribu,on < Media a’ribu+on or when tracking the last click is just not enough

Common pitfalls in media attribution

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At Datalicious, we don’t just pick a model. We calculate a custom weighted model for every client based on their own data using regression analysis. By tracking all paths, successful and unsuccessful ones, and comparing the two, we can determine whether one channel is more likely to influence conversions over another. And this can make a huge difference in your investment return. What you end up with is a media attribution model that is more accurate and flexible than any out of the box media attribution model could ever hope for. Whilst we’ve only touched on a few of the pitfalls of using a simplified, out of the box attribution model, below are 10 pitfalls you can avoid by choosing to customise your media attribution.

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Page 1: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Media  a(ribu,on  <  Media  a'ribu+on  or  when  tracking  the  last  click  is  just  not  enough  

Page 2: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  About  Datalicious  §  Datalicious  was  founded  in  November  2007  §  Strong  web  analy+cs  background  &  experience  §  360  data  agency  with  team  of  data  specialists  §  Combina+on  of  analysts  and  developers  §  Blue  chip  clients  across  all  industry  ver+cals  §  Carefully  selected  best  of  breed  technology  §  Lobbying  &  defining  data  best  prac+ce  ADMA  §  Execu+ng  smart  data  driven  campaigns  §  Turning  data  into  ac+onable  insights        May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   2  

Page 3: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Smart  data  driven  marke,ng  

Media  A(ribu,on  &  Modeling  

Op,mise  channel  mix,  predict  sales  

Tes,ng  &  Op,misa,on  Remove  barriers,  drive  sales  

Boos,ng  ROMI  

Targe,ng  &  Merchandising  Increase  relevance,  reduce  churn  

“Using  data  to  widen  the  funnel”  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   3  

Page 4: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Wide  range  of  data  services  

Data  PlaHorms    Data  collec,on  and  processing    Adobe,  Google  Analy,cs,  etc    Web  and  mobile  analy,cs    Tag-­‐less  online  data  capture    Retail  and  call  center  analy,cs    Big  data  &  data  warehousing    Single  customer  view  

Insights  Analy,cs    Data  mining  and  modelling    Tableau,  Splunk,  SPSS,  R,  etc    Customised  dashboards    Media  a(ribu,on  analysis    Marke,ng  mix  modelling    Social  media  monitoring    Customer  segmenta,on  

Ac,on  Campaigns    Data  usage  and  applica,on    SiteCore,  ExactTarget,  etc    Targe,ng  and  merchandising    Marke,ng  automa,on    CRM  strategy  and  execu,on    Data  driven  websites    Tes,ng  programs  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   4  

Page 5: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  50+  years  of  team  experience  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   5  

Chris+an  Bartens  Founder  &  Director    §  Bachelor  of  Business  

Management  with  marke+ng  focus  

§  Web  analy+cs  and  digital  marke+ng    work  experience  

§  Space2go,  E-­‐LoV,  Tourism  Australia  

§  SuperTag  founder,  ADMA  Analy+cs  Chair,  I-­‐COM  EMR  Board    

LinkedIn  profile  

Elly  Gillis  General  Manager    §  Bachelor  of  

Communica+ons  with  print  and  digital  focus  

§  Digital  marke+ng  and  project  management  work  experience  

§  M&C  Saatchi,  Mark,  Holler,  Tequila,  IAG,    OneDigital,  Telstra  

§  Australian  gold  medal  in  surf  boat  rowing  

 LinkedIn  profile  

Michael  Savio  Head  of  Insights    §  Bachelor  of  Arts  &  

Science  with  applied  mathema+cs  focus  

§  CRM  and  marke+ng  research  and  analy+cs  work  experience  

§  ANZ  Bank,  Australian  Bureau  of  Sta+s+c,  DBM  Consultants  

§  ADMA  lecturer  on  marke+ng  tes+ng  

 LinkedIn  profile  

Juan  Delard  Head  of  Data    §  Engineering  Diploma  &  

Bachelor  of  Science  in  Electrical  Engineering  

§  IT  architecure,  ERP,  web  analy+cs,  big  data,  telecommunica+ons  work  experience  

§  Quo+fy,  Binaria,  Codelco  

§  Mathema+cs  fan  and  avid  scuba  diver  

LinkedIn  profile  

Page 6: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Unique  combina,on  of  skills  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   6  

Data  visualisa,on/repor,ng  

Data  mining/analysis  

Data  modelling  

Fast  analy,cs  

Data  processing/enhancing  

Big  data  

Data  collec,on  

The  Datalicious  team  §  Data  scien+sts  §  Business  analysts  §  Data  engineers  §  Web  engineers  §  Pla`orm  admins  §  Project  managers  §  Data  strategists  

Data  strategy  

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>  Best  of  breed  technologies  

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Page 8: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Datalicious  product  development  


Surveys  Display  ads  Internal  ads  



Social  media  Mobile  push  eDMs/DMs  


1  Marke+ng  informa+on  system  containing  all  data  necessary  to  analyse  and  report  on  campaigns  2  Single  customer  view  pla`orm  containing  all  data  across  all  (customer)  touch  points  


Mass  media  Social  media  Digital  media    

Measure    Demographics  Transac+ons  Campaigns  

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Page 9: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Clients  across  all  industries  

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Page 10: Common pitfalls in media attribution

Direct  mail,    email,  etc  

Facebook  Twi(er,  etc  

>  Channels  influence  each  other  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   10  

POS  kiosks,  loyalty  cards,  etc  

CRM  program  

Home  pages,  portals,  etc  

YouTube,    blog,  etc  

Paid    search  

Organic    search  

Landing  pages,  offers,  etc  

PR,  WOM,  events,  etc  

TV,  print,    radio,  etc  

=  Paid  media  

=  Viral  elements  

Website,  call  center,  retail  

=  Sales  channels  

Display  ads,  affiliates,  etc  

Page 11: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  First  and  last  click  a(ribu,on    

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Chart  shows  percentage  of  channel  touch  points  that  lead  to  a  conversion.  

Neither  first    nor  last-­‐click  measurement  would  provide  true  picture    

Paid/Organic  Search  

Emails/Shopping  Engines  

Page 12: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  The  ideal  media  dashboard  

Channel   Investment   ROMI   Return  

Brand  equity  Baseline   ($100)   n/a   $40  

Offline  TV,  print,  outdoor,  etc   $7   330%   $30  

Direct  Direct  mail,  email,  etc   $1   400%   $5  

Online  Search,  display,  social,  etc  

$2   1150%   $25  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #1  Excluding  brand  equity  

Page 14: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  ROMI  as  compe,,ve  advantage  

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74%  of  marketers  do  not  engage  in  any  form  of  media  a'ribu+on  aside  from  the  last  click  leaving  26%  of  marketers  with  a  serious  compe++ve  advantage  as  their  media  investment  is  likely  to  generate  a  much  higher  ROMI.  

Page 15: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Media  a(ribu,on  approaches  

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Success  $100  

Success  $100  

Display     Affiliate  Search  

$100  Success  $100  

Last  channel  gets  all  credit  

First  channel  gets  all  credit  

All  channels  get  equal  credit  

Success  $100  

All  channels  get  custom  credit  


$100     Affiliate   Search  


$33  Affiliate    

$33  Search  



$15  Affiliate    

$35  Search  


Page 16: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Duplica,on  across  channels    

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Display    ads  

Email    blasts  

Paid    search  

Organic  search  

$  Bid    mgmt  

Ad    server  

Email  plaHorm  

Google  Analy,cs  




Page 17: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Duplica,on  across  channels    

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Display  impression  

Paid    search   $  

Ad    Server  

Bid    mgmt.  

Web  analy,cs  

Display  click  

Ad  server  cookie  

Organic  search  

Analy,cs  cookie  

Analy,cs  cookie  

Analy,cs  cookie  

Bid  mgmt.  cookie  

Ad  server  cookie  

Page 18: Common pitfalls in media attribution

Central  analy,cs  plaHorm  




>  De-­‐duplica,on  across  channels    

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   18  

Display    ads  

Email    blasts  

Paid    search  

Organic  search  


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A(ribu,on  piHall  #2  Mul,ple  data  sources  

Page 20: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Ad  clicks  inadequate  measure  

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Only  a  small  minority  of  people  actually  click  on  ads,  the  majority  merely  processes  them  (if  at  all)  like  any  other  adver+sing  without  an  immediate  response  so  adver+sers  cannot  rely  on  clicks  as  the  sole  success  measure  but  should  instead  focus  on  impressions  delivered  

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>  Indirect  display  impact    

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #3  No  ad  impression  data  

Page 23: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Full  vs.  par,al  purchase  path  data  

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Display    impression  

Display    impression  

Display    impression  


Display    impression   $  

Display    impression  

Display    impression   $  

Display    impression  

Search  response  

Search  response   $  

Display    impression  

Display    response  

Direct    visit  

✖   ✔   ✔  ✖  

Display    impression  

Display    impression  

Email  response  

Search  response  

✖   ✔   ✔  ✔  

✖   ✖   ✔   ✔  

✖   ✔   ✔  ✔  

Page 24: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Full  vs.  par,al  purchase  path  data  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   24  

Display    impression  

Display    impression  

Display    impression  


Display    impression   $  

Display    impression  

Display    impression   $  

Display    impression  

Search  response  

Search  response   $  

Display    impression  

Display    response  

Direct    visit  

✖   ✔   ✔  ✖  

Display    impression  

Display    impression  

Email  response  

Search  response  

✖   ✔   ✔  ✔  

✖   ✖   ✔   ✔  

✖   ✔   ✔  ✔  

5%  to  65%  variance    in  conversion  a(ribu,on    

for  different  channels  due  to    par,al  purchase  path  data  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #4  Par,al  purchase  path  data  

Page 26: Common pitfalls in media attribution


Paid    search  

Display    ad  views  

TV/print    responses  

>  Full  purchase  path  tracking  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   26  

Influencer   Influencer   $  

Display    ad  clicks  

Online  sales  

Affiliate  clicks  

Social  referrals  

Offline  sales  

Organic  search  

Social    buzz  

Retail    visits  

Life,me  profit  

Organic  search  

Emails,  direct  mail  

Direct    site  visits  


Page 27: Common pitfalls in media attribution


Paid    search  

Display    ad  views  

TV/print    responses  

>  Full  purchase  path  tracking  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   27  

Influencer   Influencer   $  

Display    ad  clicks  

Online  leads  

Affiliate  clicks  

Social  referrals  

Offline  sales  

Organic  search  

Social    buzz  

Retail    visits  

Life,me  profit  

Organic  search  

Emails,  direct  mail  

Direct    site  visits  


Page 28: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Purchase  path  data  example  

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Page 29: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Purchase  path  data  example  U123  1/1/12  12:00  RED  AD  YAHOO  NEWS  $20  U123  1/1/12  12:05  RED  AD  SMH  FINANCE  $20  U123  1/1/12  12:10  GOOGLE  BRAND  TERM  -­‐  U123  1/1/12  12:11  WEBSITE  VISIT    -­‐  U123  1/1/12  12:12  WEBSITE  EVENT    -­‐  U123  3/1/12  14:00  GOOGLE  GENERIC  TERM  $20  U123  3/1/12  14:01  WEBSITE  VISIT    -­‐  U123  7/1/12  17:00  EMAIL  OPEN      $20  U123  8/1/12  15:00  GOOGLE  BRAND  TERM  $20  U123  8/1/12  15:01  WEBSITE  CONVERSION  $100      May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   29  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #5  No  ,me  stamp  data  

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>  Taking  credit  for  offline  sales  

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Page 32: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Tracking  offline  sales  online  §  Email  click-­‐through  

–  Include  offline  sales  flag  in  1st  email  click-­‐through  URL  aVer  offline  sale  to  track  an  ‘assisted  offline  sales’  conversion  

§  First  login  aVer  purchase  –  Similar  to  the  above  method,  however  offline  sales  flag  happens  via  JavaScript  parameter  defined  on  1st  login  

§  Unique  phone  numbers  –  Assign  unique  website  numbers  to  responses  from  specific  channels,  search  terms  or  even  individual  visitors  to  match  offline  call  center  results  back  to  online  ac+vity  

§  Website  entry  survey  for  purchase  intent  –  Survey  website  visitors  to  at  least  measure  purchase    intent  in  case  actual  offline  sales  cannot  be  tracked  

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Page 33: Common pitfalls in media attribution

Confirma,on  email,  login  

>  Offline  sales  driven  by  online  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   33  

Website  research  

Phone  sales  

Retail  sales  

Online  sales  


Adver,sing    campaign  

Fulfilment,  CRM,  etc  

Online  sales  confirma,on  

Virtual  sales    confirma,on  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #6  No  offline  conversion  data  

Page 35: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Purchase  path  for  each  cookie  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   35  

Mobile   Home   Work  

Tablet   Media   Etc  

Page 36: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Purchase  path  for  each  cookie  

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Page 37: Common pitfalls in media attribution

Device  path  2  

Device  path  1+2  

>  Combining  purchase  paths  

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Touch  point  1  

Email,  login,  etc  

Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  3  

Individual  transac,on  

Device  path  1  

Individual  transac,on  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  1  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #7  No  cross-­‐device  tracking  

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>  Filling  purchase  path  data  gaps  

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>  Filling  purchase  path  data  gaps  

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+15  +5   +10  -­‐15  -­‐5   -­‐10  

Page 41: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Tracking  offline  responses  online  

§  Search  calls  to  ac+on  for  TV,  radio,  print  –  Unique  search  term  only  adver+sed  in  print  so  all    responses  from  that  term  must  have  come  from  print  

§  PURLs  (personalised  URLs)  for  direct  mail  –  Brand.com/customer-­‐name  redirects  to  new  URL  that  includes    tracking  parameter  iden+fying  response  as  DM  

§  Website  entry  survey  for  direct/branded  visits  –  Survey  website  visitors  that  have  come  to  site  directly    or  via  branded  search  about  their  media  habits,  etc  

§  Combine  data  sets  into  media  a'ribu+on  model  –  Combine  raw  data  from  online  purchase  path,  website  entry  survey  and  offline  sales  with  offline  media  placement  data  in  tradi+onal  (econometric)  media  a'ribu+on  model  

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>  Search  call  to  ac,on  for  offline    

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>  Search  call  to  ac,on  for  TV  

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Consumers  are  now  experts  at  mul+-­‐tasking,  especially  while  watching  TV.  They  are  constantly  online    and  ready  to  search  so  a  unique  search  call  to  ac+on  is  ideal  to  track  responses  from  TV  ads.  In  addi+on,  consumers  also  remember  search  terms  be'er  than  phone  numbers  or  vanity  URLs  which  increases  overall  response  rates  and  it  is  easier  to  control  the  user  experience  from  a  search  response  (i.e.  what  landing  page  to  send  people  to).  

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domain.com/chris,anbartens  >  redirect  to  >  domain.com?    

CampaignID=DM:123&  Demographics=M|35&  CustomerSegment=A1&  CustomerValue=High&  CustomerSince=2001&  ProductHistory=A6&  NextBestOffer=A7&  ChurnRisk=Low  [...]  

>  Personalised  URLs  for  direct  mail  

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Page 46: Common pitfalls in media attribution

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What  promoted  your  visit  today?  q  Recent  branch  visit  q  Saw  an  ad  on  television  q  Saw  an  ad  in  the  newspaper  q  Recommenda+on  from  family/friends  q  […]  

Page 47: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Website  entry  survey    

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   47  

Channel   %  of  Conversions  

Straight  to  Site   27%  

SEO  Branded   15%  

SEM  Branded   9%  

SEO  Generic   7%  

SEM  Generic   14%  

Display  Adver+sing   7%  

Affiliate  Marke+ng   9%  

Referrals   5%  

Email  Marke+ng   7%  

De-­‐duped  Campaign  Report  

}  Channel   %  of  Influence  

Word  of  Mouth   32%  

Blogging  &  Social  Media   24%  

Newspaper  Adver+sing   9%  

Display  Adver+sing   14%  

Email  Marke+ng   7%  

Retail  Promo+ons   14%  

Greatest  Influencer  on  Branded  Search  /  STS  

Conversions  a'ributed  to  search  terms  that  contain  brand  keywords  and  direct  website  visits  are  most  likely  not  the  origina+ng  channel  that  generated  the  awareness  and  as  such  conversion  credits  should  be  re-­‐allocated.    

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>  Website  entry  survey  example  

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In  this  retail  example,  the  exposure  to  retail  display  ads  was  the  biggest  website  traffic  driver  for  direct  visits  as  well  as  visits  origina+ng  from  search  terms  that  included  branded  keywords  –  before  TV,  word  of  mouth  and  print  ads.  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #8  No  offline  media  data  

Page 50: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Econometric  media  mix  modelling  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   50  

Use  of  tradi+onal  econometric  modelling  to  measure  the  impact  of  communica+ons  on  sales  for  offline  channels  where  it  cannot  be  measured  directly  through  smart  calls  to  ac+on  online  (and  thus  cookie  level  purchase  path  data).  

Page 51: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Econometric  media  mix  modelling  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   51  

Total    revenue  

Total    revenue  

Total    revenue  

Total    revenue  

Spend  channel  1  

Spend  channel  1  

Spend  channel  1  

Totals  week  N  

Spend  channel  N  

Spend  channel  N  

Total    revenue  

Totals  week  1  

Totals  week  2  

Totals  week  3  

Totals  week  4  

Spend  channel  2  

Spend  channel  2  

Spend  channel  2  

Page 52: Common pitfalls in media attribution

Individual  path  1  

Individual  path  1  

Individual  path  N  

>  Individual  purchase  path  tracking  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   52  

Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  2  

Individual  transac,on  

Touch  point  1  

Individual  transac,on  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  N  

Individual  transac,on  

Touch  point  N  

Touch  point  N  

Individual  path  1  

Touch  point  N  

Page 53: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Pathing  &  modelling  combined  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   53  

Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  2  

Individual  transac,on  

Spend  channel  2  

Spend  channel  N  

Spend  channel  1  

Individual  path  1  

Touch  point  N  

Influencing  factors  §  Offline  media  spend  §  Compe++ve  ac+vity  §  Geo-­‐demographics  §  Transac+on  history  §  Client  sa+sfac+on  §  Social  sen+ment  §  Interest  rates  § Weather  §  Pricing  

Influence  factor  N  

Influence  factor  N  

Influence  factor  N  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #9  Excluding  custom  data  

Page 55: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Purchase  path  vs.  a(ribu,on  

§  Important  to  make  a  dis+nc+on  between  media  a'ribu+on  and  purchase  path  tracking  –  Not  the  same,  one  is  necessary  to  enable  the  other  

§  Tracking  the  complete  purchase  path,  i.e.  every  paid  and  organic  campaign  touch  point  leading  up  to  a  conversion  is  a  necessary  requirement  to  be  able  to  actually  do  media  a'ribu+on  or  the  alloca+on  or  conversion  credits  back  to  campaign  touch  points    –  Purchase  path  tracking  is  the  data  collec+on  and    media  a'ribu+on  is  the  actual  analysis  or  modelling  


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Page 56: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Standard  a(ribu,on  models  §  The  First/Last  Interac,on  model  plus  …  §  The  Linear  model  might  be  used  if  your  

campaigns  are  designed  to  maintain  awareness  with  the  customer  throughout  the  en+re  sales  cycle.  

§  The  Posi,on  Based  model  can  be  used  to  adjust  credit  for  different  parts  of  the  customer  journey,  such  as  early  interac+ons  that  create  awareness  and  late  interac+ons  that  close  sales.  

§  The  Time  Decay  model  assigns  the  most  credit  to  touch  points  that  occurred  nearest  to  the  +me  of  conversion.  It  can  be  useful  for  campaigns  with  short  sales  cycles,  such  as  promo+ons.  

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>  Media  a(ribu,on  models    

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Even/linear  a(ribu,on  

Time  decay  a(ribu,on  

Custom  a(ribu,on  

10%   15%   25%   50%  

Display    impression  

Display    impression  

Display  click  

Search    click  

10%   10%   50%   30%  

25%   25%   25%   25%  

Page 58: Common pitfalls in media attribution

10%   30%   10%   50%  

10%   50%   30%  10%  

>  Custom  (weighted)  a(ribu,on  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   58  


Weighted  a(ribu,on  


Weighted  a(ribu,on  

Display    impression  

Display    impression  

Display  click  

Search    click  

Display    impression  

Search    click  

Display  impression  

Display  click  

Page 59: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Custom  models  most  effec,ve  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   59  

56%  of  marketers  consider  a  unique  or  custom  (weighted)  media  a'ribu+on  approach  that  does  not  use  a  standard  out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box  methodology  as    most  effec+ve.  

Page 60: Common pitfalls in media attribution

Touch  point  1  

>  Analy,cs  to  pick  the  best  model  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   60  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  3  

Touch  point  N  

Closer  Influencer   Influencer   $  Introducer  

Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  3  

Touch  point  N  

Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  3  

Touch  point  N  




Page 61: Common pitfalls in media attribution


Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  1  

Touch  point  1  

>  Path  across  different  segments  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   61  

Influencer   Influencer   $  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  3  

Touch  point  2  

Touch  point  3  

Touch  point  N  

Touch  point  3  

Touch  point  N  

Touch  point  N  


Product    A  vs.  B  

Clients  vs.  prospects  

Segment    A  vs.  B  

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A(ribu,on  piHall  #10  Selec,ng  the  right  model  

Page 63: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  A(ribu,on  models  compared  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   63  


Last  click  a'ribu+on  

Custom  (weighted)  a'ribu+on  

Page 64: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Insights  to  maximise  media  ROI  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   64  


Last  click  a'ribu+on  

Even/weighted  a'ribu+on  

?  Email  

?  Direct  mail  

?  Internal  ads  ?  

Website  content  

?  TV/Print  

Page 65: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Generic  paid  search  overvalued  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   65  

Last  click  a(ribu,on  Generic  search  terms  should  deliver  more  ROI  in  a  weighted  a(ribu,on  

model  assuming  branded  search  terms  usually  make  up  the    

majority  of  last  clicks,  correct?  

Page 66: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Generic  paid  search  overvalued  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   66  

Full  path  a(ribu,on  Incorrect!  ROI  is  based  on  revenue  and  cost  and  generic  search  terms  

have  historically  received  too  much  credit,  hence  high  CPCs  were  ok  but  in  reality  they  are  too  high  thus  leading  

to  an  overall  nega,ve  ROI!  

Page 67: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Redistribu,ng  media  spend  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   67  






Maintain  spend  

Increase    spend  

Reduce  spend  

Publisher  1  Publisher  2  Publisher  3          […]          Publisher  N  

Page 68: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  ROI  &  revenue  target  simulator  

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Page 69: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>                          Media  a(ribu,on  

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Aussie  purchase  path  tracking  and  media  a'ribu+on  modelling  in  close  coopera+on  with  Amnesia  designed  to  op+mise  the  overall  Aussie  budget  mix  across  paid  and  earned  media  resul+ng  in  an  overall  project  ROI  of  910%.  

Page 70: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>                                      Media  a(ribu,on  

May  2013   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   70  

Suncorp  purchase  path  tracking  and  media  a'ribu+on  modelling  in  order  to  op+mise  the  overall  Suncorp  insurance  budget  mix  across  paid  and  earned  media  resul+ng  in  an  overall  project  ROI  of  2,078%.  

Page 71: Common pitfalls in media attribution

>  Poten,al  next  steps  §  Phase  1:  Purchase  path  tracking  –  Requires  (SuperTag)  container  tag  

§  Phase  2:  Data  collec+on  §  Phase  3:  One-­‐off  a'ribu+on  –  Ini+al  a'ribu+on  model  (one  product  or  segment  only)  –  Ac+onable  recommenda+ons  (i.e.  shiV  spend,  etc)  

§  Phase  4:  Ongoing  a'ribu+on  (op+onal)  –  A'ribu+on  model  maintenance  –  Addi+onal  a'ribu+on  models  (products,  segments)  – Model  enhancements  (i.e.  add  interest  rate,  offline,  etc)  –  Report  automa+on  (daily  reports)  

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Page 73: Common pitfalls in media attribution

Data  >  Insights  >  Ac,on  

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