Business information systems in organisations



Business Information Systems

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Business Information Systems in Organisations

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Table of Contents Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................................. 2

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Insight of the proposed Start Galaxy System .......................................................................................... 3

Login page ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Cinema Manager ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Staff search page ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Example of a staff search ........................................................................................................................ 6

Food stock search page ........................................................................................................................... 7

Example of a food stock search .............................................................................................................. 8

Food collection search page ................................................................................................................... 9

Example of a food collection search ..................................................................................................... 10

Collection of show search page ............................................................................................................ 11

Example of a show collection search .................................................................................................... 12

Seat availability search page ................................................................................................................. 13

Area Manager ....................................................................................................................................... 14

Pop-corn profits page ........................................................................................................................... 15

Example of a Pop-corn profits search ................................................................................................... 16

Cinema promotions front page ............................................................................................................. 17

Example of Cinema promotions search ................................................................................................ 18

Managing Director ................................................................................................................................ 19

Profitability search page ....................................................................................................................... 20

Example of a Profitability search .......................................................................................................... 21

Regions search page ............................................................................................................................. 22

Example of a Region search .................................................................................................................. 23

Cinema Switchboard operator .............................................................................................................. 24

Cinema switchboard operators search page ........................................................................................ 25

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 26

Business Information Systems in Organisations

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We, Joel Dave Lourdes and Helmi Murad would like to thank Ms Tham Hoong Ching

for guiding us through this assignment by giving us advices and tips on how to do this

assignment. She has also though us many useful methods in class which could be applied

throughout this assignment. Through this assignment we had come across many problems

such as how create the system design but nothing was impossible, with the help of our

lecturer and we finally successfully manage to finish this assignment on time. The experience

gained on doing this assignment will always be cherished.


This system has been created for the Star Galaxy Cinema. We have understood the

needs of the cinema company to have a more advance IT (information technology) based

system. We have investigated properly and have come up with the latest and most efficient

system today. We believe that it will be a major advantage for Star Galaxy Cinema to uphold

this system in their cooperation.

This is a full scale proposal that has been done to show Star Galaxy the full capability

and advantage of using this system. In this report, you will be able to know exactly in detail

of what this system can provide to the company and how that can be such a major


On the pages below, there will be pictures and explanation of all the functions it in.

There will be a detailed explanation to understand the purpose and key functions of it. The

system has been broken down to four key personals in the cooperation. That would be the

Cinema manager, Area manager, Cinema switchboard operator and lastly the Managing

director. The system is unique that it allows different access to different roles in the

cooperation. Reading through the report will give a more detailed explanation.

Business Information Systems in Organisations

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Insight of the proposed Start Galaxy System

Login page

The image above is the Log in page of the Star Galaxy sytem. This page will be the

same for all the four roles in the cooperation. However, they will have their own log in ID

and password. This will a give a sense of security as each role will have their own restrictions

and access on the system. The reset button is placed, in case users type in something wrongly

in the above two columns and want to erase them. Aftet logging in from here, users will come

across different pages accordingly to their access.

Login page

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Cinema Manager

The image is above is the front page of the Cinema manager after he logins to the

system. The cinema manager will have five different types of option that he can get he’s

information from. These five buttons are the Staff, Food stock, Food collection, Collection of

show and lastly the Availability seat button. There is also the standard Home and Back

button, so that the user can return back to the previous screen.

Cinema manager front page

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Staff search page

The image above is the Cinema manager’s staff search page. This is the page where

he can check on the hours worked by the staff in the cinema. There are normally three types

of staff working in the cinema, which are the part time, full time and casual staff. There is

also an option for him to choose the dates and also the type. The sytem is made so flexible

that the cinema manager can choose to check for one type of staff or even all three at the

same time. The type that he can search would be broken down to either daily or weekly.

Cinema manager Staff search page

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Example of a staff search

The image above is an example of a Staff search made by the cinema manager. When

the search is made, it be given as a report. There are four ways for the cinema manager to get

this report and that is through PDF, Word, Email and also directly sending it to the printer.

All the cinema manager needs to do is click on a button and the system will process the rest.

There will also be an indicator of what is happening shown to the cinema manager after he

clicks the button. The back and home button will allow him to either return to the home page

or return to the search page to search up another report.

Example of a Staff search

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Food stock search page

The image above is the cinema manager’s food stock search page. This is the page

where he can check how much of food that was sold in the cinema and what is the balance at

the current time. He can also check on the profit made my selling the food. The cinema

manager can choose by the date and also the gate number. The system is so specific that it

can be search down right up to a specific food type such a pop- corn or burger.

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Example of a food stock search

The image above is an example of a Food stock search. It brings out a chart showing

the different details requested. As shown above, the chart lists down the Items, Percentage,

Stock left and also the Profits made. There is also a Print button that will directly send the

report to the printer. This will come in handy for the cinema manager to print the report. The

back and home button is also placed to navigate back to the previous pages.

Example of a food stock search

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Food collection search page

The image above is the cinema manager’s food collection search page. This is where

he can check on a general basis on what food is being sold more frequently and the prices of

the food. He can choose the dates and also the gate number. To be more specific, the search

can also be done by the food type. The image above shows the type of food sold and also its

image. The back and home button are placed for navigation to the previous pages.

Food collection page

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Example of a food collection search

The image above shows an example of a food collection search done by the cinema

manager. It has been searched through the dates and also the type of food. On this particular

search, chips and Pepsi has been selected. The report produced can be directly printer as there

is a Print button on the page.

Example of food collection

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Collection of show search page

The image above is the collection of shows search page. On the page the cinema

manager can check on the profits made by the shows. This search system is really specific

and flexible at the same time. This is shown as the cinema manager can search a collection by

just choosing a movie or choosing a movie in its category. There is also an option to search

the highest profitable movie or just all the movies in the list.

Collection of show search page

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Example of a show collection search

The image above shows a search done for the collection of shows. The movie Brave

Heart was chosen accordingly to the date, show time and also gate number. The high profits

check-box was also ticked in this search. The report is clear and simply to understand as it

shows the name, type and profits made. This will make the decision processing easier for the

cinema manager.

Example of a Collection of show search

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Seat availability search page

The image above shows the seat availability search page. In the page, the cinema

manager can check how the tickets are selling as he can check how many tickets had been

sold for what show. The movies can be selected by name, gate and also the show time.

Movies are also broken down into types such as action, horror and action, comedy. The

picture of the seats will show the availability of the whole theatre. By the colour on the screen

like the red one is for the booked seats, or the green colour for the available seats.

Seat availability search page



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Area Manager

The image above is the Area manager’s front page. The area manager has two tabs

that he can access which are Pop-corn profits and also Cinemas promotions.

Area manager front page

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Pop-corn profits page

The image above shows the Pop-corn profits made. The Pop-corn profits can be

search by the date, region and also the cinema number. There is also a two check-boxes for

all profit and high profit. This makes the system again more flexible and specific at the same

time. There are three types of buttons too, print as PDF, print as Word and also sending it

straight to the printer as a Report. The report is categorised by Items, percentage, stock left

and also the profits made.

Pop-corn profits page

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Example of a Pop-corn profits search

The image above shows an example of a Pop-corn profits search. It is shown that in

Region one and in Star galaxy, the full profit is published in the report. The report is then

directly sent to the printer. This makes it so easy for the area manager to know how the pop-

corn sales are coming along.

Example of a Pop-corn profits search

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Cinema promotions front page

The above image shows the cinema promotions page. It too can be searched through

the date, region and cinema number. The all profit and high profit tabs are also added as well

as the three print options. The report however is categorising as the promotions, cost, gain

and total profit. The Back and Home buttons are the standard navigation buttons to the

previous pages.

Cinema promotions page

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Example of Cinema promotions search

The above image is an example of the cinema promotion search. It just shows how

easy it is for the area manager to find out how good the promotions are doing. It is also as

easy to send it to the printer. The manager will be able to find out, what are the better

promotions compared to others.

Example of Cinema promotions search

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Managing Director

The image above is the Managing director’s front page after login in. He will have

two options which are Profitability and Regions. The two standards Home and Back buttons

are also added to navigate to the previous page.

Managing director front page

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Profitability search page

The image above shows the Managing director search page. It can be search through the dates

and Regions of star galaxy cinemas. The two types of profits available are food and shows.

The report generated is very specific as it is broken down into show revenue, show profit,

food revenue, food cost and lastly food profit. The reports as usual will be able to be sent

directly to the printer, word or PDF file. The report can also be searched as a chart and will

be easier to understand.

Managing director Profitability search page

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Example of a Profitability search

The image above shows an example of a profitability search. It is explained through a

report and also a chart. It makes it much easier to understand and also there is an option to

print the report directly with the chart. The report also counts the total of the five cinemas and

highlights it in red to be clearer.

Example of a Profitability search

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Regions search page

The image above shows the managing directors region search page. These options

basically allow him to search the profits made by the five different regions. The searches can

be done by date, region and also a check-box for all regions. The two types of profits again

are Food and Shows.

Managing director Regions search page

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Example of a Region search

The image above shows an example of a Regions search. It is shown through a report

and also a chart. It makes it much easier to understand and also there is an option to print the

report directly with the chart included. The report also counts the total of the five regions and

provides the profits clearly.

Example of a Regions search

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Cinema Switchboard operator

The above image shows the tab of the Cinema switchboard operator. The cinema

switchboard operator has the access on the movies showing and timing tab.

Cinema Switchboard operators front page

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Cinema switchboard operators search page

The image above shows the Cinema switchboard operators search page. This is where

he can get the profits for per movie in the cinema. He has the option to search the date, movie

name, gate number and also the show time. Movie types also are another added search

function. This search tab makes it really specific for the switchboard operator to find the

profits of a show. The reports also can be sent to the printer directly as there are buttons

below the report to directly do so.

Cinema Switchboard operators search page

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The report above shows specifically and also generally how this system proposed to

Start Galaxy cinema can help improve their working methods. We urge Star Galaxy cinema

to purchase this system as this is the latest and most advance system in the cinema business

today. And can be offer around reasonable price.

The explanation for this system has been done just by showing how wonderful the

system is. We prefer to say that we let the system speak for itself as there no need of much of

an explanation.
