Brand mgmt and social media



Monitoring brands in social media

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Brand trVlanagemrenf wittr Social Media


Brond monagemenl is

undergoing o dromEtic

ehongewilh the odvenl of

sociql mediE. Brond

mqnqgers cqn no longer

execute compoigns in

trsditionol moss medio ond

i gnore conversolions tokingplcce in soriol medis" Does

the developmenl of sociolmedio ond the hugevolume of

cuslomer inlerocfion dEto

nledn fhot our exisling models

of brqnd equiry are no longer


Suneslr SoodResec rch e r

School o{ Morl<et ing,Universily ol Technology, Sydney.

The outhor ccn be recrchecl o lSuresh.Sood(

$' , ' r , Social Meci in (S\ l ) survey* , -^^^ ^^,E (2008-0q) co,rJuc'ueJ bv

-& Fxchr i rgr4inrd;a & Blogwoiks,an ovcr wheIn' inr , 90% of t l re_'_ ' - _ ' . -""-"b


surveycd InJian nra' :ket i i ' , .g andad., 'et ' i i r inp e) iecr j t ives b" l icvcclt l rat Shl , i i rc iLr . l ing l : lop-s, i rnpacti ' rusint sres. Fi f r v-eight perccir i oftl-r.e execritives felt tha.t SM woulci- ' - " - L l - : - ' - - ' ih lnrrsh r , ,Li$dLU d ' uBf r l l lPdL r

2010. Eighty-five percent of tf ienioirined that Sh,,f v,rould have airi i tpact in high involvernent

f i ' r :chDsc dc, is i . , i rs rcquir . ing-research and compa.rison shopping.

i rendpeciia -


Ti 'ey fe l t r l ra i s i r rce ihese highinvol i c ineir t purc[raset depen.. lhg2vi ly on btand stor iescommrrnicaled i 'hrough a vrr ic iy nf

iot ic l r points using a var icfy oi

techniques coveriirg referrals, wordof mor-r th ancl . engagementacr iv i l jcs, SM i : i , le l l ly s l i red f , , r

conveying sirch stones

Traditional bland managenentactivit ies focils ot-r conveying thebra.nd stor.'y to cor-''s using

bi-a.ird aw;ueiress zrnd associariolis ro: . - : . - . - . i , ' , fp, t iSh ihel iusrtr( : i l at t r . t , l r : r t ! _

brancled proeluct or servir:e iir thenla.rketplace anc{ the rui-nii of the

col lsLi1l ]er . f leasr, i r ing vrhy thebi':rild is bettei' ai'rcl differentiatedfnl crrsroi i ier s as c i rcajrb,r lat .d l .yhrand , . qui iy bucorncs arr i i l l .o i ' taLrtrr lersuIe for r - r ! lcc i i r rg f inarrc i r i lvalue and mark-et arnzar:eness. Brandeqriity directly relates to the price

premium consulneLs are williirg topay for a brand, as well as non-financial measures clriving c1r-ralityand a d,esire to tell the brand storyto f r iencls. Key brar-rd eclr-r i tycomponents i .nclud,e awareness,i i i rage and l )ers, ) l ia l i fy absociat i ( )nrand loyatty" In the light of this, theresr-rliar-rt ineasures rroiriiorecl by a.bren' l o i , rner/rnanrgel lcquirc i r , , l

only assemt, lage of t i resecurt !p() t rents l l r i r i , s igLr i f rcant lymcre post-processing, of data thails captr- i red. Inevi tably, brandi l ranage15 a i rd nraike{ ing cxer rr f ivcsirver i tu rrs i l rg ouis( ,u lced inocl t lsrnd rrrei l - io. . lo logies for l , iJ l id equi iyr r icast i rc incnt. Thc n1{r5[ f )opr i l i i r

setvlces i r ic lude the Young &.Rubicam Brand Asse t Valuatol(BAV--claimed to be the wor'trd'slargest brand data.base) and ACNielsen \rXlinning Brands.

@ 2009 The Icfari University Prcss. Ali Rights Reseivecl

SM incl i - rc1es L,1ogs, social

r-ietworking (MySpace, Facebook,

Linkeci ln, and i lore) wik is($7ik ip, d ia i , the pre enr inenr

exarnple), social booki-narking(cielicior-rs), pt-iotlr (Flickr) /vi i letrshar ing (YoLrTuL,e) : rncl rz i r tual

wor lc ls (Second I- i fe) . TLrese

exemplary appl icat ions faci l i tate

the marketers anel cclnsumers to get

close to each olher anr-l engage in

iout ine conversat ions and

storytel l ing. The Cl i - re Train

Manifesto wzrs the {irst to recognize

the ability of ttre internet to enable

people to have 'human to httman'

conversat ions, : rncl th.creL,y

ti-ansforming traclit i .on:rl btisiness

practices racJ,icaLly. Accoreling to ttre

irranifesto, the Interr-ret proiricled

nevr' l-lreans for Lroth the niarkets and( r l g,rniZi l f i ( ) t l5 {o ( { , l l r l l t r ln i ( i l ie.

Tbday, the markets know far urore

abor- i t the prodrrcts than t f ie

compal'ries thenrselves. Con-suiners

are realizing that they can readily

get assistance and information frcxl

0the-, : consLrnlers F,y sol ic i t lng

tipinions throtrgh social. networks

and visrting \X/eb destinations, hke

Ar.nazon, eBay, CkTir tzrByebye,

TiipAdvisor or Yelp.

Within social metlia, the brancl

inanager ireecls io recognize tire

braud's c l r rv ing force as the

collective ir-rsigLrts r-lerived. from

consuffrei . interact ions. This

par:adigm shi f t of branc{-

managenent in soci : r l mecl ia is

reconceptual iz ing the brancl . In

essence, th is meai ls inaking

accessible the Lrrand, owner's skil ls

and knowleclge for the benefit oi

consunlers in a variety of branded,

a.s well as unbrandecl contexts. The

r,rnbrancl-ed contexts represent the

avir i la l i i l i ty t r f t l t r l r i tuoi{V contei) t

wl- i ic l ' r is extremely usefr-r l tct

understai ' id the values being

Advertising Express August 2009 r 48

r{iscussed by tlre consunrers tirat

lrelps to iclentify potential service

opportunities. T[re shift to service

is achieved by providing

in[orrrral iotr f lows. t r l r (sent inH a

:crVi t c, t r r a iJ l l te ( onst t t t ter in

selecting high involveflrent goot-ls

ancl services inclusive of t ravel

packages, crltrreras or cars.

The implications of brancl as a

service includes brand owners

irrv i t ing cr ' r r . iunler ' ) to f , l l ' t ic inr t ton consrune r gror.rncl I rrles. In effect,

t l-Le customer beccrmes a co-creatoi'

of value with val i - re al lv: lys

determined by tlre consr-rmer. In this

manner, the br:ai-rc{ has an

opportuni.ty to becoirre a cultural

brand ti:anscendir-rg

the ident i ty of a

procluct or company

and taking on the

sr-rbcul t r - r resref lect ing the

ider- i t i ty of

consuiners, l t4yths

represent t l - re

c{-l1Tir11on stclries

bindi . i rg the

community tc l the

h-, and and of ten

tolel by word of

nrouth. The sirift to

service is made

Today, the morkelsknowfor more obout

fhe products lhonfhecomponies


br,rn. l nt l t l t . tger) whe n nloni t , , r ing

sociatr mec{iar.

\7hat's a Br:rr-rcl Manager to dcr

with social mecl ia/ The start i r - rg

poii-rt is actuatrly to identify where

consumer stories about tl 're brand

are beirig tolcl within social media.

A 'whitelist' of the hlghly relevant

hl t rgs and web dest i r rat iorrs is

compiled and kept up to date. Next

comes tracking and captur ing

spontaneous, brand reievant

emotional content. Only then can

deep lrnsolicited consi-rmer insights

be unclerstood. Importantly, because

of sheer volume the focr-rs shoulcl be

on quality rzrther than quantity. But

the stories too are evolving to be

social media, stor ies. They no, longer havc aI beginning, middle,' and end br-rt have

' 'microconlent 'that is consistent

witl-r the drlves ofi Generation Y and

rNtw 7-" Some of tl're

stories:rie chunked

content l t te lzr l ly


haphazardly in

sr-nal l narrat ive

bites making use oipossih,le iir movii'ig from a one-v/ay

i l ' l t tJ t l nf t t ras ' ctr t t i l t tut t i . af ion.

( l -asswel l 1948) to a pee-r- to-peer

communications rnodel, wi-rere the

consulneL is a key coinponent of an

i l r te lct t i ve L, r tn i l r t r n ica I i , r l l

network. This can be continuoi-rsly

witnessed from oni ine social

interactions, se{f-e>lpressions, social

bookmarking aird user-genera.ted

content including ratlngs ii'l sociai

media environments. Furtherilcire,

the existing model of brand equity

can be augnlented v;ith a richness

of c'lata n()t previously witnessed by

ihe clr f f*rent so. ia l nr*di . r pul l i r rg

together l inks, photos, v ideos,

conlments fiom a social netwotk

and 140 charircter twitier (another'

form of SM using \X/eb and SMS

messages in certatn cor-rntries) "

A key aspect of SM biand

managenent is to gain leverage froil

the Social Graph. Thrs is the

network of r:onnections that e>list

through which people

communicate and share

information. This glaph can exist

for employees internally within tl-re

ci lmpany, ?1s welI as for t t ie

cL{st()trners. Brancl br-rile1ing using the

p;rrticip:rtory approzlch of t rn ployees

is i- lot trnusnal :rs seen by Microsoft

.ntpl , ,ye" ' , h l , 'gP- i i rc 1[ '1 r l i f p lo jet t :

:rncl company. For cttstctmers, the

abii ity to see the trritran sit le of a

colrpany through etnployees on

YouTube, blogs or Fl ickr before

cleclcling on doing business with the

c()mpany provides a richer brand

e;rpeiieirce tlurn competitive pl:ryers

uiho chc,ose i-Iot to al1ow employee

engagement in social media"

Achlevii 'rg tt 're rrisioi-r <tf tLie

brand uranager uslng social niedia

to increase i ind nioni to l brand

ecli-i l ty reqrrires famili:rrity r,vith a

hancl fu l of technologies r lnd

mechanisms suitec{ tc'r iclentifying,

t racking and l is t r : r i ing i -o

cr.rrrversations^ Why sl-roulcl a bl;rncl

manager care about these tools/

Quiet simply, the world is clra.nging

rapi,-1Xy :rncl social inecli:r has direct

impl icat ions for brancl equi ty

reF)ieseniing real t ime sto-rytcll ing

tirkii-rg place t,etween consui-ners.

V(/Xlat we cai! l isien to a.ncl measuLe

ir-r soci:rl rneclia pi-ovidr:s the brand

Lr! i /nei wi i l ' r a veiy powe-rful

incl1r:aiion of events ti[,: l ing i i 'r

i .e : r i t ime. This cai-r Jre uisecl l i l

complemeni the key t raggi i ' rg

1nc' l icator of m.r inkei s[r : r i :e. Tht:

fotriowing example heiirs i l tr-rst -r:rte

tl ' ,e ir i-rporIarLc€ of socii l l ir-redia.

i loni i :or ing^ " [e lstr : r , ihe

i r lecUr 'nnt t in ic: ' t i t ) i r i l l l i i ia l i ' r

A.usiizrlia, etnt,:rikecl on ll iriass T'V

r ;1 1 pr in i r r t lver i is i , tg L,) l ) t l d i t ' r t

stipplecrented vrith the use of seler-.t

s'ciat merlia ch.erni1ets iifte y,-ru-lube ,{ , ' , 5s,qing ihr D' l t r - r t i r { l l rCnt: ( , l r

tlei-l:rncl. The campaign fttcr-ts v,'as itr

proi, , icle a\.r/arencss of tLre coLintry-

wic-1c cover:rge ancl. technological

capurL,i l" tres of the Telst i- i t Next [ i

ne twork (beyoircl 3G ortcompetit ive

I The TVC (Television [ommercial) shows the stupidity of the campaign the besf-why in the hell

i would you want t0 use your phone ({or let alone 36 features) when camping? I thought the idea

: oi camping was t0'get away {rom it all '/

i Can undentand if you were in a remote/dangelous area why you'd carry a phone 0r land useI tPIRB lEmrrgrncy P0sition lndicating Radio Beacon), but a mobile phone t0 use l6 features, I

r {ind very silly.

Suppose such stupid ad cantpaigns for Next G are understandable when coverage is all Telstra has

to conrpete on.

I've used my iPhone camping around kosi (Kosciuiko) national park, in winter, loads of times. lt's

; great t0 check in with worried {amrly, check weatherltemp (onditions and forecasts and wasteI seyeral otherwise ra.ther tedious hours between dusk anrl sleep. l 'm usually camping solo out

there, so it's great to have access and media (from the iPhon$, but I do carry a small reserve

baltery for it and have to carefully choose camp spots if I want coYerage.

Edit: I doubr a phone would come in that handy in an emergency. [spetially with spotry coverage.

' Take l(osi l,lational Park, the best skiing (Western faces) have zippo coverage and is the likely spot

of iniurl. lf you're really that c0ncerred about it (especialiy i{ solo) rent 0r buy an epirb.

, lWhereis (lrttp://wwwyoutube.tomlwatchlv:cdhS-cx8f{) ]

| :aw a nerr ad where there's a couple driving and follorving GP5 directions on their phone. The

guys phone (non-Telstra) stuf{s up and stops giving hinr directions 0r something, at whith

r point the girl pulls out her Ielstra phone whirh gives them the corrett voice"guided directionr.I Then the voiceoy€r says r0mething about network with the better coverage 0r something

, along those l ine:.

' l 'm coniused though because I thought GPS signal, etc., is completely independent of network

(other rhan the A,6Pl giving a quicker lock down on position)i The ad seems to imply that

havirg coverage allovn them to have more reliabk GPS navigation. This ma.kes sense to me only

if the navigation is provided solely by the neiwcrk, instead ol using the phone's in-built GPS

{uring, for instance, \{hereis |'{avigator, withorLt in"builr GPS if possible, (an't think it could be

r$0 aicurate). I think it 's a bit misleading, but I might have iust interpreted it all wrong.

fource: forums. wfiidpool. neta4 hercnber ]008

ne tvritrks). T',oro cctrlrmelcials in n-ionittiring soci:ll nretlia and infrtn-'.l

i ra.rt icLrial, 'whereis' a.ncl 'camping' the br;rnt ' l owne Is aboi-t t t l -re

ar:e singlec1- out fot tl-ris st',-rdy. These conversaLlons taking place in tl-re

adveri isernents u/ere based on being sqcia! mec-l ia^ I f t l -re contel l i ct l l l

afite to r.rsi: Ner',t C rlrok,iles io lots L]ieate reputittitln:rl risk, apllttrtlriatt

of piaces, even wtrrei i caurprng t lr act ion needs to be taker-r. ln the

tooicin-.g firr clii:ecticiirs The exhilcrii conyei.sations highlighteci that tirr

shows sorne o'o 'r-Lr( i cr istomet coifsLl i-eeLS weLe con{usecl a.bout t f ie

r:onversa.tions ailcl opinionsr relatct-l c-1etaitrs of thc- services, the branL--l

to thr: ;lrj-s. ()i/r'ners can take an immediate and

An () i-rtsor- lrced sei- ir ice c:rn h,e cost-effcct ive action by naking a

use,:n oi l t tr is occaston fgr pt lst clari fyir-rg the c{oLrbts' i t inust,

Ar{vertising Expr"ess AugtrsL 2009 r 49

the gre:r ter is thr : - I 'eclanor:r t i

Authority of the blog. Techntirati

Rirnk is basecl on ho,,^r far a hlog is

from the top. Tlie hlog wrth rhe

highest Technorati Authority is t lr-e

No. 1 ranked blog.


BlogPulse (wwuv.L,,

owned by Nielsen BtrzzV{etrics, is

describecl as "an alit()nlateel trend

discovery system for blogs""


Atr , ' t r l i t t . : re l )ut l t iUi l i l t r rn i t r r r ing

tool scanning news) blttgs, virlett,

images, and {irrnms m;rtchirrg the

keyworcls of interest . As wi t l ' r( ioogle blog, a search with an

extendecl wi-,i'cl. list cor-nprising tlre

brancl :rncl worcl :rssocii'ltions aiong

with similar concepls prc,ves to h,e

nrore fr'uitftil tharr the L,ranei tr';it'ne



Fir : rds t rends in soclal media.

Tlendpecl ia searches onl iue ;Lnc1

{irrds the artir: les thtrt tall i about

tc i i r r ics of intelcst . Tienelpecl ia

orgainizes the articlcs in a freirclitt ic

slroiving the popular:ity of the toplc

river ttme.

Whi lst ther;e f ree fools hzrve

irrerit-s antl ba.sicaily assist ttre brand

mi-Ll !agers to i lon t lor branel

lneni io i ls , RSSl anr- i IU:rshuP

tecl-u-iokrgies r{i fir{ri:c.r I tl-re fu ture of

branci l l t.n-i i i()rl irg rrucl rcse:irch.

These key tr :c l rnologics ! tovir{r :iclcal i- l ieclrarl isnls t() cru::tft: Lt sr>cial

r ' lashl ' 'oarcl z incl go f reyonr{ . i l rst

c{ !ur-1l i r rg l . rat , ,1 i r )Cnf i r /1r" .

RSS (B"eal iy Si t rp le

Synr l ic i l t ion) , syni l ' ,o i izec1 by an

r)rallge syinbol rvitir r,vhite r,,ra.rzes is

prctty trr-rch ;rct.rrtrsivc trn the W.eb.

Ri i ther t i ra.n v is i t ing wehsi tes for

'-rpclates, :rn RSS f'eeil will provicle

trpclates of changes. Thus,

new is sent to the social clashboard.

A lot of special ist r - r iche rnecl ia

colnpanies of fer F.SS. SUebsi tes

rvithorrt a RSS feed capabil ity carr

t re i -Lsed with Dapper

(www.rlapper.coin) tr.r creafe a feerl

for an entire site or specific pages.

AideRSS is a RSS f-eed fi l tering

service that helps identifu the most

pop,-r lar i teus c i r posts including

blog comments and links, lnterr:iet

bookmarks, clicks, ancl page views.

C)nce a feed is accessible or created,

RSS mori i to i ing using Googlc

Reacier (www.

cnnstitntly checks f: lttgs for new


Cont inuouslyrefinlng the brand

nanle and

associated keywords

helps redtrce noise

offei f iee mashup scrr, ' lces. With a

sociali r-lirsh.bozrrcl ta{ting; F.SS feecls

frtxr. a var.le[y oif sources, historic:rl

informa.tion can be combinecl with

cllrrent anc-l 'fluture rneasr:tes. Tite

clasl'rboiircl ctxltairrs measLtres oi the

heal th of br : rncl eclui ty. By

monitori ing rl"le social meclia, the

brtrncl manager can deterrnine if

'weak signatrs' are iri- i ly provicling

knovdeclge of a trencl, yet to emerge

with k ' rancl r - rsage but otherwise

st:rt istically insignificant. Twitter

messages represent an e:rrly warning

of a topic yet to be blogged.

Increasingtry, t t re br:rnd

landscape exhibi ts emergent

behavior, meaning the brand may be

r-rnpredictahle at

t imes br-r t is a

funct ion of thc

braircl intetactions

tatr<ing place

bet i .oreen the

conversat io l ' rsacrt lss t l i f ferei i t

social media.

Provil leel a brand

manager cioes uot

ha,re zero latency

reciLi i re inents

merit ir-ig knoiviug

everything i i 'r real

timr, ihe free tools

ln order tosuccessfully monitor

qnd engqgewithconYersqlions in

sociql media, hrerndmdnagers need to

toke a leamingcpprocch

f i l te i ' ing out

unwanied or stale


l lashups al low

the branc{ rnanager

tcr assemble dirterse

c(tntent f ro i l

publ ic ly a.rai lable

s()urccs including

RSS feecls. Thc

in:'rshr-rp is huilt in'r,o rlashbotrttJs,

:nrel i . lshct- t r t , i - 1 ' r , rppi i rg

technoiog.T. Masl-rups calr. be createcl

c1' , r ick ly ancj casi iy i r torr i4 j lpg

pt-rssibilities {irr a trew cli'.ss of sl'Loli.'

temr oi: c-ilsposable applicaiiot'ts not

norinally attractirrg clevelopir-ieni

clo1lar:s, br-rt c'ssential f ix uraIketit lg: r r r . l . , ' - . l t ' . r t i : i r ip c ' recrr i i , r - ' ,

c r rirl,lin g hraird-re Ia'cee.l infot'n'ratton

to bc cot-,rhined intt t a c() i l l i11() l ' t

, iarhl . , , , r r . . l l , r r , l vr :ual iz l t r , . , t t ; . i t r t

geo-Locatioit or maltping sciftv,tare'

NJetvibes ( a.r'id

l,4int'lto uch (

anel a 'cio it yor-i-rself' approach can

gr) a trong rti,\t/ t i turttrd.s titc

ur,-ri- l i ioring; ancl mariragemei' lt ()f

hran,--ls ir, socirr.i tlredl:r.

In or,-'1r:r trI :;uccessftilly mtlnitil.,.

zrn,j eilg;r;-ye vyilir coni,etsations in

soci:rl me'-1i:r, L,tancl mauzrgers need

tr ; take : l le i , ru ing : rpProach hY

iurprro ' , 'urg ' ! is iet-r ing' p iocesses J5lr ' ' r i , lg r11r, . , l i l r ' * l , ' ,1q, . , ( \ l ) r l l i 'L '

and, above alt, takirri; a. hattcls-c,ir

approacli to social meclia and branci

nD.nagenleni, r:1

Itcfererrce # 18M.2009-08'tl9-01

Aclvr:i'tisinf-l Express AugLrst 2(l(lL) r 5i