BlogWell Dallas Social Media Case Study: Texas Instruments, presented by Aimee Kalnoskas &...


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The Big Social 2011

Integrating Community into Sales Strategy

Aimee Kalnoskas – WW Manager Community & Social Media

Forrest Lymburner – WW Community Program Manager

January 24, 2012

A Case Study of Texas Instruments

Who is ?

The Big Social 2011


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The Big Social 2011


What We Asked Ourselves?

• How did we sell?• What was the process?• How are our sales forces organized?• Where are the sales offices?• Did we have any central

sales/support?• What tools was our field using?• Who were our largest customers?

What We Found

Déjà-vu Email was King

Lost Treasure

Old Way of Thinking

The Big Social 2011


Construction Began…

• Emphasis on make it “part of” and not “extra”

• We strived to become an integrated part of our sales processes

• We realized if we became too much “extra work” we would fail out of the gate

Started with internal first focusing on field to factory support

Launched an external pilot with a handful of product segments…just those who were willing to experiment

Wrote a story… started telling the story… selling the “idea”

What We Implemented

What We Learned

• Social Media is scary

• Solve a problem …use the gratitude

• Use the momentum

• Never Stop Selling!

The Big Social 2011

The Big Social 2011

Sell It!

If you build it, they will come… doesn’t work

We Started Rewarding

• Field Motivation… Money and Recognition

• Recognized our advocates and early adopters

• Encouraged competition

• Physical and virtual awards programs

What We Implemented

Combined our internal & external sites into one

Expanded the pilot to include the entire business

Rolled our social media principles and our conversation agent training

How We Took it Global

In the beginning…

• We Cookie Cutter’ed

• Launched from Central to the Regional

• Launched three regional communities

Where we are today…

• We learned you can’t assume

• Cookie cutter didn’t work

• We realized field sales is different regionally

• We are now trying to create programs within the region, by the region, for the region

The Big Social 2011

