Bi summit network education product development for ogx and icx-final version

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Business Intelligence:Converting Data into Action for Growth

Rotterdam, 25th-29th November



OGX Product DevelopmentHow to use BI to satisfy your customers

Why BI for OGX Product Development?

Set the right expectations with your


Co-delivery with your main country partners

Enhance your EPs experience


Did you know?!

Charles Schwab turned its fortunes around by placing clients squarely in the center of everything they do (NPS from -35 to 50, developing their product)

Get the DATA about the customer



through Product Development

Transform this data into ACTION

Using CustomerGauge for OGX Product Development

“CustomerGauge gives you all the data you need to develop your product, you just need to know how to find it”

The most relevant data that you can utilize for smarter product development strategies are:

Self Selected Issues

Understand the main

detractors/promoters issues of

your key entity partners

NPS Score

Set goals and track your CY

partners promoters

% of Promoters

Set goals and track your CY

partners promoters

Response Rate

Have a representative



Have a full understanding of

the issues

Self Selected Issues

Use the main promoters and detractors issues to align expectations with your EPs

Track the top issues with you entities partners

Self Selected Issues

#1 Step

Advanced Options:

3) Loyalty: Detractors and Promoters

4) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

5) Status: completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: your country

7) Host Entity: Your CY partners

For LC

6) Home LC: your LC

7) Host LC: Your LC partners

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze (quarterly do the PD is recommended)

2) Filter by: Survey date

#2 Step

#3 Step

Self Selected Issues

Select the top 3 detractors and top 3 promoters issues for level 1 looking to the % (ALL)

1) For each level 1 issue, you look to the level 2 issues of those level 1 issues

2) Than you have the information that you need and what you need to focus to set expectations with your EPs

#5 Step

#4 Step


Use the comments to have a better understanding about the top self selected issues

Understanding better the issues, the expectations setting with your EPs will be better too


#1 Step

1) Use the self selected issue analyses made in the previous slide

2) Click on comments of the top 3 issues of level 1 and level 2 and you will get better information about each issue

% of Promoters

Set goals with your entity partners about the % of promoters

Track the goals monthly

% of Promoters

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze (quarterly do the PD is recommended)

2) Filter by: Survey date

Advanced Options:

3) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

4) Status: completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: your country

7) Host Entity: CY partners

For LC

6) Home LC: your LC

7) Host LC: Lc partners

#2 Step

#1 Step #3


% of Promoters

Calculate the % of promoters of the quarter:

% of Promoters = Number of promoters/Number of responses

Use the last row of the table

#4 Step

Use this data to:

1) Set goals with your CY/LC partners

2) Track your goals

#5 Step

NPS Score

Set goals with your entity partners about the NPS

Track the goals monthly

NPS Score

#1 Step

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze (quarterly do the PD is recommended)

2) Filter by: Survey date

Advanced Options:

3) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

4) Status: completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: Your Country

7) Host Entity: CY partners

For LC

6) Home LC: Your LC

7) Host LC: LC partners

#2 Step

#3 Step

NPS Score

See the current number of NPS Socore of the quarter

#4 Step

Use this data to:

1) Set goals with yoiur CY/LC partners

2) Track your goals

#5 Step

Response Rate

Get the Response Rate to know if you have enough responses (sample) to be representative

Response Rate

#1 Step

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze

2) 2) Filter by: Survey date

Advanced Options:

3) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

4) Status: completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: your country

7) Host Entity: CY partners

For LC

6) Home LC: your LC

7) Host LC: LC partners

#2 Step

#3 Step

Response Rate

1) Look at the Responses (second chart – NOT response rate) of the quarter

2) Identify if you have enough responses and your analyses could be representative:

3) Calculate the sample size needed:

Margin of error: 5%

Confidence lecel: 95%

Population: Number of matches in the quarter

Than you will know the minimum sample needed!

4) Compare this minimum with the number of responses in the quarter (sum the 3 months responses)

5) You need to be sure if you have sufficient responses to do product development

#4 Step

Who should do thisMCVPs Operations, ICX, OGX or MCPs


How oftenEvery Quarter

How to give this information to the LC’sGive national initiatives to LCs to implement it quarterly

Creating the leadership the world needs requires a product the youth desires



ICX Product DevelopmentHow to use BI to satisfy your customers

Why BI for ICX Product Development?

Understand your customer’s concerns

Focus the issues of your Product you need to improve

Improve EPs experience


Rackspace, with its emphasis on achieving greatness, is growing at more than 30% per year and has become the leader in its target markets

Did you know?!

Get the DATA about the customer



through Product Development

Transform this data into ACTION

Using CustomerGauge for ICX Product Development

“CustomerGauge gives you all the data you need to develop your product, you just need to know how to find it”

The most relevant data that you can utilize for smarter product development strategies are:

Self Selected Issues

Set a focus for Product

Development and set goals

NPS Score

Set goals and track

% of Promoters

Set goals and track

Response Rate

Have a representative



Have a full understanding of

the issues

Self Selected Issues

Understand the main customers concerns and set a focus on what you want to develop

Set your goals and track them

#1 Step

Advanced Options:

3) Loyalty: Detractors

4) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

5) Status: Completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: All

7) Host Entity: Your country

For LC

6) Home LC: All

7) Host LC: Your LC

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze (quarterly do the product development is recommended)

2) Filter by: Survey date

#2 Step

#3 Step

Self Selected Issues

Select the top 3 detractors issues for level 1 looking to the % (ALL)

1) For each level 1 issue, you look to the level 2 issues of those level 1 issues

2) Than you have the information that you need and what you need to focus to improve

#5 Step

#4 Step

Self Selected Issues

Self Selected Issues

Advanced Options:

3) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

4) Status: completed

For MC

5) Home Entity: All

6) Host Entity: Your country

For LC

5) Home LC: All

6) Host LC: Your LC

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze

2) Filter by: Survey date

#7 Step

#8 Step

#6 Step

Self Selected Issues

See the top level 2 detractors issues and how much it is contributing to the NPS Score (+/-)

This information helps you to define a focus and also set your goals for product development

#9 Step

#10 Step

See the top level 1 detractors issues and how much it is contributing to the NPS Score

This information helps you to define a focus and also set your goals for product development


Use the comments to have a better understanding about the top self selected issues of detractors

Understanding better the issues, it easier to address the customer needs


#1 Step

1) Use the self selected issue analyses made in the previous slide

2) Click on comments of the top 3 issues of level 1 and level 2 and you will get better information about each issue

% of Promoters

Set goals for the % of promoters of your Product Development

Track the goals monthly

% of Promoters

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze

2) 2) Filter by: Survey date

Advanced Options:

3) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

4) Status: completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: All

7) Host Entity: Your country

For LC

6) Home LC: All

7) Host LC: Your LC

#2 Step

#1 Step #3


% of Promoters

Calculate the % of promoters of the quarter:

% of Promoters = Number of promoters/Number of responses

Use the last row of the table

#4 Step

Use this data to:

1) Set goals for your product development

2) Track your goals

#5 Step

NPS Score

Set goals for NPS of your Product Development

Track the goals monthly

NPS Score

#1 Step

1)Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze

2)Filter by: Survey date

Advanced Options:

3) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

4) Status: completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: All

7) Host Entity: Your country

For LC

6) Home LC: All

7) Host LC: Your LC #2 Step

#3 Step

NPS Score

See the current number of NPS Socore of the quarter

#4 Step

Use this data to:

Set goals for your product development

Track your goals

#5 Step

Response Rate

Get the Response Rate to know if you have enough responses (sample) to be representative

Response Rate

#1 Step

1) Date Range: Select the last quarter that you want analyze

2) 2) Filter by: Survey date

Advanced Options:

3) Programme code: Select the programme that you want

4) Status: completed

For MC

6) Home Entity: All

7) Host Entity: Your country

For LC

6) Home LC: All

7) Host LC: Your LC

#2 Step

#3 Step

Response Rate

1) Look at the Responses (second chart – NOT response rate) of the quarter

2) Identify if you have enough responses and your analyses could be representative:

3) Calculate the sample size needed:

Margin of error: 5%

Confidence lecel: 95%

Population: Number of matches in the quarter

Than you will know the minimum sample needed!

4) Compare this minimum with the number of responses in the quarter (sum the 3 months responses)

5) You need to be sure if you have sufficient responses to do product development

#4 Step

Who should do thisMCVPs Operations, ICX, OGX or MCPs


How oftenEvery Quarter

How to give this information to the LC’sGive national initiatives to LCs to implement it quarterly

Creating the leadership the world needs requires a product the youth desires