Be2camp PR and Marketing for construction businesses in a Web 2.0 world

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PR and Marketing for construction businesses in a Web 2.0 world - presentation by Paul Wilkinson to Be2campnorth, Liverpool, 15 May 2009

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Online: the rise and rise

Paul Wilkinson

‘Before web’

Print and paper, face-to-face Print advertising Media relations and other PR Direct marketing Events – exhibitions, conferences, etc

Still important, but from 1993 …

Web 1.0

Mid 1990s … first generation websites static pages instead of dynamic user-

generated content HTML ‘brochure-ware’, later PDFs limited interaction with site visitors some integration with email

Web 1.5

Since late 1990s … Shared drives Intranets – closed internal websites Extranets – private websites shared, for

example, among project team members

Web 2.0 – aka: social media

Definitions: primarily internet- and mobile-based tools for

sharing and discussing information among human beings

the use of web technologies and web design to enhance creativity, information sharing and collaboration among users.

“People having conversations online”(Sources: Wikipedia; Kaizo)

Web 1.0 v Web 2.0

Web 1.0 was about … Web 2.0 is about …

reading writing

companies communities

one-way two-way

lectures conversation

advertising word-of-mouth

owning sharing(Sources: Joe Drumgoole’s Copacetic; 2006)

Web 2.0 – a lightning tour

Discussion forums (eg: Building, Contract Journal, Constructing Excellence)

Wikis open – Wikipedia organisation – RIBApedia internal - Fielden Clegg Bradley

Blogs personal but work-related corporate media tool micro-blogging – Twitter

“Wisdom of


Web 2.0 – a lightning tour

• Discussion forums• Building• Constructing Excellence

• Home pages• Static to configurable• iGoogle, Google Alerts

• Wikis• Open - Wikipedia• Organisation - RIBApedia• Internal - Fielden Clegg Bradley

• Blogs• Personal but work-related – eg:• Corporate – eg:• Media tool – eg: ZeroChampion, The CJ Foreman, Brickonomics• Micro-blogging – Twitter: personal, corporate, media

“Wisdom of


Web 2.0 – a lightning tour

• RSS• Feed-readers (local or web-based: Newsgator, Google Reader, etc)• RSS publishing (from bloggers, media, corporate, search)

• Social networking• From personal (MySpace, Bebo) …• … to professional (Facebook, LinkedIn) … to networks/groups (Ning)

• Social search (Wikia), tagging/sharing (, Digg, Mag.nolia)

• Sharing:• Documents, presentations, etc (eg: Google Apps)• Voice over IP - Skype• Calendar - Google Calendar; fixing meetings (Doodle)• Photos - Flickr• Video - YouTube• Stuff - Freecycle

• Mashups: Mapping (Google Maps), time-lines (Dipity)• Virtual worlds – eg: Second Life

audit - Crittall Windows

5 blog articles (Bloglines) 15 YouTube videos 173 photos on Flickr 7 Wikipedia mentions At least one employee on Facebook (plus

a FB group – the Silver End Appreciation Society – with 99 members)

audit - Crittal Windows (misspelt)

16 blog articles (Google blogs search) 18 more photos on Flickr 1 mention on Twitter

Oscar Wilde

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
