Advertising budget



Small Business Owners: Watch This Before You Set Your Advertising Budget for 2012

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Small Business Owners: Read This Before You Set Your Advertising Budget for 2012

Small Business Owners: Watch This Before You Set Your Advertising Budget for 2012

Complaining about your advertising budget? Most people would understand what you mean and sympathise.

After all: Advertising is like gambling, you never know what you are going to get, right?


It is a fact that there is one of two outcomes when you advertise:

The advertisement doesnt work and youve lost that money

The advertisement works and you make money

And each of these outcomes has only one possible action you should take:

The advertisement doesnt work STOP running the ad

The advertisement works run the ad like crazy everywhere and make lots more money

Of course, if you dont measure your results you wont have any information to base any decisions on

You need to get a return on your investment, and the only way you are going to do that with your ads is to have excellent information

What most business owners do is they say Our advertising budget is $5000 for this year.

Dont you think thats crazy? What if a friend says to you: For every $100 you give me, I will give you $500 back

Will you say: Well, I can only give $500 per month because my budget for the year is $5000?

Or would you say: If that is the case, I will give you as much money as I possibly can?

If you dont say that - youre nuts

And it's the same with your advertising

This is how to set your advertising budget:

You start with a small campaign to about 500 prospects. Flyers will do for this. Again there are only two possible outcomes:

It will pass. Or it will fail

If it fails, then start again. Change the headline, change the message. Run the campaign again

If it fails, start again

If it works, then you can spend more money on it then go for the more expensive advertising

Keep doing it until it stops working

Advertising is NOT the same as gambling. You CAN get results

You just need to keep testing and testing until you find what works

Just like a scientist working on a problem. Because that is what advertising is: A science

You can start with $20 on a ream of paper and printing out your flyers

Take them to where your target market hangs out, and give it to them by hand. Keep writing new headlines

Keep testing and testing until you find something that works well

Then you have developed a winner, you keep getting more money back from the ad than you are spending on it

Then you cant lose because you have a winning formula

You dont need a budget

You just need something that has been proven to work. And you can do that by working on it, and keep working on it until you find what works

To learn more about advertising and how you can test your results visit Attraction Marketing and receive a FREE report: Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make With Their Advertising.
