5 Key Points for Social Media in 2014



5 Key Points for Social Media in 2014. Discover the trends and platforms to be on in 2014 in the social media industry; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Analytics

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The 5 key points for social media in 2014

1. Photo Sharing

2014 is set to the “photo year” and as ‘digital person’ you will need to be able

to address this.

You will need to ensure that you the person that manages your account is addressing how we are

promoting certain events etc.

Is the graphic, infographic, banner

sending out the right message and is it going to generate


2. MobileThis is an inevitable one, but still cannot be ignored.

The amount of people using smart phones is increasing all of the time. We need to address how people are seeing content on their mobile device. It is my view that we will start to use Pinterest as a more targeted and direct tool to generate business,

depending on the demographic, so, how is our audience viewing our pins or our board. Keeping boards and pins relevant to the

demographic will means that no content is wasting and all content is intended for its viewer.

3. Google + Google + is one of the world fastest growing platforms (along with Pinterest) and is set to

smash 2014!People have avoiding it for some time, as have I,

but now we should try to think about trying to utilize it for business.

Ok, we can experiment with personal accounts, but we need to ensure that we are have a business Google + account. Granted, just

because Google is the universes most powerful website and search engine, it doesn’t

necessarily means that the social media platforms is going to survive, live and thrive. But let’s not take that risk and start using it as much

as possible!!

4. Customer Service

A large percentage of people are now looking to social media platforms as a way of

complaining or showing its appreciation of a brand, service or product.

This is set to continue and thrive in 2014 as people are finding it difficult to get in touch

direct to companies and rather than ringing a help line, customers are going to extend an

instant response service and interaction from at least one social media platform.

5. Stats / Analytics The way we look at statistics and analytics is

also set to be a trend in 2014, as it is a great way of how we find and utilize a demographic.

Whether that be age, gender, interests, sexuality, it needs to be covered and

addressed so that marketing or resource is wasted.