2n204 Zhirong


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Effects & causes of Effects & causes of environmental pollutionenvironmental pollution

Environment pollution

Air pollution Soil pollution Water pollution

• It can also lead to global warming, green house effect, and etc, it is mainly cause by humans .the earth ozone layer is getting thinner & if this carry on, it will be the end of the world……..

If you want to throw anything, think If you want to throw anything, think again, your actions may harm the again, your actions may harm the


WaWant to see the bright world? act nt to see the bright world? act now!now!

referencesreferences• http://www.artima.com.tr/images/aboutus_3.jpg• http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_pages/0143-0511-1802-0003.html• http://www.geology.ucdavis.edu/research/neat_pics.jpg• http://www.sungaijuru.com/news/data/upimages/

P8310250.jpghttp://images. Google .com .sg /imgres?

imgurl=http://lh3.google.com/_1vjcKxI5t3s/Rlr-51IhZXI/AAAAAAAAAGc/jfXQ3TgoaB8/s800/n315342_31401737_1188.jpg&imgrefurl=http://picasa web. google. com/l h/ photo /ijVcIoeEF_ MaOR vcWp PJAA&h=453&w=604&sz=30&hl=en& start=4&um=1&tbnid=0R3IvkGKH-9G1M:&tbnh=101&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpollution%2Beffects%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

If everybody plays a part, If everybody plays a part, anything is possibleanything is possible

• Pollution can also cause human health to be harm, sulphur oxide will produced and contaminate water and animals will be affected. humans can’t live without water, animals ,etc
