20121212 doccle and innovation



keynote speech at bizidee

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Keynote Bizidee Prijsuitreiking 1ste fase

Cooperate to Innovate

EU startups are an incredible opportunity for US Investors

How difficult is the road ahead?

“ I suggest you google doccle today, because you will probably

doccle google tomorrow ”Carl Tilkin-Franssens (CIO Acerta)

Don’t assume you are alone


Investigate your idea for common pitfalls

Need seeking is essential, because a good innovation is a simple solution to a relevant

customer need

Adapt & strengthen the idea to fit the business model and not the

other way around

You don’t have to do it alone

Cooperate for Simplicity

=Cooperate to Innovate

Innovate for Simplicity

Another important reason

Success is

10% inspiration

90% transpiration

You already had the inspiration …

Use possibilities of external financing

100% of nothing = nothing20% of a lot = a lot

• SubsidieorganisatiesIWT, Innoviris, participatiefonds, …

There is a time for dreaming and a time

to …Creëer een financieel kader waarin je de visie kan volgen

vanaf de eerste dag

Bizidee, partners en vele anderen bestaan vandaag om te ondersteunen in elke fase

