13 business secrets from Albert Einstein


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We Believe That Money Is The Easiest , Cheapest And The Most Common Thing To Give To Our

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Published author, speaker and thought leader on social media.

Founder & CEO, Christian Entrepreneur-Social Media 4 Good, Crowd funding 4 Good, Trajectory International LLC

President-Jericho Technology, Inc.

Executive Director-Houston Education Resource Network

Senior VP AILife Insurance Co., AIG Life and Delaware American Life-AIG Marketing Inc

Vice President-MGM Insurance Services Group

Company Owner-Executive Resource Corporation

Air Force Intelligence-United States Air Force

• The business world is all about bold experimentation. if you are dissatisfied with the results don't repeat them.

Insanity: doing the

same thing over and over

again and expecting different results

• If the problems are of your own creation its time to modify yourthinking.failure to do so will simply compound the problems.

We cannot solve the problems

with the same thinking when we

created them.

• To be successful in future you need to view it through imagination. but to truly excel you must think beyond where you think you will be.

The true sign of

intelligence is

imagination not


• The opposite is also true.dont engage in wishful thinking. whatever is actually happening is reality.

A man should look for what is, and not for

what he thinks

should be.

• Its not what you do or how well you it that’s important, its who you are that counts. Strive to do something that matters to others.

Try not to become a

man of success, but

rather become a

man of value.

• If you find it difficult to explain your business in 30 seconds elevator pitch. you don’t understand it well enough. and if you don’t then no one else is going to.

If you cant explain it

simply, you don’t

understand it well


• Mistakes should never trouble you. if you are not making them you are not working hard enough. strive for success at least 51% of the time.

Anyone who has never made a

mistake has never tried anything


• Einstein spent most of his life on the theory of relativity. he then embarked on the ambitious project of universal theory. the theory of everything till his last breath.

Its not that I’m so

smart its just that I stay with problems


• Unselfishness is mandatory to be successful in business.SM you should always place the wants and needs of your customers ahead of your own.

Only a life lived for

others is a life


• SM you should learn the rules completely so that you can engage heartily in a period of sustained effort.SM is simple but it isn't easy.

Learn the rules of the game, and then play

better than anyone


• Never stop increasing your knowledge base. there is a lot to learn which will dramatically improve your chances of success.

Once you stop learning you start dying..

• Without your computer none of this would be possible. make it your trusted friend. learn from it until you can multitask like it.

Computers are fast accurate and stupid. Humans

are slow inaccurate and brilliant. they

both are powerful beyond


• Business live for the achievement of their goals. your accomplishments will make your business life a pleasure, reduce stress and make your happier.

If you want to live a

happy life, tie it to a

goal not to a people or


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