Waste Equipment and Parts - Sign Day 12/11/2010



One of our new dealers, Waste Equipment and Parts from Tampa, Florida, put their signs up on their building. Everything looks great, congratulations guys!

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Sign Day December 11th, 2010

Taking down the other business signs to add Waste Equipment & Parts LLC front building sign.

Joe and I make a final inspection for it goes in place.

Front building sign ready to go up.

Up it goes.

Down just a little on the left.

Completing the install of sign one.

Looks great! Nice job Bruce!

Sign number 2 (over the front door.)

Securing number 2

Shot from the drive away at WE&P

What a great time!

Nice sign!!!

Jerrie (my wonderful wife) wrapped some pictures to make it a happy holiday time at WE&P!

Got Jerrie in a picture!

Looking great inside and out!

Thanks again to everybody that has made this possible!!!!
