Evidence of editing finished


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Evidence of Editing

Evidence of EditingBy Mohamud Madey

The IdentOne of the key elements of editing our title sequence was our 100 Productions edit as well as our new line cinema intro. From the start, our group agreed that the 100 productions will be displayed in a skyline type background. Furthermore, the 100 will be stylised with a drawn on effect. Reeve, who was specialized at after effects, managed to edit this out an incorporate it into our skyline shot. Below is a video that provides evidence on how we done it.

The Clock SceneAnother one of the key elements of editing our title sequence was the clock in which we used to display a sharp change in time . The group agreed that the shots will have a fade out to in to represent a change in day to night and a zoom in as the clock goes towards twelve. Below is a video that provides evidence on how we done it by adding cross dissolve and colour grading.

Preparation shot The other shot that we had to incorporate colour grading was our preparation scene. This is because we filmed it over two lessons which caused a massive change in lighting. However, colour grading allowed us to change the shot to allow us into having a deep and darkish tone for both shots.

The Set Up shot In the set up hot we used the speed up effect to make a dynamic shot of the famous Hatton garden street sign and the CCTV camera. Below is a video showing how we done it .
