Quit smoking adverts analysis - Liam Heeley


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This advert is very effective due to a number of factors.• Colour – The colours used in this image are very dark and add emphasise to the purpose of the advert, which is to

persuade people to stop smoking by showing them the negative effects of the act• Image – The image of this advert gives a very strong negative message about smoking, I know the image is effective

because if the text wasn’t there I would still understand what the advert is trying to portray. The image is ‘thick dirty blood’ dripping out of the end of the cigarette onto the surface of the table, this image is very explicit showing a blood like substance which is dirty due to the toxins in the cigarette. This shows people what effect smoking has on the inside of their body what they cannot physically see.

• Text – The way smoking is described in this advert is very strong and explicit, this therefore makes smokers rethink about their actions because the text is telling the brutal truth, which many other adverts do not, which is what therefore makes this advert very effective. The text also gives an added ‘link’ so that the audience can look more into it if they want to know more, which therefore makes the advert even more effective.

• Overall I like this advert because if I was a smoker, I would definitely re think my actions due to the brutal truth being told. The strong message in this advert also makes me believe that this advert is effective so therefore that’s why I like it.

This advert is very effective due to a number of factors.• Colour –This advert uses very depicting colours to make the advert overall effective, this is important in an advert like

this because the purpose is to inform the audience about the negative effects about smoking and try to persuade them to stop, so the colours create a dark image around the smoking act, which therefore make people think twice about doing it

• Image –The image used in this advert is similar to the one previously, as it has been designed by the same company, this therefore shows that the company is serious about making people stop smoking. The image is showing a ‘roll up’ that has been opened, which then therefore reveals the truth about smoking and what happens to the inside of your body when you do this, so therefore makes people believe that smoking is a harmful act. The image is very strong as it shows the lungs of a human body rotted away and is slowly but surely being destroyed by the substances being smoked.

• Text –The text used in this advert has a hidden message which is ‘smoking kills every part of you and will eventually rot you away’. This message is very strong because it is telling the audience that if they don’t act quick, it will soon be too late for them, which nobody wants to here so therefore the purpose of the advert will have worked by persuading the audience to quit smoking.

• Overall this advert is very effective because of the graphic image shown, which will have an effect on the audience and may persuade them to quit smoking, which is the purpose of the advert.

This advert is very effective due to a number of factors.• Colour –The background colour used in this advert, grey, is very dull, which represents the act of smoking, this adds

effect to the advert because is further makes people think of the negativity of smoking. Likewise, the colour grey has been used on the end of the hand at the fingertip, this is to further emphasise the negativity of the act of smoking. Then the skin colour on the hand is used to show that you can still be healthy if you act quick.

• Image – The image of the cigarette end on the finer tip is very strong and effective, this is because this represents how your body can get so addicted to the substances, you will eventually become the cigarette because there is so much of the substance in your body it is impossible to get rid of it and it has taken over all of your important organs.

• Text – ‘you are harming people around you’ – This is the first piece of text on this advert, I found this out by using the google translate app, but the text is very effective because it gives the audience a wider view of the harm that they are doing whilst smoking and makes them consider other peoples health. ‘you are injuring yourself’- This is the second piece of text on this advert, this is also very effective because it is the main negative point about smoking and adds emphasise onto the negativity of the act.

• Overall this advert is one of the most effective I have seen because it is physically showing the audience that you can turn into the cigarette due to having so much of the substance in your body, which therefore means you are a threat to other people because you could end up harming people just like the cigarette does

This advert is very effective due to a number of factors.• Colour – The background colour used in this advert is one of the most effective colours, the colour black represents negativity,

dullness and harmfulness, which all link to the purpose of the advert. This contrasts with the colour white being used on the image of the boy as it shows how the harmfulness is being dominant of the young boy, the white also represents the innocence of the young boy and how smoking harms innocent children, which is one of the main negative points of the smoking act

• Image – The image in this advert is very strong and explicit as it is showing a young boy, because battled by the fumes off the cigarette, which is very effective because nobody wants to see a child suffering, so therefore makes the audience realise the harm that they are doing to the innocent.

• Text – This advert uses no text, which is a very well used technique in advertisement, this makes the young child the main point of the advert as he is the only noticeable image, this therefore makes the advert effective because all the focus is on the harm that smoking does to innocent people

• This advert is one of the most effective ‘quit smoking’ adverts because of the image of the child, which if I smoked, I would definitely realise the negative effects that I am having on other people and therefore would stop instantly , this represents how the advert is effective because it is achieving the overall purpose of the advert

This advert is very effective due to a number of factors.• Colour – The colours used in this image are very strong, effective colours, this is important because It adds emphasise onto the

purpose of the advert. The colour black is representing the negativity of the smoking act and also links to the gun, which is a very harmful object in the world, which therefore links to cigarettes being very harmful as well. The colour white used on the text is in the colour white, which stands out from the background colour, this is important that it stands out because of the strong message being portrayed in the text

• Image – The image is showing a gun, which is a very harmful weapon, being loaded by cigarettes instead of bullets, this represents how cigarettes are just as harmful as bullets, which therefore make the audience realise that smoking is just as bad as being shot by a gun, but even worse because it is a slow death instead of an instant one.

• Text – The text in this advert is being shown very effectively as it is listing all of the negative effects of smoking and what could happen if you carry on, this will therefore make the audience realise how badly they are effecting their own body by smoking these cigarettes. Also the text saying ‘so why bother starting’ is effective because it represents how the smokers are too late and have already been caught in the trap of this act.

• I like this ‘quit smoking’ advert because of the technique that has been used, which is listing all the negative effects of smoking, this is very effective and is one of the best ways of trying to persuade smokers to quit, so therefore makes the advert one of the best ‘quit smoking’ adverts