Photography 101


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The 3 main Elements of manual

Shutter Speed Shutter speed controls

how long the camera's shutter stays open to admit light to the digital sensor

A lower shutter speed will let in more light, but may give your subjects motion blur if they are moving in the photo.

High shutter speed will give you less light and slow motion down.

Shutter speed is measured in seconds

f stop/Aperture Like the pupil in a human eye,

the aperture on a camera controls light. It does so by closing up to restrict light, and opening up to let it through.

To get shallow D.O.F use a lower number. Greater D.O.F use a higher number.

Aperture controls how much light is allowed through your lens by setting the f-stop.

If you're shooting more than one person, make sure your aperture is at least the same numbers there are people in the photo

ISO (sensitivity of the image sensor)

ISO is an important setting. It controls how sensitive your camera’s image sensor is to the light.

In bright light use a low ISO (outside), in low light you can use a higher ISO (inside).

The lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain.

The higher the ISO the more the greater the noise will be in you image.

Exposure Compensation

How to use all 3 elements

Where to find these elements on your LCD screen


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