Mikolajki 2010



One of the most rewarding things I'm involved in.

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ICF Celebrating St. Nicholas Day at

Kowalewo Children’s Home, 4 Dec 2010

Sheri Torgrimson and International Christian Fellowship church members have

been working with the Director of “Dom Dziecka Kowalewo”, Marlena

Watemborska, for about the past three years to regularly make trips to

Kowalewo in order to spend time with the children there as well as helping with

organizing other activities for them in Warsaw, etc.

Curb-Tec Europe co-owner, Chris Hutchinson, and his wife Kasia have been

actively involved in this through ICF for approximately the past 18 months.

They would like to sincerely thank Decathlon Sports Megastore for the

discounts and free sporting equipment they provided for the kids. Chris would

also like to give a huge thank you to his business partner, Krzysztof Stroinski,

and one of his employees, Marek Swiecki, on their tremendous support with

logistics. It was no small thing and none of it could have been accomplished

without them and some wonderfully dedicated people. Thank You Everyone!!!

Marisa preparing some of the presents for Santa to hand out to the kids.

Something for the kids to do indoors during nasty weather… looks like

Darek and Chris did a really fantastic job on the ping pong table, huh?

Well, not exactly, they did get a little help…

Maybe a bit more than “a little” help…

OK… quite a bit more...

OK, OK… so they did it all and Darek and Chris just got a nice photo op!!!

And don’t think the girls didn’t help too…

So then you just wrap it around like this…

Beautiful bow… much more appropriate than Luke’s clove hitch knot!!!

Jennifer sure looks well-prepared for some Christmas cookies!!!

Yummy… gingerbread cookies!!!

And we’ll just put a cute, little smiley face right there…

Oh, come on guys… no need to play tough… nothing wrong with a little baking!!!

Agata and Christina doing arts & crafts with some of the kids.

Marcin, Rich and Nate finding out that kids are much better at Twister!!!

Nothing like spending St. Nicholas Day with kids to put a big smile on your face!!!

Urzula helping with Christmas tree decorations.

Kasia helping to make snowmen.

Kasia coloring Christmas pictures with the kids.

Sheri and some of the talented musicians getting ready for Christmas Carols.

All righty… y’all ready…

And a 1 and a 2 and a 1,2,3,4...

Michael singing Silent Night in Hindi.

All right, all right… time for the Christmas gifts!!!

And I was told you were a good boy so here’s one for you...

Hey… that’s me… terrible picture though, I’ve lost weight since then.

Crafts, Cookies, Carols… and Christmas gifts… what a great day!!!

Once again, THANK YOU, you are truly Christmas Miracles!!!
