Initial genre reserach


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Initial Genre Research

Molly Turrell

Genres can be used to help categorise different styles and conventions within different industries, such as art, music or film. Some genres may overlap within the industries, for example horror (film) could relate to metal (music) as there are similar conventions such as dark colour schemes and lighting and violence.

Genre: Definition

Pop (costumes)

Many groups that work within the pop genre wear bright clothes which connotes feelings of happiness and enthusiasm. Such feelings are also reflected in their lyrics and the beat in many songs which come from the pop genre. For the women, the clothes are usually quite revealing which can either suggest sexualisation or feminine independence, depending on which way you see it. Another similarity in both male and females groups is that they both all dress similarly, so as not to separate a member or make another member of the group seem more important.

Although the locations of pop music videos vary, the general theme of freedom and happiness is consistent throughout. In the previous one Direction music video they are all running around on a beach and we can see how happy they all are. The colours they are wearing are bright and summery and connote representations of cheer and that they are permitted to do anything, which can sometimes be a negative thing for audiences as young children may feel they can do the same whereas the bands are just doing this and living this life for the camera. Pop music usually represents having fun and “living while we’re young” and not taking friendship or anything in life for granted


The stereotypical style of pop punk is baggy and “lived in”. Loose hanging t-shirts with either baggy shorts or black denim skinny jeans for the boys black skinny jeans with an oversized hoodie or vest top and plaid jacket for the girls. The majority of pop punk bands are male (seen here are Neck Deep and The Story So Far) however there is some exceptions. There are also solo pop punk artists such as Avril Lavigne who was more well-known in the 90’s and therefore has a slightly different, more punk style however her persona still fits under the “criteria” and conventions of pop punk.

Pop Punk (costumes)

Music Videos, Websites, Digipaks

Official Website

Pop punk music videos will usually be filmed in somewhere abandoned or somewhere with lots of people “hanging out” with no worries, usually there isn’t much in between. People who cast in the music videos dress similarly to what was shown in the costumes portion of Pop punk. The colours will be bright with a slightly comical feel so as not to relate too much to pop and add a more edgy streak to the genre. Furthermore, Pop punk is meant to represent breaking the rules, creating your own life how you want it and rebelling against the hierarchy. This is portrayed with groups of teens hanging out together and skateboarding or drinking on the beach late at night or things of that nature.

Pop Punk

The metal clothing style is generally a lot of black mixed with either denim or leather. Depending on preference, listeners of metal will stereotypically wear either a black denim jacket with cut off sleeves and band patches, a metal-related band t-shirt and black jeans or a leather jack with pins and the same top and trousers. Bands such as Trivium, Black Sabbath and Rammstein promote this clothing style as they wear similar styles in music videos and photo shoots however other bands that fall within the metal genre such as Halestorm and Korn wear more relaxed attire however their music is still recognised as being heavy.

Metal (costumes)

Metal is different to the other two genres explored in this presentation. It connotes more of a them of independence and doing things when you want them done. The colours are dark within the music videos to represent complete disregard for authority and promote rebelling and the locations are usually in warehouses or other abandoned places (more sinister than those of pop punk) which suggests that they have ran away to be themselves and join others who feel like this. Furthermore, a lot more heavy metal singers tend to be older than those who sing pop or pop punk(they are typically teens/ early twenties) and this could again symbolise more life control and dominance
