Alaskan photography slide show


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Girdwood and Alyeska Resort

Jack, Japanese Husky

He Stands on his Front Paws .

Tin Can, Chugach Mountains

This is Peace!!!!

I Guess if you live there the Darkness is no big deal , It was kindadifficult to adjust to the lack of day light and I Apologize to my room mates and friends for being a complete grouch for about 5 weeks. THAT SHIT SUCKED!

I want to go Back bcsometimes you don’t realize what you have until its gone. WOW what a beautiful Place.

I Found these Shrimp in the River on a walk one day!! Thought they were so cool!

Zack SmithTail Block

Park Crew Tony- Most Dedicated Kid In AK, Respect to this Guy, He’s Going to Change How Park Riding is in Alaska. He Loves his Life and that’s SICK!


These Dudes RIPP!

I hope you like my Favorite Collection from my 10 Month Trip to Alaska.

Locations Include:

GirdwoodAnchorageBird Point

IndianTurnagain Arm

Chugach Mountain Range

Thank YouZack Smith

Melanie SteinberghThe Girdwood Crew –You Know who you are!