13 zines1


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What is a Zine?

 A zine is a homemade magazine. A zine is a pre-computer blog.

They started as fanzines…homemade magazines for fans of particular bands, styles, whatever…. From zinebook.com: Zines are publications done for the love of doing them, not to make a profit or a living. Most zines are photocopied. Some are printed offset like a magazine, but with a print run of hundreds or possibly thousands instead of hundreds of thousands or more …

Pause. Go over assignment hand out and rules for Zine final project. Look at examples in zine box.

What is a Storyboard?

Creating a storyboard is a simple way to layout your zine before you get started on creating the artwork. Storyboards are used for zines, magazines, comic books, cartoons and movies. They pay close attention to composition and scale, but generally do not use a lot of detail….that is for the final artwork!
